Wow! Isn’t that so so so true. We create our own reality but what is it about me that I paint mine in very complicated ways and always end up “alone” with nobody’s support but my own.
Yes we matter! I Double and triple that up! I matter and it’s not me who creates that reality that I do not matter. It seems I need to change some batteries in my system. 😬🐒🤣
Your Rick is a very very wise man!
“Linda, you matter. The world does not matter. If you are in a room looking out of the window what is outside is of little importance. It is only when you open the window that your world is influenced; you allow the air, the sounds and smells to change your experience. Continue with your work and don’t let the outside influences change you – keep the window shut”.
To be alone is better than to be with the wrong person - this I know from personal experience :( And yet I, for one, function far better in a supportive relationship. There is much wrong in our lives but the most important part of the puzzle for us both is in place and for that we are grateful. I wonder if, rather than new batteries, a restart may not be more appropriate? - It works for me... I wish you well along your way and am going to visit your blog now. With love xox