I found my second legendary card! - Ho trovato la mia seconda carta leggendaria! (ENG/ITA)steemCreated with Sketch.


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I found my second legendary card!

Hi friends, in less than four months since my registration on Splinterlands I found my second legendary card.

Spirit Miner

The card is called Spirit Miner and is a neutral card.
A neutral card has one big advantage: it can be used with all summoners.

The Spirit Miner stats


Spirit Miner's stats are excellent:

  • Magic attack: 2
  • Speed: 3
  • Health points: 6

What makes this card very useful is its ability:


Thanks to this ability it can also be placed in dangerous positions such as the first and last.

How much is it?

Each card has a value in DEC and in dollars (Estimated value):


Spirit Miner is worth 1.32 $ and 1500 DEC.

If we think in STEEM Spirit Miner it has a value of:



The estimated dollar value is almost always higher than the DEC value.
Spirit Miner is no exception even if the two values ​​are very close.

My advice

Before selling a card you must always calculate the two values ​​($ and DEC).
As the dollar value of the card is higher, if you want to sell Spirit Miner, try to sell the card first on the market and only if you don't find any buyer can you decide to convert it to DEC.

Estimated Value and Market Value

The estimated value will generally be greater than the value on the market because those who want to sell a card generally put a slightly lower price.
In fact if we go to see on the market:


So if we wanted to sell this card quickly we would have to put a price less than or equal to $ 1.25.

Spirit Miner is worth 13.20% of the initial cost.

In fact, the registration fee to Splinterlands is 10 $ which is equivalent to 58.82 STEEM


Finding a legendary card like "Spirit Miner" is equivalent to recovering 13.20% of the entry fee to Splinterlands.


What will I do with Spirit Miner?

I won't sell it for two reasons:

1st Reason:

It is a card that I plan to use.

It is very useful in battles that have the following combat rules:



With the right summoner it can become even more powerful:


2nd Reason:

Splinterlands still has a lot of potential and I think the value of this card can only grow over time.

Spirit Miner in action

When you find a legendary card, the first thing you want to do is try it out :)

In this battle I had the following fighting rule:


What better occasion to try Spirit Miner?

With 12 mana available, you can deploy a few cards.

I chose to deploy (in order of position):

** Furious Chicken - Spirit Miner - Crustacean King **

** Alric Stormbringer (Summoner) **

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Thanks to summoner Alric Stormbringer, Spirit Miner has increased his magic attack strength (3).
In a battle like this Spirit Miner it can make a difference.

You can see Spirit Miner in action by clicking on this link: https://steemmonsters.com?p=battle&id=fd3b92f448ef0df20026b9a853189617724d1a32&ref=libertycrypto27

Not yet registered on Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is a beautiful game but it is above all a great investment (my personal opinion).

If you are not yet registered on Splinterlands and have decided to register, you can do it from this link:


obviously if you like to use my refferal link ...

Splinterlands is a beautiful game but it is above all an excellent investment.


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Ho trovato la mia seconda carta leggendaria!


Ciao amici, in meno di quattro mesi ho trovato la mia seconda carta leggendaria.

Spirit Miner

La carta si chiama Spirit Miner ed è una carta neutrale.
Una carta neutrale ha un grande vantaggio: può essere usata con tutti gli evocatori.

Le statistiche di Spirit Miner


Le statistiche di Spirit Miner sono ottime:

  • Attacco magico: 2
  • Velocità: 3
  • Punti vita: 6

Quello che rende questa carta molto utile è la sua abilità:


Grazie a questa abilità può essere messa anche in posizioni pericolose come le prime e le ultime.

Quanto vale?

Ogni carta ha un valore in DEC e in dollari (Estimated value):


Spirit Miner vale 1.32$ e 1500 DEC.

Se ragioniamo in STEEM Spirit Miner vale:



Quasi sempre il valore stimato in dollari è maggiore rispetto al valore in DEC.
Spirit Miner non fa eccezione anche se i due valori sono molto vicini.

Il mio consiglio

Prima di vendere una carta devi sempre calcolare i due valori ($ e DEC).
Poichè il valore in dollari è maggiore, se vuoi vendere Spirit Miner, prova prima a vendere la carta sul mercato e solo se non trovi alcun acquirente puoi decidere di convertirla in DEC.

Valore Stimato e Valore di Mercato

Il valore stimato sarà generalmente maggiore del valore sul mercato perchè chi vuole vendere una carta in genere mette un prezzo leggermente inferiore.
Infatti se andiamo a vedere sul mercato:


Quindi se volessimo vendere velocemente questa carta dovremmo mettere un prezzo inferiore o uguale a 1.25$.

Spirit Miner vale il 13,20% del costo iniziale.

Infatti il costo di iscrizione a Splinterlands è di 10$ che equivalgono a 58,82 STEEM


Trovare una carta leggendaria come "Spirit Miner" equivale a recuperare il 13,20% del costo di iscrizione a Splinterlands.


Cosa farò con Spirit Miner?

Non la venderò per due motivi:

1° Motivo:

E' una carta che penso di utilizzare.

E' molto utile in battaglie che hanno le seguenti regole di combattimento:



Con il giusto evocatore può diventare ancora più potente:


2° Motivo:

Splinterlands ha ancora tanto potenziale e penso che il valore di questa carta può solo crescere con il passare del tempo.

Spirit Miner in azione

Quando trovi una carta leggendaria, la prima cosa che vuoi fare è provarla :)

In questa battaglia avevo la seguente regola di combattimento:


Quale miglior occasione per provare Spirit Miner?

Con 12 mana a disposizione è possibile schierare poche carte.

Ho scelto di schierare (in ordine di posizione):

Furious Chicken - Spirit Miner - Crustacean King

Alric Stormbringer (Evocatore)

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In abbinamento con l'evocatore Alric Stormbringer, Spirit Miner ha aumentato la sua forza di attacco magico (3).
In una battaglia come questa Spirit Miner può fare la differenza.

Puoi vedere Spirit Miner in azione cliccando su questo link: https://steemmonsters.com?p=battle&id=fd3b92f448ef0df20026b9a853189617724d1a32&ref=libertycrypto27

Non sei ancora registrato su Splinterlands?


Splinterlands è un bellissimo gioco ma è soprattutto un grande investimento (la mia opinione personale).

Se non sei ancora registrato su Splinterlands e hai deciso di registrarti, puoi farlo da questo link:


ovviamente se hai piacere ad usare il mio refferal link...

Splinterlands è un bellissimo gioco ma è soprattutto un ottimo investimento.

Se ti è piaciuto il mio post lascia un commento, un upvote o fai un resteem.

Ci vediamo sui campi di battaglia di Splinterlands.



È una carta che mi piace tantissimo, molto poliedrica e valida, la utilizzo spesso, in quanto ha diversi vantaggi per il costo relativamente basso in termini di Mana, scusa il mio linguaggio non proprio tecnico, sai, mi avrai anche voluto fare Leader, ma quello vero lo sappiamo entrambi chi è...

!giphy smile

Posted using Partiko Android

Io lo so bene caro @mad-runner sei tu che non lo sai :)
Il leader per carisma e dedizione alla piattaforma sei tu e soltanto tu :)

Tra un po', tra un po' faccio una contro-rivoluzione, abdico spontaneamente!!🤣🤣🤣

!giphy smile

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Hey @libertycrypto27, here is a little bit of BEER from @mad-runner for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

You just received DERANGED @libertycrypto27 Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at steem-engine.com

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

Si... lo sapete... io...


Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations @mad-runner, you successfuly trended the post shared by @libertycrypto27!
@libertycrypto27 will receive 6.99123150 TRDO & @mad-runner will get 4.66082100 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

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giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

You just received DERANGED @mad-runner Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at steem-engine.com

Hey @mad-runner, here is a little bit of BEER from @robibasa for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Hey @mad-runner, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

You just received DERANGED @mad-runner Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at steem-engine.com

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

oh, my God
legendary card
too luck

thank you @cloudblade

Congratulations @cloudblade, you successfuly trended the post shared by @libertycrypto27!
@libertycrypto27 will receive 0.27844763 TRDO & @cloudblade will get 0.18563175 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

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Hey @cloudblade, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

You just received DERANGED @cloudblade Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at steem-engine.com

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

Grazie mille @robibasa

Hey @robibasa, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

You just received DERANGED @robibasa Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at steem-engine.com

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

Congratulations @amico, you successfuly trended the post shared by @libertycrypto27!
@libertycrypto27 will receive 0.27926775 TRDO & @amico will get 0.18617850 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

"Call TRDO, Your Comment Worth Something!"

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Complimenti! È una bellissima carta, direi proprio che non è da vendere per il momento!

Tra l'altro, per te che hai i summoner al livello 1, una leggendaria fa una grossissimo differenza e spesso vince le partite da sola..

Io non ho ancora trovato nessuna leggendaria tra le ricompense, spero di trovarne una il prima possibile!

la troverai, è solo questione di tempo :)
Grazie del commento @poliwalt10

Hey @poliwalt10, here is a little bit of BEER from @libertycrypto27 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

You just received DERANGED @poliwalt10 Keep up the great work. Congrats, you have been gifted 1 DerangedCoin. You can redeem 20 of them for an upvote from the deranged.coin account. Redeem your tokens by sending to deranged.coin through Steem Engine with your post URL in the memo field, view all your tokens at steem-engine.com

coffeea You need to own more COFFEEA (5 COFFEEA in your wallet allows you to send 1 TOKEN per day)

Thank you for supporting @CatsMakeKittens by being a part of our community @libertycrypto27.

Each CATS you purchase gets you daily upvotes from me @CatScientist as our community grows so do your rewards for being a member!

You have received 5x upvotes from the members of @steemexplorers from your free link submission in our discord server. Steemexplorers is an initiative bringing information on various Steemit services and communities in a central discord to save you time and help you grow. It's free, it's easy, and it's here to help you in so many ways. Come by our discord to learn more! Link to Discord: https://discord.gg/6QrMCFq. Our team also offers an additional upvoting service called @givememonsters where you can presently trade in 1 to 10 DEC from the Steem Monsters game for up to $0.03 upvotes on ANY steemit posts. The vote purchasing value here is some of the best returns on your investments that you can find anywhere so come by and visit this service today!

You got voted by @curationkiwi thanks to libertycrypto27! This bot is managed by KiwiJuce3 and run by Rishi556, you can check both of them out there. To receive upvotes on your own posts, you need to join the Kiwi Co. Discord and go to the room named #CurationKiwi. Submit your post there using the command "!upvote (post link)" to receive upvotes on your post. CurationKiwi is currently supported by donations from users like you, so feel free to leave an upvote on our posts or comments to support us!
We have also recently added a new whitelist feature for those who would like to support CurationKiwi even more! If you would like to receive upvotes more than 2x greater than the normal upvote, all you need to do is delegate 50 SP to @CurationKiwi using this link.

Congratulations @libertycrypto27, your post successfully recieved 7.54894688 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:

@amico earned : 0.1861785 TRDO curation
@mad-runner earned : 4.660821 TRDO curation
@cloudblade earned : 0.18563175 TRDO curation

To view or trade TRDO go to steem-engine.com
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