My Lucid Dreaming Journey Day 40 - Lions and Tigers As PETS!

in #spirituality6 years ago

Lucid dreaming journey day 40.png

It's Hard To recall Anything!

I have been struggling a lot when it comes to dream recall. I haven't posted for 2 days again, since I couldn't remember even a single detail about my dreams.

And since there was no progress with lucid dreaming, I'm not gonna make a post talking about nothing...

The day before, I even took Dream Leaf again, but I still didn't dream!

I tried searching online if anyone has the same problems as me. I mean, I should be getting better at dream recall, since I put so much effort and focus towards this.

I think about lucid dreaming throughout the day, I do a million reality checks, I read and watch videos about lucid dreaming, I go to sleep thinking about lucid dreaming, I wake up after 4 hours of sleep and I'm thinking about lucid dreaming, I keep a dream journal.

On top of that, I'm meditating every day, I'm really aware of my surroundings, I try to eat healthy, I don't smoke or drink, I exercise, plus I never stress or worry about anything and I feel extremely well and healthy, I'm full of motivation and energy.

But... When it comes to dream recall, it feels like I'm doing something wrong!

Anyway, Like I've said, I searched online if anyone has similar problems. Surprisingly I found plenty of posts in forums where people experience such thing. They call it - "Dry spell".

Basically, dream recall can get worse for absolutely no reason. It happens to a lot of people and it seems to be happening to me as well.

Also, some say that if you focus too much on a poor dream recall it makes it worse. Maybe I have been focusing on it a bit too much.

I shouldn't be questioning it too much, instead, I should expect and think about great dream recall. I spend too much time thinking, "Why is my dream recall so poor?".

Thus, I'm telling my mind that I want poor dream recall.

Today, I finally remembered one of my dreams, but it wasn't very vivid, although I felt good about this dream when I woke up. I don't know why, but I was simply happy that I had this dream.

When I stepped out of bed, I noticed that I feel so amazing. Even the smallest things make me smile. I'm just living in the moment.

I can hardly explain this euphoric feeling, but It's awesome! Plus, I just noticed that music sounds so good to me right now...



Pet Lion And a Tiger

My dream memory starts when I was at my house with a lion and a tiger. Apparently, they were my pets! Ain't that cool? I wonder how I didn't realize that I'm dreaming, because that's not very regular...

Oh, I also had a dog, but who cares about that when I have a fucking tiger and a lion. Yeah, this dog was so irrelevant, it actually disappeared as the dream went on and I didn't even notice.

Anyway, I don't really remember what was I doing with those vicious beasts, but I remember being extremely happy with them. I felt so good.

As time went by, the lion disappeared as well. But... He wasn't as boring as the dog, so I actually noticed that he was gone. I didn't go looking for him, but I kept thinking about how I wanted him back.

Moments later, the tiger was gone too! This time I actually went looking for him, because I really liked the tiger. I went outside my house and I heard him roar very loudly somewhere in the distance.

But this sound... It was like a dinosaur or something. It was very loud.

After 10 minutes of searching, I found him near my house. He seemed really sad and scared. Almost as if somebody hurt him.

For some reason, right at this moment I had a thought in my mind... "It's a fucking tiger! It might be my pet, but he is a predator and he could kill me any time".

Seems like I was becoming a bit more aware, and I might've been close to becoming lucid, but I drifted off again.

I took the tiger back home and I comforted him. I was happy again.

Then, time went by really fast and it was like 10-20 years later. I was no longer at the same house. We were in a different place.

The funny thing is, I actually talked with the tiger, and I heard him talking as well! We got outside and he ran towards the neighbor's trash can. He was eating something.

I told him to come back, "It's not cool eating from your neighbors trash can", I said.

He came back and I opened my trash can. There was a fully cooked turkey! He was like, "Woah, all that for me?".

I said yes! He really appreciated this. I remember we were talking about something, but at times my view changed.

I saw myself from the side. When this happened, I was talking with the tiger, but I wouldn't hear the tiger's words anymore. I would only hear him roar.

When my view came back, I asked him, why do I hear you and others can't?

This is the most memorable thing in my dream. He replied, "Because we have a strong connection with each other".

When he said that, I felt so alive! I just can't explain the feeling.

My dream ended here...



Some Dream Interpretations

I never normally did this before I started this journey, but I think it's going to be fun to check out what my dreams mean, since I'm getting more involved with them.

I don't necessarily believe the interpretations, but it's a great way to get even more immersed into the dream world.

Apparently, lions and tigers are called spirit animals in dreams. They can represent specific character traits and so on. So, what does it mean to dream of a lion? Here's what I've found:

In my research into older dream dictionaries to come across a “friendly” lion indicates you will encounter someone in real life who is fun, observant and great to be around. There will be a bridge of understanding that a person will become a true friend, not just someone you discuss the weather with. (Source)

Oh, a new person will enter my life? And it's not just someone that I will discuss the weather with? That's fantastic! What more could I ask...

But, there was also a tiger in my dream. What could that possibly mean? Here's what I've found:

A tiger dream can also represent good health and vitality. If you are at peace with the tiger, it can indicate that you are in a good place in your life. (Source)

That's spot on! Like I've mentioned before, I feel fantastic, healthy, powerful, motivated and full of energy. Plus, I'm doing the things that I want to do in my life, so I'm in a good place.

But then again, I could be dreaming of tigers and lions just because 5 days ago I was at the zoo and saw those beasts there, LOL.

I'm ending this post here. At the end of each post I'll include my first post (down below) about this journey as it explains why and how I'm doing this! (Full Post Here)

Dream Journey.png


I Will Be Doing This Every Day!

The main reason I want to start lucid dreaming, is for self improvement.

I've been reading a lot about it and studies have shown that you can actually improve certain abilities by doing it in your dreams.

For example, if you wan't to learn a foreign language, you can practice it in your dreams. Since you're working with your subconscious mind while you're sleeping, you might find out that you know words that you were never aware of while conscious.

It's really all up to your creativity to what you wanna learn and improve upon in your dreams. Is it basketball that you want to become better at? You can do that!

Do you want to become a better fucker? Nobody is holding you back! Just make a nasty slut appear in front of you and do whatever you want with her!

Apparently while sleeping, the neural pathways engaged in the activity are strengthened, and not only imagined or visualized.

To achieve lucid dreaming, a lot of action has to be taken. Well... Some find it really easy to lucid dream, but most have to achieve it the hard way.

It's really important to think about lucid dreaming throughout the day. This way you're telling your subconscious mind that this is what you're focusing on and what you want, thus it gives you the access to control the dream world.

There are quite a few things I will be doing in order to achieve this goal!

  1. So, first of all, I will be posting my whole lucid dreaming journey here on Steemit every day.

  2. I will be writing down all of my dreams on a journal. A dream journal is basically essential if you want to achieve lucid dreaming.

  3. I will do at least 30-50 reality checks every day.

  4. Have a sleeping rhythm. That means I will be going to sleep at the same time every night. I'll also wake up at the same time every morning as well.

  5. I will also experiment with some techniques to induce lucid dreams.

  6. I won't look at any screens (computer, TV or even phone) 30-60 minutes before bed, because I've read that this helps a lot. For those 30-60 minutes I will be meditating.

  7. Talk, read and think about lucid dreaming constantly.

  8. Occasionally I will listen to lucid dreaming binaural beats and hypnosis.

  9. I will use an app called Awoken. This app is designed to help you achieve lucid dreaming. It reminds you to do reality checks throughout the day and it has a dream journal, which is where I will be writing down all my dreams when I wake up.

  10. I will experiment with the supplement called Dream Leaf, I already ordered it and I will use it when it arrives. I will take it only once or at most twice every week to see if it changes anything about my dreams and the ability to become lucid.



Tracking All My Progress!

So, like I've mentioned before, I will be tracking all my progress and I'll be posting about it every day here on Steemit.

Also, after I achieve lucid dreaming, I won't stop posting about my experiences for some time still.

When I achieve my goal, I will be writing down a lot of experiences that I have inside the dream world, and I'll experiment if it's actually possible to improve real life skills while sleeping.

I set a personal goal to achieve lucid dreaming within 30 days starting today. I'm really excited and hopefully I'll be able to do that even faster than 30 days!

This is not the first time I try to achieve lucid dreaming, but I never took it seriously and I was too inconsistent, so I never even came close to becoming lucid.

But this time I'm gonna SMASH it and record the whole journey on this blockchain!

UPDATE: I achieved lucid dreaming for the first time on day 12


I'm going to lucid dream tonight!


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Animation By @zord189

This week's posts:
Day 39 - Vibrational State, Body Parts and Voices In My Head...
Day 38 - Dream Recall Got Worse...


Hello @trendo, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

That's so cool! Thank you :)

Great post once again! I feel very much at home when reading this because personally my entire day I spend about roughly 80% contemplating dreams.

Your interpretation of the tiger connected to you has Truth to it for sure, but I especially think that you had past lives with tigers or even as a tiger, and hence share a special bond with them.

Becoming more aware in the dream state also lends increased mental strength in the physical realm. As I told once, we can get as aware in the dream state as in the waking state.

I also have had several encounters with lions and tigers in the dream state, and there is also a lion and tiger planet. I went there twice, and there were lions going on all four legs and others went just like us on two feet. There were also lizard-like beings walking on two feet.

More specifically in my case, I can say that my Astral experiences prepare me for my next lifetime. I told you that my birth planet will be a nature planet with huge insects and plants. I have encountered quite some large insects there, and since spiders were not among them I was sure that they will come as well one day. And this just happened one week ago! How bad that I cannot show you a photography. The image is imprinted in my mind 100%. Slowly but surely though I acclimate myself to the size of insects on that planet, because they are less 'aflutter'.

Thanks once again. Very relaxing to read this :)

Glad you enjoy reading these posts!

I do like tigers for some reason. I always found them to be fascinating. Even when I went to the zoo recently, when I was checking out this tiger, I stared at him for a while even though it was just going in circles and didn't do anything interesting. This tiger noticed me after a while and stared at me as well, LOL. He was just looking at me, completely frozen. But not in an aggressive way, the tiger just looked surprised, for some reason. Then I left and I kept thinking about this moment.

Seems like you have some nice experiences as well! It would be freaking awesome if we were able to have photographs of our experiences that are absolutely out of this world.

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