NBA Update - Losing On The Dock of The Bay 11.22.18

in #sports6 years ago

Warriors 2.jpg

Team Chemistry. How do you define it? You know it when you see it, but how do you quantify it? Is it when everyone on the team likes each other? The Oaklands A's of the early '70s won 3 straight World Series. And yet they were labeled as the "Battling A's". Fistfights was not an uncommon occurrence.

What we do know about chemistry is that it can separate champions from "also-rans". Chemistry, not talent can often be the deciding factor. The 1977 Portland Trailblazers beat the more talented Philadelphia 76'ers for the NBA Championship.

1977 Blazers 2.jpg

Please don't misunderstand me. You need the talent to win. But if there is no chemistry, it can derail a team's chance to win. The Golden State Warriors have had tremdous chemistry over the last few seasons. Is chemistry the reason they won? Maybe. What we do know for sure is that lack of chemistry could be the reason they don't win it this season.


For the most part it has been smooth sailing for the Dubs. In the Steve Kerr era,
they have won over 80% of their games. The only real hiccups have been due to injuries and "Greenisms". ( A #Greenism is Draymond acting like he is two years old )

How will the early season dustup between KD and Draymond play out? Will it linger throughout the entire season? Will it disrupt their chemistry just enough for another team to slip past them? #CharlesBarkley is fond of saying "You can't win a championship in November. But you can certainly lose one in November".

Until someone actually defeats the Warriors they are still the team to beat. Their current issues could simply be attributed to fatigue. They have played more games and more meaningful games than any other team over the last 5 seasons. It can take a toll. (FYI #Lebron does not seem to be fatigued. He has played more games and more meaningful games than anyone over the last 8 plus seasons.) Dynasties don't get tired in the middle of their run. They get tired at the end of their run. Keep that in mind.

Warriors 4.jpg

Speaking of Dynasties

If you win 3 straight you are declared to be a dynasty. I don't go for this watered down definition of a sports dynasty. You have to win 5 straight to be labled a dynasty. The Warriors have yet to even win 3 straight. Please stop it. It insults my intlelligence.

Food For Thought:

First Title = Blind Squirrel Title (after all someone has to win)
Second Consecutive =”Giggles and Grins” Title (yippee we did it again)
Third Consecutive = “We had a Good Run” Title
Fourth Consecutive = “We are Now Historically Relevant” Title
Fifth Consecutive = “We are Now Officially a #Dynasty” Title

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