La última batalla// Splinterlands Fantasy Story and Music Contest // Semana 32 // Español & English

in #splinterlands5 years ago (edited)


Fuente Imagen - modificaciones hechas en photoshop

Adalberto se encontraba en penumbras dentro de su habitación. La luz de la pantalla de su computadora era lo único que impedía estar en total oscuridad. Latas de refrescos esparcidas por el piso. Platos con sobras de comida llenos de moscas, acumuladas por días, incluso semanas.

Cuatro navegadores abiertos. Pasando de uno a otro. Adalberto parecía poseído. Sus ojos no se apartaban de la pantalla. Era como un robot manejando el mouse. Presionaba Ranked y luego seleccionaba las cartas. Tenía semanas encerrado en su habitación jugando splinterlasds. Usaba 20 cuentas propias y le habían delegado otras 5. Las 24 horas del día las dedicaba a batallar. Con solo ver el nombre de su oponente ya sabía si era un bot o una persona real. No tenía noción del tiempo. No respondía las llamadas de sus familiares. No dormía.

Extraños ruidos provenientes de la sala principal lo sacaron del juego. Adalberto se levanto, parecía nervioso, los ojos estaban rojos y sudaba como un cerdo. Vistiendo solo ropa interior, fue lentamente acercándose hacia el lugar donde provenía el ruido, era un crujido. Una flecha rozo su rostro. Totalmente asustado se lanzo al suelo. La pequeña planta que tenía en la ventana se había trasformado ¡No podía creerlo! Ahora era un árbol similar a Earht Elemental. Otro ataque con flechas se aproximaba. Se arrastraba lo más rápido que podía, pero sentía que algo lo hacía ir lento. Fue en ese momento, arrastrándose en el suelo, que vio una gran masa gelatinosa muy cerca. Era un moco verde. Era el Creeping Ooze , por eso sentía que sus movimientos eran lentos. ¡Tengo que escapar de aquí! Como pudo se arrastro al baño, abrió los grifos de agua y espero que inundara el piso, coloco jabón. Al rato, esa agua enjabonada fue arrastrando el Creeping Ooze por el desagüe.

Parecía estar dentro de una pesadilla. Las criaturas con las que pasaba día y noche jugando, estaban cobrando vida. Con el moco neutralizado, recobro su velocidad normal. Se encerró en el baño, debía encontrar algo para destruir a Earht Elemental.

En ese instante, sintió un corrientazo que lo tumbo dentro de la bañera. Las Electrics Eels le dieron una descarga que lo hizo perder el equilibrio. La medusa emergió de la bañera. Adalberto grito de terror. El Crustaceun King apareció de la nada y comenzó a morderlo y clavarle flechas en sus pies. Los gritos de auxilio no parecían logra nada. Una Spineback Turtle clavava las espinas de su caparazón en su espalda . El agua de la bañera se fue tornando roja por la sangre. El instinto de supervivencia logro que Adalberto sacara fuerzas y olvidándose del dolor que sentía, comenzó a darle puñetazos al rostro de la Medusa: Las serpientes que conformaban el cabello de ese monstro marino, emitían un chillido después de cada golpe. Cada puñetazo era más fuerte y destrozaba una parte de la criatura. ¡Lo había logrado! Mato a la Medusa y las otras criaturas desaparecieron.

Se disponía a abrir la puerta del baño, pero esta se le vino encima. Un descomunal golpe lo estrello contra la pared. Quedo totalmente aturdido. Su sorpresa fue grande cuando se percato que tenía en frenteal Pit Ogre de fuego. El Mounstro levanto su mazo y se preparo para reventarle el cráneo. Adalberto aprovecho que los movimientos del Pito Ogre eran lentos y esquivo los mortales golpes. Ágilmente se metió entre las piernas de la bestia y desde atrás se subió a sus hombros, tapándole los ojos. Pit Ogre no lograba alcanzarlo y soltó su mazo. Adalberto aprovecho para agarrarlo y lo golpeo en la cabeza. El temido Mounstro de fuego cayó muerto. Ahora estaba armado con ese poderoso mazo, cualquier criatura de splinterlands que se le atravesara, recibiría una paliza.

Snap 20200126 at 16.56.21.png

Fuente Imagen - modificaciones hechas en photoshop

La sangre brotaba de sus pies y brazos, pero solo le importaba sobrevivir. Se lanzo hacia el Eraht Elemental. Una flecha le atravesó una pierna. El dolor era insoportable. Como un lunático, se puso a golpear el árbol con el mazo que le arrebato a Pit Ogre. ¡Otro mounstro que derrotaba ¡Adalberto se sentía invencible.! ¡Era un campeón!

Cuando pensaba que todo había terminando. Espectros y esqueletos salieron de la oscuridad. Una maléfica Dark Enchatress volaba en una escoba por toda la casa. Uno de los rayos de magia lo golpearon y sintió un ardor en el pecho. Phanton Soldier, Boogyman y Undead Priets también lo estaban atacando. Esos rayos de magia le quemaban la piel. Buscando protegerse con los muebles, vio un cuadro en el suelo. ¡Sintió alivio! El cuadro era de Lord Arianthus. Inmediatamente lo sujeto con fuerza y utilizo como escudo. Cada ataque de magia era devuelto. Todos los monstruos de muerte fueron eliminados. El cuadro de Arianthus recibía el daño. Y cuando estaba a punto de quebrarse, fulmino a la diabólica Dark Echantress.

¡Lo logro! Adalberto los venció a todos. Fue corriendo hacia la puerta de salida y en ese momento sintió una flecha atravesándole el abdomen. Volteo la mirada y distinguió entre las sombras a la letal Selenia. Sintió unos fuertes golpes. Era Finedish Harpy reventándole las piernas. El Manticore clavo sus mortales garras en la espalda. Una luz dorada alumbro todo el lugar. Era el Gold Dragon a punto de escupir todo su fuego contra el indefenso hombre. Adalberto levanto el cuadro de Arianthus totalmente deteriorado. Ya no había nada que hacer. Nada podría impedir que la furia de los dragones fuese la última batalla de Adalberto.



Los vecinos estaban impresionados por el hallazgo del cadáver del Adalberto. Era un chico tranquilo, casi no salía. No hablaba con nadie. Sus familiares culpaban su obsesión con jugar en la computadora. El cuerpo fue encontrado sentado frente a la computadora. Había pasado semanas sin tomar agua ni probar alimentos. El médico forense dijo que sufrió un colapso cerebral que luego le provoco un paro cardiaco. Tenía heridas en todo su cuerpo, presumiblemente auto infringidas a causa de la locura que lo hizo delirar. Se llevaron el cuerpo. Tenían que descartar el homicidio. Desalojaron la vivienda. Un policía se quedo vigilando el lugar. Estar completamente solo lo aburría. Encendió el monitor de la computadora. Vio el juego Splinterlands, le llamo la atención. Anoto el nombre, lo probaría cuando llegara a su casa. Perola tentación de jugar fue mayor y presiono el botón Ranked.

Las imagenes tiene Pixabay License
Gratis para usos comerciales
No es necesario reconocimiento
Fueron agregados imagenes y logos de Splinterlands para ilustrarlo y que este relato es hecho para un concurso para Splinterlands, po rlo tanto, se tiene el permiso de usarlas imagenes de Splinterlands.

English Version


Imagen Source - modifications made in photoshop

Adalberto was in the dark inside his room. The light from his computer screen was the only thing that prevented him from being in total darkness. Soda cans scattered on the floor. Dishes with leftover food full of flies, accumulated for days, even weeks.

Four open browsers. Switching from one to the other. Adalberto seemed possessed. His eyes didn't leave the screen. He was like a robot handling a mouse. He would press Ranked and then select the cards. He had been locked in his room for weeks playing splinterlasds. He used 20 of his own accounts and had been delegated another five. Just by seeing his opponent's name, he knew if he was a bot or a real person. He had no sense of time. He didn't answer his family's calls. He didn't sleep.

Strange noises coming from the main room took him out of the game. Adalberto woke up, he looked nervous, his eyes were red and he was sweating like a pig. Wearing only underwear, he slowly went towards the place where the noise was coming from, it was a crunch. An arrow grazed his face. Totally scared, he threw himself to the ground. The little plant in his window had been transformed. He could not believe it! It was now a tree similar to Elementary Earht. Another arrow attack was coming. He crawled as fast as he could, but felt that something was slowing him down. It was at that moment, crawling on the ground, that he saw a large gelatinous mass very close by. It was a green booger. It was the Creeping Ooze, so he felt that his movements were slow. I have to get out of here! He crawled into the bathroom, turned on the water taps and hopefully flooded the floor, put on some soap. After a while, that soapy water was dragging the Creeping Ooze down the drain.

It seemed to be inside a nightmare. The creatures I spent day and night playing with were coming to life. With the mucus neutralised, it regained its normal speed. He locked himself in the bathroom, had to find something to destroy Elementary Earht.

In that instant, he felt a rush that knocked him into the tub. The Electrics Eels gave him a shock that made him lose his balance. The jellyfish emerged from the bathtub. Adalberto screamed in terror. The Crustaceun King appeared out of nowhere and began to bite him and stick arrows in his feet. The cries for help seemed to achieve nothing. A Spineback Turtle stabs the thorns of its shell into his back. The water in the bathtub turned red with blood. The survival instinct made Adalberto draw strength and forgetting the pain he felt, he started to punch the face of the Medusa: The snakes that made up the hair of that sea monster, emitted a scream after each blow. Each punch was stronger and destroyed a part of the creature. He had done it! He killed the Medusa and the other creatures disappeared.

He was about to open the door to the bathroom, but the door came down on him. A huge blow crashed him into the wall. He was completely stunned. His surprise was great when he realized he had a fire pit ogre in front of him. The Monster raised his sledgehammer and prepared to blow his skull to bits. Adalberto took advantage of the fact that the movements of the Pit Ogre were slow and he avoided the deadly blows. He nimbly slipped between the beast's legs and from behind climbed onto his shoulders, covering his eyes. Pit Ogre could not reach it and released his mallet. Adalberto took the opportunity to grab him and hit him on the head. The dreaded Fire Monster fell dead. Now he was armed with that powerful mallet, any splinterland creature that got in his way would take a beating.

Snap 20200126 at 16.56.21.png

Imagen Source - modifications made in photoshop

Blood streamed from his feet and arms, but he cared only for survival. He hurled himself toward the Elemental Eraht. An arrow pierced his leg. The pain was unbearable. Like a lunatic, he began to hit the tree with the mallet that he had taken from Pit Ogre. Another monster that defeated Adalberto felt invincible. He was a champion!

Just when he thought it was all over. Wraiths and skeletons came out of the darkness. An evil Dark Enchatress flew on a broomstick all over the house. One of the rays of magic struck him and he felt a burning sensation in his chest. Phanton Soldier, Boogyman and Undead Priets were also attacking him. Those magic rays were burning his skin. Seeking to protect himself with the furniture, he saw a painting on the floor. He felt relief! The painting was by Lord Arianthus. He immediately held it tightly and used it as a shield. Every magic attack was returned. All the monsters of death were eliminated. The painting of Arianthus took the damage. And when it was about to break, it struck down the evil Dark Echantress.

He did it! Adalberto beat them all. He ran to the exit door and at that moment he felt an arrow pierce his abdomen. He turned his gaze and saw the lethal Selenia in the shadows. He felt some heavy blows.It was Finedish Harpy busting his legs. The Manticore stuck its deadly claws into his back. A golden light shone all over the place. It was the Gold Dragon about to spit all its fire at the helpless man. Adalberto lifted Arianthus's completely deteriorated painting. There was nothing left to do. Nothing could stop the dragons' fury from being Adalberto's last battle.



The neighbours were shocked by the discovery of Adalberto's body. He was a quiet boy, he hardly went out. He didn't talk to anyone. His relatives blamed his obsession with computer games. The body was found sitting in front of the computer. He had gone weeks without drinking water or tasting food. The medical examiner said he suffered a cerebral collapse that later caused a heart attack. He had injuries all over his body, presumably self-inflicted because of the insanity that made him delusional. They took the body away. They had to rule out murder. They cleared the house. A cop stayed behind to guard the place. Being all alone bored him. He turned on the computer monitor. He saw the game Splinterlands, got his attention. He wrote down the name, tried it out when he got home. But the temptation to play was greater and he pressed the Ranked button.

Images are licensed under the Pixabay License
Free for commercial use
No recognition necessary
Images and logos of Splinterlands were added to illustrate this and that this story is made for a contest for Splinterlands, so you have the permission to use images from Splinterlands.


Excelente publicación.

@tipu curate 4

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