Train with Me #1: Chest, Back & Arms - Grow Naturally

in #sport7 years ago

Hi Steemians!

This is going to be the first post about training schedules.

As you know I am a 100% natural bodybuilder, I have never talked about it but it is a personal choice that I made due to the fact that, although I am a big bodybuilding enthusiast, I do not feel like risking my health especially considering that I compete occasionally just for fun and I have never aimed at any important bodybuilding shows. I will never encourage or discourage anyone taking anabolic steroids as long as you are aware of health risks involved with such practice.

Life is made by several and different experiences: to me bodybuilding is an important part of it, but it is not everything.

Never put all eggs in one basket.

With this said, let's get into training: the main thing to keep in mind is that since protein synthesis lasts from 48 to 72 hours, it is preferable to manage muscle volume by affecting certain muscle groups twice a week.
For this reason total body training is the most used technique (even for beginners), it makes little sense to train one district a day since our body is not divided into sectors, so isolating a particular part of the body without involving the others it's almost impossible.

1. Bench Press: 5x8/10 [rest between sets 120"]

The king of chest exercises, I suggest the first week to try your RPM (max weight for 1 clean rep) and work at 75% of it, it is important to keep scapular adduction to push with the chest fully expanded. Here is a video explaining what I am talking about. As I am an italian youtuber the video is also in italian, but youtube translation will help.

2. Pull ups: 6xmax [rest b.s. 90"]

Second exercise: let's start warming up the back, I suggest you do the first 3 series with a prone grip (pull ups) while the other 3 with a supine grip (chin ups). Try to stay on 6 repetitions at a minimum, if you really can not, move on to machines like the lat machine and do the same.

I am an ex rowing athlete so I spent my adolescence training my back, it helped reaching a good thickness.

3. Incline Bench Press 45°: 3x12 [rest b.s. 90"]

Third exercise: clavicular chest, the development of this part of the body depends a lot on genetics. If you have large clavicles like me and you tend to have broad shoulders, it will be a more exposed part; trapezoid physiques, on the other hand, tend to have a more powerful but less ample chest.

4. Wide Pulley: 3x10-10-10 [rest b.s. 120"]

Fourth exercise, low pulley, this time we will use a technique called drop set, which consists in lowering the weight in the order of about 20%. The initial weight must guarantee the completion of the 10 reps with a buffer of 2 reps (buffer means that even if we could do 2 more reps after those 10, we stop).
Without any rest we immediately lower the weight of 20% and make another 10, it begins to burn.
We lower it again 20% with no rest and finish the set.

5. Scott Bench + French Press: 3x15+15 [rest b.s. 60"]

Last exercise, this time a superset, it means that we move from one exercise to another without rest. We rest 90 seconds after the end of the second exercise for triceps.

(I'm not that big btw, lights and pump makes the magic.)

I know that there might be either experienced athletes and beginners here on Steemit so I did not go so heavy with the exercises, as it is the first post of its kind I am basically experimenting :)

If you like this kind of posts please leave an upvote and a comment with suggestions on what you want to see in the next one.

I am the creator and owner of all contents shared in this post, you are free to use it if you want, just remember to mention the source.


Fede Sox: Naturally Grown Bodybuilder & Fitness Enthusiast


I would like to see one of your legs workout, I'm a former cyclist and it would help.

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