My Lucid Dreaming Journey Day 30 - Finally Did A Reality Check In a Dream!

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

My Lucid Dreaming Journey day 30.png

Became Lucid This Morning

Before going to sleep, I meditated and took Dream Leaf. I fell asleep in about 30 minutes... As usual, I set my alarm to wake me up in 4 hours.

Since I took the blue pill, I had to take the red one after 4 hours. Yeah, sure... Like that ever happened!

I didn't wake up! I can't believe my alarm was not able to wake me up. I wasn't even tired or anything. I woke up 3 hours later than I should've.

Anyways, since I took the blue pill, I had to take the red one even if I woke up way too late. I didn't know if it's going to be effective or not.

I felt quite energetic and I didn't want to sleep, but I had to! So, I spend like 30 minutes until I fell asleep again.

And to my surprise... I actually did a reality check while I was dreaming. I became aware in a dream! This is a big step forward, because it never happened before.

I was only able to induce lucid dreams through performing the FILD method, but never have I become aware while already dreaming.

Sadly, it didn't last... I did a reality check by looking at my hand. It was deformed and I got a bit too excited. I woke up instantly. But still, this is great progress!

When I woke up, I didn't move. Seconds later, I started feeling like spinning. Like my soul is being dragged out of my body. It's a cool feeling once you get used to it!

Then, I heard a "click" sound, and this is when I knew... I'm lucid dreaming again! This time I tried to stay calm.



I kept Waking Up!

As always, I was in my room laying in my bed. I got out of bed and tried to change the scenery. I realized that I have 0 control again. Damn...

For some reason, I woke up again. I wasn't excited or anything. But, I didn't move again and within seconds, I started feeling those sensations again.

This happened like 5 times within 20 minutes.

Until the last dream. I got out of bed and I was simply amazed how real everything feels. Even though it's not the first time I'm amazed by this, it seems to be getting better and better!

I spent like 5 minutes in my room looking at stuff and I kept telling myself, "Woah, feels awesome! Can't believe this is just a dream".

When I looked at my hand, I was amazed how my brain distorts it. I can't count my fingers, but it's a very funny felling. You're just looking at your fingers, it feels like you know the number, but the amount of fingers is constantly changing.

Then, I turned on the computer and started playing a video game. I really enjoyed playing the game. It was a third person shooter.

But, after playing the game for a few minutes, I forgot I was dreaming. I guess it's easy to get absorbed into specific activities...

Soon after, I was in a new house (I wasn't aware that I'm dreaming). The funny thing is... I had a pet tiger! It was really calm though.

I went to sleep and the tiger got into bed with me. It seemed to protect me from something. The tiger even put his head on my neck. I found it hard to breathe, but for some reason I didn't push him away.

Was I scared? I don't know...

Then, I heard some sounds, as if someone was trying to get in to the house. The tiger started making some noise and the sounds disappeared shortly after.

I woke up for real after this, and I couldn't fall asleep anymore.

That's it for today. I'm ending this post here. At the end of each post I'll include my first post (down below) about this journey as it explains why and how I'm doing this! (Full Post Here)



I Will Be Doing This Every Day!

The main reason I want to start lucid dreaming, is for self improvement.

I've been reading a lot about it and studies have shown that you can actually improve certain abilities by doing it in your dreams.

For example, if you wan't to learn a foreign language, you can practice it in your dreams. Since you're working with your subconscious mind while you're sleeping, you might find out that you know words that you were never aware of while conscious.

It's really all up to your creativity to what you wanna learn and improve upon in your dreams. Is it basketball that you want to become better at? You can do that!

Do you want to become a better fucker? Nobody is holding you back! Just make a nasty slut appear in front of you and do whatever you want with her!

Apparently while sleeping, the neural pathways engaged in the activity are strengthened, and not only imagined or visualized.

To achieve lucid dreaming, a lot of action has to be taken. Well... Some find it really easy to lucid dream, but most have to achieve it the hard way.

It's really important to think about lucid dreaming throughout the day. This way you're telling your subconscious mind that this is what you're focusing on and what you want, thus it gives you the access to control the dream world.

There are quite a few things I will be doing in order to achieve this goal!

  1. So, first of all, I will be posting my whole lucid dreaming journey here on Steemit every day.

  2. I will be writing down all of my dreams on a journal. A dream journal is basically essential if you want to achieve lucid dreaming.

  3. I will do at least 30-50 reality checks every day.

  4. Have a sleeping rhythm. That means I will be going to sleep at the same time every night. I'll also wake up at the same time every morning as well.

  5. I will also experiment with some techniques to induce lucid dreams.

  6. I won't look at any screens (computer, TV or even phone) 30-60 minutes before bed, because I've read that this helps a lot. For those 30-60 minutes I will be meditating.

  7. Talk, read and think about lucid dreaming constantly.

  8. Occasionally I will listen to lucid dreaming binaural beats and hypnosis.

  9. I will use an app called Awoken. This app is designed to help you achieve lucid dreaming. It reminds you to do reality checks throughout the day and it has a dream journal, which is where I will be writing down all my dreams when I wake up.

  10. I will experiment with the supplement called Dream Leaf, I already ordered it and I will use it when it arrives. I will take it only once or at most twice every week to see if it changes anything about my dreams and the ability to become lucid.



Tracking All My Progress!

So, like I've mentioned before, I will be tracking all my progress and I'll be posting about it every day here on Steemit.

Also, after I achieve lucid dreaming, I won't stop posting about my experiences for some time still.

When I achieve my goal, I will be writing down a lot of experiences that I have inside the dream world, and I'll experiment if it's actually possible to improve real life skills while sleeping.

I set a personal goal to achieve lucid dreaming within 30 days starting today. I'm really excited and hopefully I'll be able to do that even faster than 30 days!

This is not the first time I try to achieve lucid dreaming, but I never took it seriously and I was too inconsistent, so I never even came close to becoming lucid.

But this time I'm gonna SMASH it and record the whole journey on this blockchain!

UPDATE: I achieved lucid dreaming for the first time on day 12


I'm going to lucid dream tonight!


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This week's posts:
My Lucid Dreaming Journey Day 29 - Only One Lucid Dream...


I am here for the first time and I absolutely loved your idea!
I have been for some time writing a dream journal and was under the impression that lucid dreaming was just a made up thing. I tried it a few times though but was very inconsistent with it.
I am really looking forward to see how far you can take the lucid dreaming, if you can really improve your skills! If it's true, then I'll definitely follow in your footsteps!
Fantastic idea, so thanks for sharing all this!

Yeah, when I first saw the movie "Inception", I never thought it's actually possible to manipulate the dream world. I was really excited when I first heard about lucid dreaming. I was also very inconsistent before, so I never got anywhere close to lucid dreaming before this journey.

I have no doubts I will be able to improve skills, because most lucid dreamers say they succeeded at this and some studies show that this is possible.

Sounds good! Inception definitely inspired a lot of people, I personally viewed it as a warning to go pee before bed because rain in the dreams just sucks :D
Definitely looking forward to your findings! Time to tame the bitch-ass dreams, playing with you like dolls!

that's awesome that you were able to achieve awareness in your dream! You describing that you couldn't count your fingers even though you knew how many of them is super relatable for me. I find it fairly frustrating lol haha, as that distortion seems to happen after i'm aware I'm dreaming (ie: when I speak korean in a dream, then think "oh shit i should remember this for when i wake up" and then suddenly i can't speak the korean as well anymore). I'm glad you find the spinning sensation interesting bc I actually hate it hahaha (but I hate being dizzy). Keep it up! Good luck moving forward!

I find the distortion pretty cool, because it's something you won't experience in real life. I mean, I just enjoy experiencing a different reality than this one.

The spinning sensation really scared me at first. It was something new, and I didn't know what's happening. But, after many times, I just got used to it, and I find it interesting and exciting, because when it happens, I know that I'm going to lucid dream.

I love reading lucid dreaming stories! It's so fascinating. I'd love to experience it myself someday. Will absolutely refer to your posts about it then. Following!

Hopefully you'll actually experience it one day, because it's amazing!

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