Training Plan to Get You Started

in #sport6 years ago


Training with the Right Program

There is so much confusion on the internet with several plans being thrown at you and promoted because they have been used by famous people, bodybuilders, fitness models and professionals.

The truth is that if you are starting out those programs are not going to be tailored to you and to the needs of somebody who is looking to get into the gym for the first time.

What to Look For when Starting Out

The ideal program for you should consist of either full body training or a combination of several body parts. The reason for this is because you are going to receive a greater muscular stimulus by training more muscles groups at the same time as a beginner.

Ideal training splits are:

  • Full Body Training
  • Upper Body and Lower Body

I have put together a training plan that you can access here:

How Many Times per Week

Ideally you will need no more than 3-4 workouts a week. You are still new to this and you will be waking up mornings aching in pain from the training of the day before. Give the chance to your body to accustom to the new stimuli that you are creating and make the most out of this time because you will make the most gains with the least effort.

The Noobie Gains

As a beginner you are blessed with the noobie gains, which means that since your body has never experienced such stimuli from training, it will respond fantastically. Usually the first 6 months are were you make the most changes and that is why you should persevere.

Training is Nothing without Nutrition

Lastly remember that 70% of the equation to improve your physique is in the diet, and only the other 30% is training. So remember to pay attention to what you eat and make proper choices that are going to complement the exercise routine that you are performing.

After all it has to be a lifestyle for it to work.

If you want to know more about nutrition read my last post:

And if you still need reasons why you should start exercising check out my video on dtube:

"Because you deserve a healthy body"


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