Guide to Healthy Eating Choices

in #health6 years ago


Making Healthy Eating Choices

The main concern related to eating is understanding the impact that foods have to our body. It is widely known that food is our energy source with which we provide fuel to our body in order to survive, but there more happening to us when eating than what we realise.

Food is mainly divided into two categories:

  • MACROnutrients are the nutrients which we need in larger quantities and that compose the larger majority of the energy provided.
  • MICROnutrients are the nutrients needed to maintain good health.

Macronutrients is then divided into three categories:

  • Protein are required for protein synthesis and carry out numerous functions in the body.
  • Carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy for the body.
  • Fats help absorb vitamins, protect organs and store energy.

Micronutrients is also divided into two other categories:

  • Vitamins are organic elements required to maintain and promote health processes in the body.
  • Minerals are inorganic elements required to maintain and promote health processes in the body.

What Do These Categories Mean?

This means that food is much more important than just eating when we feel hungry.

We should pay attention to what we eat in order to make sure we give our body the right combination of foods to provide a complete package of nutrients that is required to carry out all the essential functions to maintain health.

Which Food Belongs in Which Category?

I have put together a simple and comprehensive guide which divides foods into the 5 sub-categories of MACRO/MICRO nutrients that will help identify foods and where they belong.

Generally vitamins and minerals are found in vegetables and fruits, that is why it's important to eat several portions per day. Different foods hold different micronutrients, that is why is important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. A guide to provide a complete supply is to focus on eating several colours of foods.

On the other hand protein is found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy. Carbohydrates comes from grain, wheat, potatoes, bread and such. Fat is found in oils, nuts and seeds.

What to avoid?

Now that we know what to eat we should take a look at what to avoid.

Looking at the list linked above it is probably evident that certain foods widely known are not present. That is because they are unhealthy and should be consumed with moderation or not consumed at all.

What should we avoid then?

  • Fast Foods (for example hamburgers)
  • Sugary Foods (for example cakes and sweets)
  • Processed Foods (pre-packaged)
  • Fried Foods
  • Sodas

What to Keep in Mind

Remember that healthy eating is not a diet but a lifestyle. Start by making small changes in your eating by slowly limiting or eliminating unhealthy foods, and replace them with foods that actually provide benefits to your body.


I hope that this post has helped you understand more about healthy eating, please share with your friends in order to spread awareness of how nutrition should be approached to reduce and prevent all the illness related to unhealthy eating.


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