Do we need a Guru to Grow Spiritually in Life?

in #spirituality2 years ago

Personally I believe that my Spiritual Growth is self work, may be someone can influence me but no one can actually make me grow without my own desire and consent. And the other part that I believe into is that there is no one Guru who can teach us or make us grow spiritually. We come across many Gurus in our life in all different forms. Even a 6 months baby can be my Guru, trying to teach me lessons of patience. A frail old person can be my Guru teaching me lessons of compassion, A beggar can be my Guru teaching me lessons of valuing the comforts I have in my life.

For me growing spiritually is not about learning some complicated lessons, or being religious or experiencing some supernatural things it is more about bringing harmony to life. Making the inward and the outward connection, the ability to connect with my own higher-self, the ability to hear the inner voice, the ability to understand the polarities of life, the ability to accept both my good and dark side.

I do not think that any Guru can do this if I am not ready for it. The Guru can trigger it, the Guru will be able to show me a path but do I want to walk on that path is entirely my choice. Yes, we do learn from Gurus lot of valuable lessons, but if we are not prepared to implement them then no Guru can help us, and if we are prepared to grow then even a simple reading will help us grow spiritually.

We cross paths with so many people in our life time and each one of them is teaching us something. Sometimes very simple people teach us the most important lessons of our life. I will share my own life experience. For 20 years I lived with my mother-in-law, we had a love-hate relationship. Some times she was very nice and at times very harsh, the last few years were extremely difficult with her, and every single day I wanted to get away from there. The last year of her life she had terrible health and she suffered beyond my imagination. Many times when I look back at my life with her, I realize that if she was not that way then I would have never grown spiritually the way I have. Because her harshness made me dwell deeper and deeper within me. It brought up many questions for which I wanted answers and I kept exploring them. My deep meditation practices would have never happened if I would have not been in that situation of despair. I would have never learned healing if I would had been in my own comfort zone, but her harshness pushed me to all of this. Her last one year of life suffering also taught me lessons from other perspective that heaven and hell is all here. Karma comes back no matter what. If I have to think she was the biggest Guru of my life, but in that time I never understood.


My Son has been another one important Guru of my life. He has taught me how to not live in fear. How to stand up for what I believe in. He teaches me how to listen to my own feelings and self care and self love. A saint can only give me some lessons in words, but he has actually given me these lessons with experiences, so any day he is a better Guru for me then any renowned Guru

For me Guru is not a saint or some internationally renowned person, or some one who sits with 100s of people around and giving speeches. Real Guru for me are those who make us grow in our life with experiences. A person who helps me raise my consciousness is my Guru, a person who helps me become mindful is my Guru.

The question that I have is, are we prepared to look at these small people around us who are just like us and accept them as our Gurus or do we just keep looking at finding someone with long beard or some one who has written books or someone who sits with large gatherings giving speeches and think only they can become our Gurus. That's a different topic that most of these Gurus who give all these long speeches never walk their own talk and some of them are scoundrels as well.

To answer this question in short. I look at every person as my Guru, because everyone around me is teaching me something or the other in life, then be it a small child or an old person. The important thing is am I open to learn or do I have an ego thinking myself superior then some.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


Human life is a combination of two bodies, a human being has an outward appearance and an inward nature, but a human being is complete when both outward and inward are cleansed of it. As long as there is a thing inside a human being, it is a moving body, not a human being, because eating, sleeping and storing food on time is also found in animals.

Very beautifully expressed. Thank you for sharing such good thoughts

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