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RE: New Moon Beginnings/Lunar Cycle Focus Reading

Consider doing daily energy work the same as cleaning your teeth! I honestly feel I would have been killed off if I didn’t do daily protection and energy work on me, had a few close misses in various ways!

I feel that more and more with groups that ‘moles’ or bad applies and intentionally added to the group to sabotage the intention. Sounds crazy but evil can only survive if Light isn’t our dominant energy, so they will try every trick in the book and that’s such an obvious one to do.

Keeping the frequency and intention high during a group session is challenging for sure. I do a live monthly call for my membership group and that is ok because it’s small, but I do feel tired and drained afterwards, so no you’re not being a wimp at all, intensive energy work requires power to process it and taking in higher frequencies usually sends us to sleep too!

Oh tele-summits! I don’t do them any more, so many reasons and yes I agree with your comments about people wanting a quick fix and not willing to do the work. We live in an every changing world so we need to be doing every changing energy work each day to keep up with it, some just don’t get this! I feel the same, that I’ve done the helping individuals but now it needs to go to the next level and global energy work is what I’m being called to do, which is great and if I got paid to do it would be fantastic! So it’s just balancing earning with following the calling to do powerful energy work on these deeper issues and finding solutions etc. Sounds like we have this in common!

I know someone who says the same as you about being able to manifest for others but not herself, like all her dreams have been stolen. That is very soul destroying for sure.

How wonderful that you’ve heard me on a tele-submit, I’m quite surprised because I haven’t done one for over a year, maybe even two! So pleased you love the Floating and can feel the power.

Keep Flowing the Pure Intentions! <3


That doesn't sound crazy to me at all... they know exactly who needs to be targeted. Social media seems to be the biggest playground of all and it is just outright WEIRD how "it" works through certain people, friends of friends, the AI...

I'm trying to catch up on your articles and in one you mentioned about how pressure is put on us financially to get us off task. Even though it has been a struggle, my husband has been generous enough to allow me to be a stay-at-home mom, which gives me a good block of quiet time during the day to be able to focus on my spiritual work. Life would be so much better and easier for my whole family if I were able to find the right vocation. At one point I had a reasonably successful sewing business on Etsy, but it took its toll on my back and shoulders, and it got to where people wanted a lot of custom work which was flattering, but not what I wanted to do. It became oppressive and every time I had to tell someone "no" it chipped away at me until I just gave up.

I would love nothing more than to see the perfect, joyful opportunities that we LOVE doing, to come forth for us and our kind. :)

Sorry to hear that about your friend experiencing the dream bleed too :( Every time it happens, I do manage to gain at least one more tidbit of understanding. I learn more about who I can trust, and even though it feels good to share, sometimes it's better to just keep things private until the dream has more stability :| Back to the drawing board for the bazillionth time! It forces me to keep things fresh anyway!

Pure Intentions, onward and upward! <3

Finances is a big way of attacking and keeping people working on earning enough rather than just enjoying the flow with enough coming in! I'm working on this! :)

I do hope you find you an alternative to your sewing work that feels good to you and brings in some money too. Something many people are finding hard, but I feel the global energy is changing around this.

Yes indeed, Pure Intentions to move onwards and upwards! <3

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