Tarot Tuesday - "You Are The Craftsman of Your Life" & Tarot Collab Giveaway

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)



My name is @phillyc and this is #tarottuesday, an initiative started by @traciyork which is inspiring readers to share their work on Steemit. Please check out the weekly wrap up post to see the diverse contributions and styles that are coming forth. First I have a small announcement, which is followed by my Tarot Tuesday reading. Please skip forward if the first part is not relevant to you.


Attention Steemit Tarot Readers - Get SBD and upvotes.

I am wanting to expand interest and engagement within the Steem Tarot community, yet I am realizing the challenge of coming up with the appropriate container for this intuitive realm. I have decided on a simple trump card reading, concise but with enough room for great things to unfold in. I always feel that less is more in terms of letting the intuition flow.

I am setting aside around 5-10 SBD to give to readers who want to take part in this collaboration. I don't want to make a competition, so I am more inclined to just divvy this up between everyone who puts forth a quality piece of work.

How to take part:

Choose one trump card of your choosing, one that is resonating right now - or perhaps randomly draw one. From this one card I want your deep truth regarding it's lesson and meaning for you. What does this card tell us about life and how to live fully? How does this card bring us balance? How does this card empower us with a particular kind of magic?

Take some time to deeply meditate and connect with the energy and concept.

  • Create a post with your trump card reading, and link it to this post in the comments.
  • Use #tarotcollab for one of your tags.
  • Check out other peoples entries and give them a comment or upvote.

I look forward to connecting with your work!


My Reading For This Week


The Cards:

Three of Pentacles, Page of Wands/Rods, Queen of Pentacles


Three stories about what this means

1 - New Life Emerges

Sandwiched between the two earth element cards the Page of Rods looks like a fresh shoot bursting forth. I have used this metaphor a lot in my writing because it seems to convey something powerful and archetypal. A tiny seedling becomes a tree over many years, eventually bearing many fruit and sustaining an ecosystem all around it.

This is a time of fertilization, the rich earthly feeling that beautiful things are underway that will continue to grow. The physical act of conception is the base level metaphor, we can also be emotionally and mentally fertilized. On an even subtler level, the seed of radiance and love can burst open in our hearts quite unexpectedly. Some latent energies lie in wait, and when the conditions are just right - they manifest in our lives so beautifully.

Be open to the magnificent and new.

The conditions for joyfulness to germinate, are simply emptiness and silence. Take time to allow the energies in you to reach fruition. An excess of mental and emotional disturbance is akin to continually digging up the soil. Cups/Water (Feeling) and Swords/Air (Thinking) are not present in this reading. This is a time to honor Inspiration (Fire/wands) through Doing (Earth/pentacles).

Inspiration is nothing without implementation. Our lives are the vehicle for divine expression. Manifestation is simply expressing the energies which naturally flow into your life.


2 - Reinvestment & Re-commitment

This is about life and work and the creative process, it's about making something of your life and having some investment in a beautiful outcome. A deep yearning for this, and the trust that it will come about in time through continual input.

Here is Saturn energy which is announced in the Three of Pentacles. In that first card we see a craftsman chiseling out the Saturn symbol. Re-commitment and reinvestment is key. We may feel weary and even exhausted, still we pursue our goals by remembering the glimmer of inspiration and hope that brought us here in the first place. By returning to the work again and again we establish a firm connection - mentally, emotionally, and energetically. We develop the groove that serves us later by making the work effortless and automatic.

New ideas and inspiration are brought forward, through re-engaging with the work. Only by deeply involving ourselves will new insights be brought forward to further refine and develop what we are working on.

Crafting things of such quality that they are ready to be 'brought to market' as it were. Each project or creation is something we birth into the world. Some have short lifespans like a mayfly, others are elephants which are still formative for most of our lives. We have many inspirations we can follow, they teach us about life and the creative process.

We can see our challenges and failures in terms of iterations and learning experiences - incredibly valuable. You have made immense progress in your life and your work, trust that and forge ahead - bringing things to even greater levels of craftsmanship.


3 - Mother and Son

Nurturance, guidance, and the enjoyment of youthfulness and play. Enjoy the simple beauty of life with no need to gain anything from it. Feel the fresh richness of everything around you without the cloud of projections that makes it seem grey and expected.

Take time to play, and let this enrich your life and what you create. Through innocence is the gate to continual inspiration. The human being has the habit of sullying their lives through habitual judgement and self condemnation. Acknowledge this tendency and then re-acknowledge your essential child like playfulness.

You are free, and you do the things you do because you love them.

Feel the support of life, as the circumstances that surround you usher you foward. You have mentors in many forms, both internal and external.

Know your own genius and inner guru. If you are being put into challenging situations, it is only to get you to trust your own voice and inner power. Through continual trust, your self expression and clarity will continue to grow.

You have something unique and incredibly valuable to share with the world, it could come in many different formats and guises. Honor that, and honor your playfulness - the simple enjoyment of being alive in this miraculous world.

Sat Nam

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You are amazing! Love your interpretations... #tarotcollab sounds like a great idea! hope to make post this week for it.... Also, is there by chance a tarot discord channel?

That is an excellent idea, although I feel a little daunted about it as I'm already over committed 😂 I guess there's not too much to manage, and there can be several admins to keep it running smoothly

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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

Also, LOVE the idea for the #tarotcollab! Thanks so much for coming up with such an amazing idea! Brightest blessings to you, @phillyc!

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