
I'm trying to do this too! but I'm way behind you.

DSo you dance? Do you like dancehall?

I really would like to get into my splits too.. i feel a little discouraged sometimes as an aerialist that does not have her splits! But i never took dance or gymnastics as a kid, and just don't have that flexibility naturally. I have worked really hard but splits are discouraging, and a small injury made it even harder. i will be watching your posts to see you progress. maybe we can get our splits together!

Yes! I hope you will. None of us are naturally as flexible as we'd like to be. It does take work and injuries can be so demotivating. I'm taking my time to get them, to avoid injury. There is too much "splits in 4 weeks" advice out there. As an adult I know I'm not going to get it as quickly as a child could. But yes, as an aerialist I see so many beautiful poses with splits so I'm kicking myself in the ass to get on with it lol.

you see? your strategy is flawed, because you dont think before you act

reminds me of the days of having to do this for a form of karate when I was younger no way could I do that now.

Oh I think you could if you want it enough. It just takes time and painful effort lol.

We only age in autopilot!

Keep fighting. You'll get there.

I'm a long way off yet, but I'm determined! lol

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