New Moon Beginnings/Lunar Cycle Focus Reading

in #spirituality7 years ago

Good morning Steemit!

There's a lot that I want to get into, but for simplicity's sake I suppose I should start in the present. :)

Although I have hosted many group New Moon energy workings with wonderful results in the past, in recent months, as my understanding of moon energy and my natural inclinations have changed, I've become more solar oriented and my focus has been less on manifesting personal things because, very gratefully, I don't have the need at present.

My energy has been used tremendously doing gridwork. Traveling to the point of totality for the eclipse in August and anchoring that energy in took weeks of focused preparation work, and the experience was so powerful it wiped me out and I still haven't fully recovered from it.

Tom Montalk's old site has a lot of good information about moon interference - and I found that actually what I was doing, working in the gap of dark moon and new moon - was that there was in fact no moon light/false reflected light to interrupt and hijack what my group was trying to accomplish.

As for the solar work - for years I have keenly felt every solar flare, and every solar wind stream arrival in real time and it's been very difficult for my physical vessel some days, but it's part of what I am tasked to do...embody those energies to make them available for as many as I can via quantum entanglement. :)

So here we are, at another New Moon - it is what it is. Traditionally a good time to start a new venture like this blog. :) Maybe the Libra flavor will bless the venture to foster some new friendships.

After I received my approval email from Steemit and started writing, I got the email from Sandra Walter's mailing list, which says:

"Right now, this week, this Gateway, take as many steps as possible (please, just one will assist) in moving forward with your creative expression, new service work, anything that you have been procrastinating. One small energetic shift from each of us pushes the envelope to break through any remaining blockages to the highest timelines and outcomes – in the NOW."

Over the years, I have found Sandra's experiences and writings very much resonate with me and often parallel what I am going through at the same time. So of course, receiving that message was perfect divine timing, which is KAIROS...

Robert Moss coined the term "kairomancy", and I think his definition of it perfectly expresses my reality, how I am guided, and how I try to be flexible, aware, and trusting enough to allow myself to be perfectly directed from sacred moment to sacred moment, following the breadcrumb trail Spirit leaves for me. I never know what that will bring, but it's usually more profound than anything I could dream up on my own, and often quite funny. Sometimes I go down a rabbit hole for a while, only to find that I am to completely abandon it on a moment's notice and move on to something else. I've learned the quicker I get over it and the less I try to push my way back through closed doors, the better.

So to get the ball rolling with a nice pretty picture on my page - I think it is appropriate to do a Double Square spread using the Bral Talej deck to see what kind of focus this project should have during this lunar cycle. Advance notice: I am pretty utilitarian when it comes to my dowsing and cards. Nothing fancy to distract from what is trying to come through.

In the center of the squished in spread, is my most treasured crystal, found by my dearly departed grandmother along with another. More on that at another time.


Here's the description of the spread with brief commentary. Bral Talej is different from most card systems, in that there are no assigned meanings provided beyond the words written on the cards. The symbols are living thoughtforms, meant to be understood and worked with intuitively. I go through them fast and spontaneously. Often it's later after I've walked away that some of the deeper understandings and connections come through, and synchronicities happen in real life to reinforce or redefine a message. If that happens, I will follow up in the comments.

(btw - you can use this deck for free online at )

This spread is suggested for situations where you want to built, create, organize or plan something practical and tangible. It is
useful when you want to see what is necessary to carry out a project or how to harmonize various elements in one orderly whole.

Card 1: The conscious choice and the responsible action needing to be done.
It has taken quite a lot of overcoming fear and vulnerability to decide to share my experience. Maybe the fear is warranted. I do believe that it is much easier to protect your work with silence, than to reveal it to the wrong people and have to push against their counter-intentions.

Card 2: How to support your choice and carry it out perseverance and constancy, or what stops you doing it.
There we go - FIGHT. I have to fight for my right to have a voice and exist authentically, to live my life and be as I see fit vs. what others expect of me.

Card 3: The new logic that can help your growth process and your transformation, or what blocks that.
I need to let the old ways of thinking, old fears, old programs, old control mechanisms die and be replaced with new concepts and freedom.

Card 4: What is necessary to make you or the situation more stable; or what makes it unstable.
I think reaching and connecting with other likeminded people and those I can assist will help me in stabilizing my mission and purpose. But also being a Projector (Human Design), I have to be less concerned about reaching others and rather do my own thing and let them reach me.

Card 5: The step to take to renew yourself or the situation; or the limits, conditioning or habits to be confronted.
This is a delicate issue for me. I tend to underestimate my power, or let it bleed out. I will need to be mindful of my energy levels depending on how things go.

Card 6: How to integrate your inner opposites and resolve your conflicts; or what exacerbates them.
Very much part of my journey - learning to bring all my pieces home, and making that space within and around me sacred. I'd like for this platform to be a home for my authentic self....all the good and messy aspects.

Card 7: Doubts and uncertainties; or how to overcome them and find the higher order in the situation.
I do question whether this venture is the right thing to do, if it will have any value to anyone but myself...and oh my Lord what if people from my day-to-day see this? LOL But it is what I have been guided to do for now and I know to trust that.

Card 8: The result that you can bring to the world. Your possible contribution to others.
YES. Very much this is what I would like to bring to the world. Freedom to be authentic and imperfect, freedom from stereotypes, expectations, misinformation, over-intellectualization, and co-opted energies. Freedom to be something new, to have a new way of being, seeing and expressing... Being part of a new community that uplifts and respects the individual instead of trying to dictate what they should believe and cram them into a blob of oneness/sameness...freedom from the Matrix that is manipulating, exploiting, and disempowering. Freedom to relax and pursue happiness... focusing on truth, kindness, and ease.

Well. :) I think that's a good starting point and something that I will now carry into my day to chew on a while. I'd love to hear your comments and/or suggestions, and I hope that this new moon brings you many joyful blessings.



Interesting to read your article and all the work you've been doing. This stood out to me, because it is very common with many spiritual people and something we all need to be aware of on a daily basis:

"I tend to underestimate my power, or let it bleed out."

I work on raising my vibration / frequency daily so that personal energy is not being used and I am channeling Pure Source Energy. When we interact with others or global issues, the higher our frequency the more we flow good out and don't drain or bleed our energy. However, it can still be draining when we do lots of global work, just because the amount and power of the energy we're working on.

The fears are also very common and not surprising because of the 'attacks' that come from sharing, but uniting with like minded souls make this easier to do, feeling supported is so important!

FREEDOM indeed! For us all and humanity from all the systems, beliefs and grids! Keep doing the good work and may your new project here on Steemit be amazing for you and do lots of good! :)

Thank you! I believe you hit the nail on the head - focused routine maintenance. When I feel good, I take it for granted and do other things, then little by little, most of the time it's so subtle, I don't even notice I've gone off track until I am completely sick or some crisis has popped up . :\

When I do any energy work, I do my best to keep as much of my conscious self out of the process as possible, and I only do it when I absolutely get compelled to. All the weird energy-vamping in the Reiki community taught me a thing or two about minding my own business and using great discernment before getting entangled with any others' issues, even in group workings. Especially in group workings. LOL

One of the reasons I have really taken to the dowsing systems like Anahata codes, is that my mind is content enough by the activity of it, to stay out of the way and let Higher Self and soul come through. Any time I go for messages, if they come from other sources outside of myself, they are still presented to me with my own soul being the intermediary. Ideally anyway - I would never be so bold as to say things don't go wrong from time to time. :) I guess for me because I have experienced so much interference, I am very cautious about what I let flow through me, and I am certain that limits me in a lot of ways. The other stuff - the solar flares, the cosmic rays, ascension waves, etc etc... I am pretty much at the mercy of whatever wants to happen and my body tends to not like it. Solar flares make me very nauseous - that's how I've learned to know solar events are in progress without even consulting SpaceWeather. Nothing seems to help that except trying to nap through it if I can :(

I am very much looking forward to adding the Pure intention to future workings, because I think EVERYTHING needs that powerful boost of NEW PURE power! :)

I hope that Steemit will be a place where more people like us will feel safe and free to share and grow :)

Thank you so much for your kind words, well wishes, and important contributions. I hope a whole new way of being opens up for us all as we reclaim our freedom to live in goodness <3

It is very common for people to not really see and value the importance of doing daily energy work on ourselves and it is so so important to stay feeling high energies and feeling good and being safe and protected. I make doing daily energy work on me, releasing, clearing, protection, filling and floating a must do!

Yes discernment is most needed and many of these group healing sessions are being put on my dark to generate energy that they can steal and use for their own purposes, and people have no idea! I’ve clicked on a few emails that people have sent me and the dark has been huge so I stay well clear of them and keep working on what is brought to me.

I don’t use many tools either, that is another opening for dark to get in, so easy for dark to project an evil intention on images or through sound waves. When high frequency is coming in then we do often need to just sleep to allow it to process, I can also feel ill after doing intense energy work and this is all the dark leaving, not pleasant to feel and lots of floating and clearing helps it to move out quicker. The more intense energy work we do then often the more sleep we need to process it.

GREAT you’re going to add Pure Intention to all your future energy work! Everything sure does need a powerful boos of PURE power!!

I send out a Pure Intention that like minded Pure souls connect on Steemit and we can really send out some powerful Pure Intentions to create peace on earth!

You’re welcome and good is flowing, and freedom is on the way, I can feel it! :)

Very, very true about the daily personal work. Hopefully the change in my routine and redirecting my energy into this new space will help me stay mindful enough to do that! :)

I'm glad to hear it's not just me who sees that in the groups. Some are well intentioned and I want SO badly for them to work out, but more often than not it seems like someone toxic shows up and sabotages the whole thing. It's very hard to keep a good resonance in group workings anyway due to personality differences, focus, etc. I found some interesting things while doing the new moon manifesting circles. That if it's sort of like a blind study - where nobody actually knows who the other people involved are so there is no personality judgment flying around, and if everyone just holds the intention that everyone in the circle be blessed and perfectly receive what they are aiming for in the highest, best way... wonderful things happen. Miracle jobs open up, money suddenly appears for big purchases, relationships spontaneously heal - it's truly wonderful to witness. But even that can be a difficult construct to keep going for long, especially if one person starts pulling too much from the group and not contributing enough to keep a balance.

I noticed especially on some of the telesummits, there are some callers who just seem to immediately create a vacuum or disresonant energy that hooks into me quickly. (And I want to quickly insert here that what you said about the sound waves, and in the Pure article about the forms that evil uses....YES, I think that is exactly what I need to understand about it).

Of course I feel empathy for their suffering, and that they don't know how to break free- but when people are unwilling to do any work for themselves beyond asking others for help, and then are unwilling to even accept the help they's no good for anybody. They go from show to show, (and I know them by name now!), asking the same questions, or manifesting new drama for someone else to fix for them. That's exactly why after painstaking years of learning to read cards about mostly 3D issues, learning different healing modalities, wanting so much to try to learn what can actually help and heal people... I learned I am not personally meant to do that. LOL My world service needs to be on a more diffused level....trying to bring in something higher into the areas that are devoid of goodness.

Very true about the stealing part too - I have seen personal dreams and ideas of mine leave and manifest for other people over and over. IN fact I find myself in the odd limbo of not particularly having a personal focus right now for that very reason, having just had that happen a few months back. Once the idea has been stolen and corrupted, it's just over for me. :(

You are very correct about the tools. Funny with the dowsing, I learned very early NOT to get some really expensive tool and make it about some power object outside of myself. I use a very humble little crystal pendulum that was made for me by a friend and although I am an animist and I do believe crystals can hold their own intelligence, when dowsing I make it 100% about me communicating with my Higher Self, bypassing my busy mind.

Also, I have seen beautiful decks of cards, when used by certain individuals, turn morphogenetically across the whole plane. :\ I'm very careful to use tools, or even prayers that are used a lot by people. Sometimes the critical mass is good, most often, not so much.

Thanks for sharing about your processing - glad to know it's not just me being a wimp having to sleep it off sometimes LOL The Floating is a very powerful energetic movement. I listened to one of the telesummits where you guided everyone through the process and it was very potent!

And thank you for that lovely intention - I will definitely intend that also! Better things all around! <3

Consider doing daily energy work the same as cleaning your teeth! I honestly feel I would have been killed off if I didn’t do daily protection and energy work on me, had a few close misses in various ways!

I feel that more and more with groups that ‘moles’ or bad applies and intentionally added to the group to sabotage the intention. Sounds crazy but evil can only survive if Light isn’t our dominant energy, so they will try every trick in the book and that’s such an obvious one to do.

Keeping the frequency and intention high during a group session is challenging for sure. I do a live monthly call for my membership group and that is ok because it’s small, but I do feel tired and drained afterwards, so no you’re not being a wimp at all, intensive energy work requires power to process it and taking in higher frequencies usually sends us to sleep too!

Oh tele-summits! I don’t do them any more, so many reasons and yes I agree with your comments about people wanting a quick fix and not willing to do the work. We live in an every changing world so we need to be doing every changing energy work each day to keep up with it, some just don’t get this! I feel the same, that I’ve done the helping individuals but now it needs to go to the next level and global energy work is what I’m being called to do, which is great and if I got paid to do it would be fantastic! So it’s just balancing earning with following the calling to do powerful energy work on these deeper issues and finding solutions etc. Sounds like we have this in common!

I know someone who says the same as you about being able to manifest for others but not herself, like all her dreams have been stolen. That is very soul destroying for sure.

How wonderful that you’ve heard me on a tele-submit, I’m quite surprised because I haven’t done one for over a year, maybe even two! So pleased you love the Floating and can feel the power.

Keep Flowing the Pure Intentions! <3

That doesn't sound crazy to me at all... they know exactly who needs to be targeted. Social media seems to be the biggest playground of all and it is just outright WEIRD how "it" works through certain people, friends of friends, the AI...

I'm trying to catch up on your articles and in one you mentioned about how pressure is put on us financially to get us off task. Even though it has been a struggle, my husband has been generous enough to allow me to be a stay-at-home mom, which gives me a good block of quiet time during the day to be able to focus on my spiritual work. Life would be so much better and easier for my whole family if I were able to find the right vocation. At one point I had a reasonably successful sewing business on Etsy, but it took its toll on my back and shoulders, and it got to where people wanted a lot of custom work which was flattering, but not what I wanted to do. It became oppressive and every time I had to tell someone "no" it chipped away at me until I just gave up.

I would love nothing more than to see the perfect, joyful opportunities that we LOVE doing, to come forth for us and our kind. :)

Sorry to hear that about your friend experiencing the dream bleed too :( Every time it happens, I do manage to gain at least one more tidbit of understanding. I learn more about who I can trust, and even though it feels good to share, sometimes it's better to just keep things private until the dream has more stability :| Back to the drawing board for the bazillionth time! It forces me to keep things fresh anyway!

Pure Intentions, onward and upward! <3

Finances is a big way of attacking and keeping people working on earning enough rather than just enjoying the flow with enough coming in! I'm working on this! :)

I do hope you find you an alternative to your sewing work that feels good to you and brings in some money too. Something many people are finding hard, but I feel the global energy is changing around this.

Yes indeed, Pure Intentions to move onwards and upwards! <3

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