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RE: Visiting the Bodhi Manda Zen Center

Every one of us has his or her own way of meditating to connect ourselfs within the now this is probably why you became a wizard my friend ;)

really awesome tour my friend you are an amazingly peaceful tour-guide!
I loved the fact they use the warm water from the ground.
I also really like the zen kitchen... I love cooking it can be very cleansing and social at the same time.

can't wait to hear & see more of your personal evolution my friend.
I really understand deeply what you explained towards the end of your video even if you were looking into a camera & me at a screen. I could feel you presence just by telling myself you are there.

we all need to get out of the matrix one day happy to see you came out of it too

Namasté & Love - Nama & Robin


@thenamadicway, it is amazing to me that it is possible to connect to and perceive the presence of another person when watching a video recorded in a moment from the past. Do you think the video itself makes that possible, or is there some connection formed which is not limited by time?

I Believe time & space is an illusion & that we human's, when we have the knowledge can alter our own reality.
so yes I guess the last answer.
But then in a way because you created this vidéo you send and store energy in the universe & we know everything has memories, trees, water, rocks...
we live in a very connected universe but like I said: only when you know this is possible... or so I believe ;)
Namasté & Love Brother Wizard

I suspect something similar. I think time is real in that separate moments exist, but they exist simultaneously and are intricately connected with all other moments, so it is possible to interact with any moment from the "past" or "future" if you know how. Just a theory at the moment though!

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