Ferexia General - SplinterLore Profile

in #splinterlands5 years ago (edited)

Ladies and gentlemen, it's coming soon...

I cannot wait until I can share all these Splinterlore profiles with the whole Splinterlands user base. I think it's fantastic that some of you take the time to find me here (when I have time to post), but I am itching to really get out there and start telling this story.

We are a baby girl! 16.png

Did you know that there are already 224 unique cards in play? Of course, that list grows every time new reward cards are added or another airdrop takes place. And don't think that we're not already working on Untamed's successor.

Each of these monsters, characters and cards has a story to tell. In fact, they all have an endless number of stories to tell. We are creating a universe for games, and as I have said many times throughout this process, this is only the beginning.

These profiles are not only part of my process in the formation of this universe, but they are meant to provide a feel for the Splinterlands, share bits of information, and most importantly, to sow the seeds of conflict for the future.

What is Untamed?

The fulfillment of the Untamed Prophecy has taken many disturbing forms throughout the Splinterlands, from the corruption of the pious to the maddening of the chickens. Peasants have gone wild. Some have burned their own villages, while others have taken to the forest.

Perhaps the strangest aspect of the Untamed is the suddenness of its approach. The Prophecy itself is comprised of at least four separate prophecies that were discovered (as if by coincidence) only days apart from one another. HERE is the story of one of these discoveries.

Following the recovery of these prophecies, the word Untamed swept the Splinterlands like wildfire, and on its air was something horrible. Not entirely madness, but something that craved disruption and disaster.

From the lowest laborers to the most powerful Viziers and Generals, none have been spared from the reach of Untamed. Notice the glowing eyes of the pictured Ferexia General; they are a tale-tell sign that he has been afflicted.

Ferexia General.png

Ferexia General

Splinter - The Burning Lands

Set - Untamed

Class - Range Attack Sniper

Habitat - The home base of a Ferexia General is in the city of Zalran, where they can be outfitted with all the comforts and luxuries that their station deserves. Generals however spend a great deal of their time traveling around the entire Splinter inspecting various outposts and stations for the Torch. In battle, they are expected to live on the battlefield, and obligated to die there if necessary.

Size - Ferexia Generals are typically standard Humans, but they have always been (and always will be) tall men. It is written in the sacred writings of the Torch (of which there are few) that the leaders of the army shall always be tall.

Lifespan - Generals are chosen from the most gifted of the most exceptional Ferexia Warriors, always Human or Efreet. They are usually given the rank of General at a young age, but this is because Generals are not expected to live to their natural end. It is a prestigious rank that comes with a great deal of pomp, but there is a saying in the Smoldering Forest: “General by twenty, worm food by thirty.” It’s not much of an exaggeration.

Weapon - The Fire Blaster is a simple-looking but surprisingly destructive weapon. It is not trusted in the hands of anyone but a Ferexia General, or anyone a Ferexia General hands it to. In the simplest possible terms, it blasts fire. Generals are also armed with swords and daggers, but when given the option of the Fire Blaster, blades just don’t do it for the Ferexia.

Diet - The higher ranks in the Ferexia army enjoy a well-balanced diet, compared to a typical resident of the Burning Lands. A Ferexia General, getting basically whatever he wants, will take his pick of meat, grain, vegetable or delicacy from anywhere in the Splinterlands. The Torch has always seen to the care of the bodies of their Generals.

Allies - It is absolutely imperative that Ferexia Generals recognize the authority of none but the Torch. They do not bother with diplomacy nor alliances; the Torch has specialists for that. Generals follow orders, and they are used for conquest and defense.

Enemies - The bitter feud between Khymeria and the Burning Lands continues as strongly as ever. Both sides have committed vile atrocities against the other, and apparently it is within the power of neither side to forgive. The military has a special and bitter hatred reserved for all the Khymian people. The Ferexia Generals are no exception.

Work - The history of the Ferexia is a long and bloody one. The Burning Lands has always been as overpopulated as it is inhospitable, and countless thousands of people have died in wars, feuds, plagues and disasters. The work of a Ferexia General has always been simple: To preserve Ferexia life, whatever the cost.

Pastimes - Ferexia Generals often have eccentric tastes in entertainment, a trait which has been theorized to come from their high-pressure job. General Piro for example, enjoys taking vacations to Beluroc, the living lands of Mortis, where he can listen to the seven-hour concerts of the famed Screaming Choir. General Yuto spends his time training a special unit of what he calls war chickens. They still have the appearance of normal chickens.


@CarrieAllen and @ChrisRoberts




Good stuff, Its always fun reading one of your Splinterlore topics.

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Cool one! Keep that lore coming! ;)

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