My Lucid Dreaming Journey Day 26 - Became Lucid and Fell Out of My Bed!

in #spirituality6 years ago

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Finally Had Some Lucid Dreams Again!

This morning was a success, because I became lucid! It hasn't happened for some time now. And this time, it was pretty long and I finally got out of my house!

In my previous lucid dreams, I was always stuck in my house and I didn't get to do anything, other than walk around, while touching all kinds of objects.

Damn it feels so real! It's not the first time I got lucid, but each time I can't believe how real it feels. I really love this feeling!

But, I identified another problem/obstacle that I need to get through. Even though I become lucid and it feels really vivid, I don't have much memory about the dream.

I might know why. I've done some searching, and some people say that if you focus on becoming lucid, your subconsciousness takes this as a priority, thus it doesn't care about the memory.

It only cares about the lucid part, but that's all. That's why I can't remember much about this lucid dreaming experience.

For example, when I go to sleep, I keep telling myself that I'm going to become lucid, that I will become aware and so on. But I don't tell myself things like, I will remember or recall my dreams.

So, from now on, I will also focus on remembering my dreams, and not only to become lucid. It's really cool to have lucid dreams, but if I can't remember them... Then what's the point?

I just remember that I was lucid. I remember that I did like a 100 reality checks (to stay lucid). I remember all kinds of feelings and so on, but I forgot what I did in it...

But, I still have some memory about it, just not as much as I would like to have!



Fell Out of My Bed!

As usual, I set my alarm to wake me up in 4 hours of sleep, so I could perform the FILD method.

I hadn't had any success with this method for some time now, even though at first it worked really well. I thought about changing the method, but I decided to give it one more try to see if it works.

And it worked! As I was sending signals to my fingers, I felt a bit relaxed, but not the same as before. I used to feel like spinning and then I heard a "click" sound. That's when I knew that I'm lucid.

This time it was different. I just got a bit relaxed, but no sensations or sounds. I thought it didn't work, but I decided to do a reality check anyways. BAM, I was able to breathe through my pinched nose. I was surprised that I got lucid without noticing it.

Anyway, I kept breathing through my pinched nose for like 30 seconds, because when I try to open my eyes immediately, I open my real eyes as well, thus I wake up...

When I finally opened my eyes, the room was completely black. I couldn't see anything. When I tried to get up, I could barely move. I tried crawling out of my bed, and I fell out of it. I was just laying on the ground unable to move!

Damn, my body felt really heavy! After some time, I managed to stand up. I tried turning on the lights, but none of the switches worked.

I didn't have any control of my dream either, so I couldn't light the room with my mind...

I wanted to change the scenery. I've read that spinning in a dream can make this happen. I tried spinning. I remember doing that, but I don't remember what happened next.

Shortly after, I woke up. I immediately did the FILD method again, and it worked!

I was in my bed again, but this time, the room wasn't so dark. I actually felt a little bit cold! So, I dressed up and got outside.

Woah! Finally out of this fucking room after so many lucid dreams. I went to a shop that's not far away from my house. This shop was closed, because it was night.

Then I noticed some dudes opening the doors. They were thieves, because they knocked the door out. When they got it, I went inside as well...



I'm a Different Person Out There

Throughout this whole time, I kept performing reality checks. I often looked at my hand. It looked extremely weird! Couldn't count my fingers and they were very deformed.

I kept doing reality checks, because I've read that it helps to stay lucid. If I don't perform them often, I could just forget that I'm dreaming.

Anyway, when I went inside the shop, it was totally different from the real one. It was HUGE! And I think it was no longer a shop. There was so much to do inside it.

It was like a playground or something. So many fantastic activities. But here's the thing. I lost my memory from here on out.

I know that I was lucid for like 20 more minutes... I just know! But can't remember anything. I just remember certain feelings like, joy, excitement and so on...

There's some images in my head, but there's no way of putting them into words.

So, like I've mentioned before, I will focus a lot more on recalling my dreams to recall my lucid experiences.

Also, I've noticed something... Every time I'm lucid, I feel like a totally different person. I have different motives and goals. I think and act differently. It's like I'm someone else in the dream world.

Today I will take Dream Leaf and hopefully I'll become lucid. With this supplement my experience will be enhanced and I might finally be able to have control over my dream.

I'm looking forward to interacting with my subconscious mind, to ask questions and play around!

I'm ending this post here. At the end of each post I'll include my first post (down below) about this journey as it explains why and how I'm doing this! (Full Post Here)

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I Will Be Doing This Every Day!

The main reason I want to start lucid dreaming, is for self improvement.

I've been reading a lot about it and studies have shown that you can actually improve certain abilities by doing it in your dreams.

For example, if you wan't to learn a foreign language, you can practice it in your dreams. Since you're working with your subconscious mind while you're sleeping, you might find out that you know words that you were never aware of while conscious.

It's really all up to your creativity to what you wanna learn and improve upon in your dreams. Is it basketball that you want to become better at? You can do that!

Do you want to become a better fucker? Nobody is holding you back! Just make a nasty slut appear in front of you and do whatever you want with her!

Apparently while sleeping, the neural pathways engaged in the activity are strengthened, and not only imagined or visualized.

To achieve lucid dreaming, a lot of action has to be taken. Well... Some find it really easy to lucid dream, but most have to achieve it the hard way.

It's really important to think about lucid dreaming throughout the day. This way you're telling your subconscious mind that this is what you're focusing on and what you want, thus it gives you the access to control the dream world.

There are quite a few things I will be doing in order to achieve this goal!

  1. So, first of all, I will be posting my whole lucid dreaming journey here on Steemit every day.

  2. I will be writing down all of my dreams on a journal. A dream journal is basically essential if you want to achieve lucid dreaming.

  3. I will do at least 30-50 reality checks every day.

  4. Have a sleeping rhythm. That means I will be going to sleep at the same time every night. I'll also wake up at the same time every morning as well.

  5. I will also experiment with some techniques to induce lucid dreams.

  6. I won't look at any screens (computer, TV or even phone) 30-60 minutes before bed, because I've read that this helps a lot. For those 30-60 minutes I will be meditating.

  7. Talk, read and think about lucid dreaming constantly.

  8. Occasionally I will listen to lucid dreaming binaural beats and hypnosis.

  9. I will use an app called Awoken. This app is designed to help you achieve lucid dreaming. It reminds you to do reality checks throughout the day and it has a dream journal, which is where I will be writing down all my dreams when I wake up.

  10. I will experiment with the supplement called Dream Leaf, I already ordered it and I will use it when it arrives. I will take it only once or at most twice every week to see if it changes anything about my dreams and the ability to become lucid.



Tracking All My Progress!

So, like I've mentioned before, I will be tracking all my progress and I'll be posting about it every day here on Steemit.

Also, after I achieve lucid dreaming, I won't stop posting about my experiences for some time still.

When I achieve my goal, I will be writing down a lot of experiences that I have inside the dream world, and I'll experiment if it's actually possible to improve real life skills while sleeping.

I set a personal goal to achieve lucid dreaming within 30 days starting today. I'm really excited and hopefully I'll be able to do that even faster than 30 days!

This is not the first time I try to achieve lucid dreaming, but I never took it seriously and I was too inconsistent, so I never even came close to becoming lucid.

But this time I'm gonna SMASH it and record the whole journey on this blockchain!


I'm going to remember my lucid experience tonight!


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I remember talking to people in my dreams when I was lucid. I would tell them things like; "Your a figment of my imagination." They would just except it, it is the strangest thing. I remember trying to surprise or prove things to people by floating or flying around in front of them. Every time, they would just except it, as though it was normal. I've never found another person flying around in my dreams but my dream people wouldn't bat an eye when I would do it in front of them.

Also, I've noticed something... Every time I'm lucid, I feel like a totally different person. I have different motives and goals. I think and act differently. It's like I'm someone else in the dream world.

Yeah I have noticed that as well, perhaps the old phrase; "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." is more fitting than we would like to acknowledge. It's weird when you have the ability to do whatever your heart desires, often it shows us that there may be more in our hearts than we would like to see.

I miss my old dreams, when I was much younger there was about a six month period that I would have a continuing dream. It was like a second life, that I would live out while dreaming. I remember the night it ended, some of the specifics are a bit confused but the image is still fresh in my mind, even though it was many decades ago. Very similar to the story of the garden of Eden. Our months long journey had lead me and my crew to a special device that could generate stars. Needless to say I misused the device for my own whims and for the first time ever awoke from a lucid dream, and was never again to return to that dream land. I had many other dreams but never had a continuing one again. Hmm maybe I should write a post about it, I don't know if it's something I'd really like to share. Either way your posts have brought it back to memory so you get a taste.

Haha, when I became lucid for the first time, I actually tried telling my mom that It's a dream, but she didn't believe me. Then I told my dad and he didn't believe it either. Guess it works differently for everyone.

I've read about these continuing dreams and I find them fascinating. Hopefully I'll be able to try something like this as well.

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