The Top 10 Reasons That Atheists Do Not Want To Believe In God (In My Opinion)

in #spirituality8 years ago

In my opinion, these are the top 10 reasons that atheists choose not to believe in God.

I could be wrong about it and exact reasons may vary based upon the individual, but I'm going to share what I believe anyway.


It is hard for man not be selfish. Everyone seems to pretty much have the default setting of putting themselves first. For us to put the unseen Creator first, that means there are a lot of selfish and sinful desires that we will no longer be able to fulfil. We may try to put ourselves first, spouses first, children first, other “gods” first, or any other thing that we may worship and believe to be important. Unfortunately, all that is considered to be sin.


Idolatry is also difficult for us to avoid. Even coming up with a false idea about who God is can be an idol. Whether these fake gods are crafted with our hands or our minds, they are not the real God, and therefore should not be created, for they do not exist. Idolatry is also sin.


These days, we are almost trained to blaspheme. Phrases like “O.M.G”, “God D*#%@t” and “Jesus Christ” are all used as curse words and exclamations of anger and frustration. Taking the name of the Creator or Savior and using it to express disgust or treating it like filthy vulgarity is sin. It is interesting to notice that no other name is used that way. Mohammed, Buddah, Allah, Joseph Smith and others are all left out. Only the name of Jesus is used that way. It is exactly what you would expect if there really was a Creator against Whom we had all sinned, there really was only one Savior named Jesus Christ, there really was a 3rd Commandment telling us not to use “the Lord’s” name in vain, and there really was a Devil trying to get people to rebel against God, reject Jesus, and perish in hell for all of eternity.


Taking a day off once a week to remember God and all that He has done for us is also too much for many people to handle. He blesses us with the other six days, and yet we want to keep the seventh day to serve ourselves too. That also is sin.


No clause is given here. We are to honor the parents that God has chosen for us. They may not always deserve it, but if we are honest, we probably screw up at least as much as they do. There is a certain lack of respect and honor these days, even for our own parents. That, my friends, is called sin.


Okay, finally one that we can win at. Most of us have not murdered anyone, and hopefully we never will. Unfortunately, Jesus equated hatred with murder, because premeditated murder starts out as a thought, and Jesus does not want us to even think about it. If we can avoid hating anyone in our mind, we will never intentionally kill someone in reality. Both murder and hatred are sin.


Having sex with someone that you are not married to is sin, even if neither of you are married. Perhaps we may have never actually slept with someone else’s husband or wife, but again, Jesus takes it to another level. He says that if we look with lust, we’ve already done it in our minds. The same principle applies here as it did with hatred and murder. If we do not fantasize about having sex with someone that we are not married to, we will not actually sleep with them. Howsoever, to engage in unmarried intercourse, or to think those lustful thoughts about it, is sin.


Here is another great wrongdoing that somehow we all engage in. Maybe it was only something small like piece of candy or an answer off of someone else’s test, but it seems that we are all thieves. Just like you only need to commit one murder to be a murderer, you only need to steal one thing to become a thief. When we take something that is not ours, that’s called sin.


Again, we all seem to have this tendency, don’t we? Even when our conscience tells us that it is wrong, we will still go ahead and tell a lie. Time and time again another lie comes out, until even we begin to perceive that the lie is the truth. The devil is the father of lies, and Jesus is the truth. When we tell lies, we choose to sin.


Oh that deep down, greedy desire within all of us to want what is not ours. So many other sins stem from covetousness. Stealing, lying and adultery can all occur because of coveting. Even when we get all that we previously wanted, we find some new thing to covet. That’s also sin.

In my opinion, those are the top ten reasons that atheists do not want to believe in God. If we were all created in the image of God and given consciences, and if He will one day judge us because of our sin, no man really wants to stand before Him guilty. Since we all know deep down inside that we have broken the Ten Commandments, we know that He will find us guilty and hold us accountable for our decisions and actions.

Remember, what we earn for our sin is death, both physical death and spiritual death.

I too have no desire to stand before God guilty on judgement day. I’ve broken the commandments and I know what I deserve for it. However, pretending that God does not exist does not help. If I speed past a parked police officer it will not help if I pretend that he is not there. The day will come when I will not be here, and God will still be there. It’s not a pleasant thought, but it is the truth.

I once thought that I was a “good person”. What a relative term that is. For the most part, we all think that we are good people, don’t we? However, when we look into the holiness of God as displayed in His Ten Commandments, we realize that maybe we aren’t so good after all. I think that this is why atheists are so adamant about getting rid of every verbal and visual reference to God, Jesus, and the Ten Commandments that they encounter. Those are just more reminders about their sin and guilt and the judgment day coming for us all. It’s kind of hard to pretend when you keep seeing evidence of the truth.

When I saw myself in the way that God saw me, as a guilty sinner who had chosen to reject His ways, I didn’t want to be in that situation either. Did I close my eyes and try to wish God away? No. I heard about His love for me. How that despite my evil deeds and sin against Him He was willing to forgive me. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to live a sin-free life so that He could die in my place.

You see, the wages of sin is death and God will by no means clear the guilty. However, since Jesus had no sins of His own to pay for, he could pay for ours. His death paid for our sins, if we will receive that.

When I heard that God had made the way for me to be found “not guilty” I embraced it. I said, “Yes Lord, I’ll take you up on that offer.” I put my faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and trusted that He had paid for my sin. I admitted and confessed my sins to God and received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. He died for me so now I will live for Him.

I had enslaved myself to many sins back then. I was a fiend and an addict, a drunkard, and a lying, thieving, wreck of an individual. Plus, I made a very destructive lifestyle look very inviting to others. A time came when I had all the encouragement that the world had to offer to stop my drug and alcohol dependency.

In the end, it wasn’t enough, and I couldn’t do it.

Then came Jesus!

What a difference God makes. He showed me that if drugs and alcohol were more important to me than He was, then He was not important enough to me. I told Him that if He wanted me different, He would have to change me, because I did not have that power. That was one of the best things that I ever did, because I am just about to complete my eighth year completely sober. Yeah, I know that a lot pf people think drugs are a lot of fun, but I think it’s is even more fun to not need drugs and alcohol to have a good time, or to have a bad time for that matter.

Of course, what He has done for me in this life pales to what He has done for my eternal soul.

What can He do for your life, or your eternal life?

He has a lot to offer, because He is there.

I’ll post more about all of this as we continue, but thanks for making it this far.

Stay tuned, today will be an exciting day!


Thanks, @narrowminded


Wow, this is a really great way to look at it.

I'm reminded of Jesus answer to the question immediately following the famous John 3:16 verse:

"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."

The light can be bright, especially when you are used to the dark...

You did a great job on this post. You could add a #11 about how Christians can be seen arguing with each other all over the place, and the sons of Israel have varied belief sets as well, which have caused division and fighting throughout the centuries. If I were on the outside looking in, watching two believers fighting, I would say "Hey, I want to be in that group. Where do I sign up?"

If there is one thing I won't do, it's fighting about details or doctrines!


Thank you for posting @narrowminded, which has brought many thoughts to mind.

If one may add to the dialogue...The ten commandments was not only part of the Mosaic Law in Code One but also a freedom code..which one could call 'The Five'. Respect for authority, respect for privacy, respect for property, respect for human life, respect for volition of others.

Thank you for making it clear that the commandment is ...thou shalt not murder as it is in the original Hebrew.

And it is appreciated that you have written regarding the taking of God's name in vain, if one has a look at almost any other time in history, there were those who spoke of God and His Son Jesus Christ in their writings and speechs as comman Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher, Douglas MacArthur, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, John Adams, Isaac Newton...and so many others. Yet today...say Providence, say God the Creator of mankind and the universe and the haters of their Creator and provider of time cannot let it stand.

Rejection of authority is key to understanding why one would reject God...the ultimate authority...did he not decree when one is born and when one would die.

It is appreciated you presented God's solution for fallen mankind. His perfect Son, Jesus Christ qualified to die as a substitute for all mankind. Faith alone in Christ alone for salvation.

Thank you for the opportunity to express thought and to ponder these things.

I was hoping that it would help some understand the reality and gravity of the situation more clearly.

Thanks for your encouragement and interaction.

These are good concepts to ponder for all of us.

narrowminded, can you post your exact definition of sin?

If anyone may reply...sin is anything that displeases God.

The unforgivable sin is rejection of God's uniquely born Son, Jesus Christ.

All sin known and unknown to the person is forgiven at the moment of belief in Jesus alone in Christ alone. After salvation, the believer is to learn about God and what pleases Him and how He has provided a way for believers to name thier sins to God for forgiveness at which time he forgives known and unknown sins. IJohn1.9
.....there is also that has more information if you seek truth.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts @bluejay!

Simply put, "Disobedience to God".

I'll try to answer more in depth later, but I have a few things to take care of offline right now.

Thanks for your question!

Basically, the way that I understand, there is a way to have a perfect world.

However, we would all need to obey the perfect will of God all day every day, even though we may not understand why some of the things in it are good.

God's laws (which reveal His character and perfection) are not arbitrary.

When I tell my children not to grab hot coals out of the fire, I am not just trying to "force my will upon them."

So it is with sin. If we obey God, we will choose not to sin and things will be more appropriate in the world.

Thank you that @gringalicious!

I sincerely appreciate that!

The reason I don't believe in God is because I have never felt the need to hypothesise the existence of a God, so for me trying to prove that there is/isn't a God is neither here nor there. I also don't understand atheists who are religious about their atheism, like it's a creed. You can't prove or disprove the existence of a God, deal with it. I have tried neither. Having said that, I think many of the Christian morals and values in the New Testament are worth considering, so there is at least one person out there to whom Christian morals in general are not the reason for not believing in a God.

@ocrdu, thank you for that response.

I have dealt with many who take great offense that God would try to restrict their choices in life with His laws, so that was the viewpoint that I was writing from.

That is why I like to make sure to include things like "in my opinion" when I share about things like this.

Funny then, that when you replace "God" with "the group they want to belong to" in your first sentence, they don't take any offense, because they voluntarily accept that group's belief system. My personal morals also restrict my choices in life, but I'm rarely offended by myself.

As an atheist, I can tell you that my number one and almost exclusive reason to not believe in God is simply that He does not exist.

How intensively were you seeking for Him that you can make such serious statement? I guess not much. Today is still time for you to fix it. No-one knows if there is be another day for it.

He does say that If you seek Him with your whole heart you will find Him.

I guess "seeking Him with your whole heart" includes being open to the reality that He exists.

Good point about time running out too!

Why do you think, that is a serious statement? Its not like I was talking about gravity is an illusion. It is a simple, easy statement. Like "There is no rain because there are no clouds the sky". Nothing big.

I think that to be absolutely sure something does not exist, you would have to know everything. If you only know half of everything, something could exist in that half that you do not know about it. Right?

Can you prove that God doesn't exist?

Of course you can't yet you are 'sure' that he doesn't exist. I see this position so often but it still staggers me, truly unbelievable and illogical.

I can prove that it is far more likely that God does exist because that is how I found him - after a very long search for truth - but that is another story for another day.

Please provide proof that God doesn't exist.

no disrespect intended but seriously - do you still believe and trust Wikipedia? I gave up trusting it many years ago and so should you.

I challenge you you to debunk any of my blog posts.

I agree there are certain topics that should be taken with a grain of salt, the link i posted i don't consider to be one of them.

here's another link anyway.

You can't prove that something does not exist. To ask for that is defying logic itself. You can only "prove " the inexistance by again and again showing that there is nothing of what you search for.

For thousands of years the greatest minds of their time have tried to prove the existence of God - and failed.

So it is not illogical to believe God does not exist, it is illogical to believe he does exist when all those tried to prove Him have failed.

Of course, the moment He stands in front of me I will change my mind. Then He has proven His existence himself. Until that...

you have been deceived and many of the points that you have made are incorrect.

The moment that you stand before him is a moment too late. You won't be given the opportunity to change your mind. Your fate has already been sealed by then.

Search him out, he is real.

Scientists that believed in God.

I made only one point - that logic is stronger then believing.
If he is real, let him come to my door and I will open it. If he cant even do that, he isnt a god.

He is God, he doesn't jump through your hoops.

Matt; 12:39 - But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

Matt 16:4 - A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.”

You want a sign, Jesus told us that you would want it but you aren't going to get it. You have to search for him, and he is waiting for you.

The only sign that you will get is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jonas (symbolically, or literally) spent 3 days in a whale and lived. Jesus spent 3 days in hell (for you) and lived.

That is the only sign that you are going to get I'm afraid.

steemtruth down: If He does not jump through my hops, He has no right to judge me.
LennStar; on the usage of the own brain

btw: authoritative arguments only work if you quote an authority, not something written by a bunch of old people 2000 years ago.

Then, why is there something rather than nothing?

Cause and effect.

If **no the effect is greater than the cause, and everything is the effect, then the cause must be greater than everything.




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