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RE: My whole spiritual journey summed up in just one post (and a video)

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

Before I continue I tell you I have not, yet, watched the video ~ bookmarked for a quieter moment later; thanks.


As far as breath goes: It makes perfect sense although I am a bit of an oddball and when I try and focus on it it makes me feel kinda squelchy in my body!

I have always been open to the idea of spirituality but until only 18 months ago was busy being busy. I had an epiphany when, unexpectedly, the spirits made themselves known to me.

I am now fortunate to talk regularly with them and have a spiritual team helping me along my way.

They are always expressing the same thing to me: Keep it simple Linda, don't over think ~ just be.

Here on Steemit I have decided to try and share this under the umbrella term that I have coined "Kitchen Sink Spirituality."

I appreciate your work and invite you to pop by mine sometime.

With love.



haha Right! I could never do any form of breathing meditation, because they all told me to change my breathing pattern in some way. Count to 3 on the inbreath, 2 outbreath or deeper or more up or more down or whatever.
Impossible for me to do. Even watching the breath made no sense to me.
This is also why I avoided this teaching from Matt.
Then I found out, that it was not about all that at all. It is about being the breath and be nothing else. This is a totally different game.
Thank you and blessings! ❤️

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