Time is Ticking away. There is only Now this Moment.

in #spirituality6 years ago

How could Eye mind the Business of others, when there is so much of My own Business to take care of, that Eye can never Manage to Mind all My Business. Time is getting shorter and shorter and more and more to do every Moment. And al Eye have is this Moment Now. So much to Create and do for Benefit of others and My Self. Never enough Time to do all that. My Business.

And how could Eye mind the Business of others, when Eye always Mind My Business and Work on Myself. Meditation and deep inner Self Work to be better every Moment. ANd there is no End, Eye can always be better, so I AM always to Mind My Business and be Better every Moment Now. And always as I AM done, there is more of My Business to Work more on Myself, to integrate and Embody New Level, that I AM and be better then I AM, always New Business comes for Me to be better then I AM Now this Moment. Always new Things and Gifts to Embody and then to Master to Purrfection. Always somethings old to realease, to integrate the New. So how can Eye Mind the Business of others, when Eye can be always better Myself if Eye Mind My Business thoroughly and inspire others to be better also and Mind their own Business and never Business of others. For there is no Time to waste. We have only this Moment. Past Moment is forever gone and next moment is future and Mystery. What if I AM not alive next Moment anymore in this Body an Eye wasted only Moment, that Eye have, this Moment Now on Minding Business of others and failed to Mind My Business. Eye have only this Moment Now an Eye have to be better every next Moment an Inspire others to be better then I AM. That's My Business.

And when Eye could Mind Business of others, then Eye have to take care of Myself, for I AM My own Mother, My own Wife. Eye have to cook, clean and do Laundry. Eye have to do something on My Garden, so Eye have some nice Pure things to eat. Eye have to do My Business. Eye have to Meditate and Excercise to be fit and take care of My Body on all Levels.

How could Eye mind the Business of others, when there is so much of My own Business mind. Eye cannot understand how they find time to Mind Business of others, for there is no Time. Eye really don't. Don't they want to be better? Don't they know that Time is ticking away and there is only Now? EYe don't Know, yet Eye can only Eye inspire them to Mind their own Business as Eye do.

  • Purna Ananda 3.07.2018 ©


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