When people tell you that it took longer than six days for God to create the world, they not only miss what Genesis clearly teaches, they ruin the Ten Commandments too.
In Exodus 20, when we read about the sabbath, we are told to work six days and rest on the seventh because God worked six days and rested on the seventh. If God took millions of years to make the earth and all that is in it, then this commandment is irrational and insane. However, it is only the common compromise of trying to somehow fit millions and billions of years into the Bible that is irrational, and not God's word or His commandments.
Hi @papa-pepper
Although I never knew that observing the sabbath day was one of the commandments, I tried to when growing up, but my parents always made me work .
I will put this forth to them and pray they listen and Do, because the word said BLESSED ARE THE DOERS.
Our time is not God's time.
We, as humans, don't even experience all of the time there is in this galaxy. We blink on and off trillions of times a second.
We will witness a galaxy being born.
It will not take millions and billions of years to form.
This is just to point out that God's timing isn't our timing.
And "scientists" do not have a clue about how long the earth, solar system or galaxy took to form.
In fact, the dark ages and the Roman empire may never have existed. Many people who read ancient books say there is 200 to 1000 years missing from (recorded) history.
It is, of course, important to note that humans really need off time.
And that is a really good message in resting (at least) one day in seven.
But what about the rest of the statement.
Keep the Sabbath holy.
Why the Sabbath?
Why Saturday?
Why Saturn's Day?
I think the appeal to Saturn's Day here is interesting. Couldn't every day be mentioned in the same way? Tje Sun's Day, the Moon's Day, etc?
Yes, every day of the week has very specific meanings, and they are similar across all kinds of cultures.
Wednesday = Wodin's day = day of Mercury
Thursday = Thor's day = day of Jupiter
Friday = Freya's day = day of Venus
It is most interesting because the Bible says keep the Sabbath holy.
However, modern christians have their holy day on Sunday.
I find deep meaning between all of these pieces.
Yeah, I agree that it is very, very interesting. Thanks.
Hermeneutics is an interesting concept. We have to be careful when interpreting scripture. I'd like to share a different perspective here. Is it possible that what was perceived in Exodus 20 is not the same as in Genesis, contextually speaking?
Not really. I mean, it says "Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God... For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day"
I think God is being pretty straightforward here.
There are numerous places in the bible that state that, "A day is as a thousand years, a thousand years is as a day."
God's time and ours are not necessarily equivalent.
Additionally, as Einstein discovered and quantum physics is reinforcing regularly, time as we know it is a construct, and is malleable, or changeable.
I have never taken the six days of creation to mean six literal human days.
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