Splinterlands: Using Redemption and Weaken Ability Combined to Kill Low Health Monsters

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)


Hello Splinterlands Lovers,

Opportunity monsters are a threat that can affect the outcome of a battle. Some opportunity monsters even have Scavenge ability making them a real threat. All in all, opportunity monsters needs to be dealt with as early in the battle as possible.

There are a few strategies frequently used to counter opportunity monsters.

➡️ 1. Diverting the attention of enemy opportunity monsters via Taunt ability.
➡️ 2. Presenting the enemy opportunity monsters with other low health monsters like FURIOUS CHICKEN.
➡️ 3. Intelligent use of Thorns ability(ENCHANTED DEFENDER).
➡️ 4. Using the shield.

In the battle below, I tried a new strategy to counter the enemy Opportunity monster. It includes the combined use of Redemption and Weaken abilities.

It was a low mana battle with two battle rules Close Range and Reverse Speed. I was expecting that the use of SCREECHING VULTURE by the enemy. So, I decided to use combo of Redemption and Weaken abilities to take out low health opportunity monsters.

My Post1.jpg

New Strategy.png

Battle Link


Team Selection and Placement

I had only one Redemption ability monster i.e. CURSED SLIMEBALL, so I used ZINTAR MORTALIS summoner.

At the very front, I placed CURSED SLIMEBALL. The plan was to use the Redemption ability to take out enemy low health monsters(especially opportunity monsters).

On one down position, I placed HAUNTED SPIRIT. A nice medium weight card to use in low mana battles.

Next, I placed TWISTED JESTER to have heavy Snipe attack. Ranged Snipe attack of 3 with just 4 mana cost, what's not to like.

Then, I placed my HAUNTED SPIDER because of the poison ability. Poison once applied to a monster, cannot be undone.

On the 2nd last position, I placed UNDEAD PRIEST. The plan was to have the Weaken ability.

On the very last, I placed CREEPING OOZE. I admit that I forgot about reverse speed rule set.



The proceedings went as planned. The health of all enemy monsters(SCREECHING VULTURE included) got reduced to 1 by the Weaken ability of UNDEAD PRIEST. Then, thanks to the Redemption ability of CURSED SLIMEBALL, SCREECHING VULTURE died in the very first round(along with FURIOUS CHICKEN). Rest of the enemy team also died quickly. Also notice the application of Poison to the enemy tank.

I love when a plan gets executed perfectly.


Some informative posts about Splinterlands that you might like:

➡️ Splinterlands: The Key to Success
➡️ Splinterlands: Opportunity Ability Review
➡️ "Back to Basics" Rule: Best Playing Strategy/Adjustments
➡️ FALLEN SPECTER: Is it worth the risk????
➡️ Splinterlands: Some Smart Strategies/Adjustments to Improve the Earnings
➡️ DRAGON JUMPER🐲🐲🐲Is it worth it???


How did you like the strategy?
Do tell me in comments below...


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