The Difference Between Human and Non Human Souls

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

You've heard of the Indigo and Crystal children? Here I talk about the difference in the types of souls incarnating here at this time. There are very high vibrational souls being born right now to help with the shift in consciousness.

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Tony Sayers,
Love, care, courage

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Author of the book 'Are you Living or just Existing?'

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Hi @tonysayers, I like much of what you say in general, and I can see that you express yourself with sincerity.

It seems to me that you describe a state of powerlessness, of victimhood; one that is subjected to the delusions of Matrix-entities which fool us into being reincarnated again and again in a manner that just provides fodder for negative entities/energies, keeping us in cycles of illusion and enslavement.

What rubs against my understanding is the following:

  • the Matrix does indeed feed off fear etc, but we are not helpless pawns, we have just given our power away in exchange for something (trinkets).
  • we are FAR from helpless pawns. If we reclaim our power, if we raise our frequency level beyond the vibrations of fear, desire, envy, avarice, duality etc etc there is no power in the universe that can enforce our will. We are not less powerful at the level of deep being than any negative-oriented, service-to-self power emanating from the false Matrix. Our highest potential is way beyond the clutches, and, in a neutral, balanced space above the level of the negative, we have the power to dissolve and influence it in turn! This potential of ours is in-built, unconditional and doesn't need to be 'earned' it is who we are- our 'forgetting' is the sense of disempowerment that sets up the game of life, and we play!
  • life is a game, it is not a hell hole. Though the chosen experience may be to 'experience alienation to its utmost', what relief and joy upon finding that one truly does have power and has actually, in a way, been free all along? 'Good' and 'Bad' are judgements, and simply part of the matrix of enslavement. Light and Dark are meaningless without the other, contiguous, perhaps fundamentally identical. Acceptance is without labels.
  • we do choose our lives, the primary purpose of life being expansion of consciousness through experience. The more 'extreme' the experience (trauma etc), the greater the 'forgetting' and also the greater the potential for expansion and 'learning'.
  • we are (I am) spiritual beings having a human experience. If we have a choice in 'lives', and have lived many before, we will most likely have taken on non-human experiences, and in other physicalities/forms/planets etc
  • we have the sovereign ability within ourselves to feel (and thus access a 'knowing') what does and does not resonate with integrity and our Highest Truth. This cannot be shaken or counterfeited by the Matrix unless we allow it to be so!!! Sure, attempts will be made, but the success of the negativity is purely, and utterly, a factor of whether I have a hook within me. This hook can be any one of my unprocessed, unacknowledged fears, traumas, desires, blah blah which can be latched onto at the subtlest of levels if I am inattentive- the elements and chains of my enslavement, which only I can free myself from - BUT I SURE AS FUCKING HELL CAN! This, IMO, is the point of life, of living, of freedom, of true non-violent self-empowerment! The potential for individual self-empowerment and the organic raising of consciousness thereby seems to be missing from the perspective in the vlog!

On a secondary point, you talk about 'unconditional love' in the same breath as 'sacrifice'. I understand sacrifice to be somewhat painful. Yet pain is not part, nor can ever be part of UL (no conditions - don't have to do or go through anything to earn/deserve it!!! no?). I therefore believe this to be a misunderstanding.

Having listened to what has been expressed (here, and, frankly, elsewhere in places on your blog), I feel that the message contains substantial elements of disempowerment, and as such, also some disinformation. I believe it is possible that you may be weaving your own suppressed anger, pain and deep trauma into some of these perspectives. I offer you this mirror held up. I do not say 'it is so', just that it appears to be so to me!

With peace and respect

What an incredibly well thought out and expressed comment. It alone gives me a ton to ponder and work through. Thank you!

Its good to pen the doors of debate in a mature fashion, another reason I love Steemit!

Thanks for the constructive feedback, and I do agree we do have a lot more power than we think, especially as we are stuck in this amnesic state right now. Humans have forgotten their own power totally and this is both a big part of the problem, and solution. However in the same token there are many souls who I work with daily through my energy and psychotherapy work who absolutely have been through the proverbial ringer. Their lives have been a living hell from the get go, and it is because of their very power that they have been targeted in such a way as they represent a significant threat to the Matrix if they were to align with their purpose. Truth isn't always pretty unfortunately, and its not always possible or even beneficial to spin a problem or issue into something positive when its not, because unless we face the realness then its impossible to transcend. So I agree with half of what you, say, my intention is not to disempower people, merely to offer a deeper innerstanding based on some very powerful knowledge coming through right now.

I can see that you express yourself with sincerity.

I do not consider it your (conscious) intention to disempower (or disinform, for that matter).

Peace and respect!


Non human souls what you call them , i call the newbies , the spirit's first time human life .
Most are easy pray for the vampires that rule .
I compare it to the overpopulation of this world , most are trapped as battery's .
It's the old soul's that start to evolve , we start to remember what we really are .
Those old soul's do also inspire many newbies these days .
Cause newbies are the most confused, so easy to help , instead of domesticate .

Hidden in plain site some is explained in the series : Westworld

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@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

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