World Chess Championship.- Magnus Carlsen vs. Sergey Karjakin. (GAME 1) [video analysis]

in #sports8 years ago (edited)


Magnus Carlsen vs Sergey Karjakin

Sergey Karjakin controlled the nerves in his first game in the world title match to hold Magnus Carlsen and tie in 42 plays. Not an easy task. Magnus surprised soon in the move 2, with a Trompowsky and took to Karjakin out of the book in the play six. As usual with Magnus, Sergey solved his initial problems but then found himself in a slightly worst position where he could only tie or lose. It did not break and the match began in New York with a draw.


In short, a good result for the applicant, who gave the impression of being very well prepared. It would be expected that Carlsen will have to look in the next few days a game a little more incisive to be able to beat the Russian, who will lead the White in his second game.

You can view an exelent analysis from Daniel King who explain us all the details of the game

Tnks for follow me!! @catto000 .- profile

1, 2, 3


What do you think about the endgame here?
It felt like black was just waiting to close the board.

The first pawn move in the video was met with a move that basically killed the advantage on that side.

And then the movement of the knight into the back field got it cut off and neutralized that advantage.

What are your thoughts?

well, i always learn with these videos of Daniel King. He is a GM and his analysis are superb...

wish i knew how to play chess... need to learn some day!

you can learn all the rules in 20 minutes. To play decently is another story...

20 mins that's it? wow i should give it a try then but yes playing well would be another story i suspect

this is the absolute refence...

thanks for the resource!

Online tools, training, videos and games. They are out there.

There are 6 different pieces with very distinct movements.
Then there is how to set up the board, and the winning conditions.

But then comes the strategy and the tactics. There are books written on just a variation of an opening (queens pawn gambit refused as an example).

So get out there on interwebs and have fun.

i always thought it would be too complex
if i learn, i'll be able to knock one off the bucket list! lol :)


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