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RE: Artists as telepathic Soul readers

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

sometimes i feel like my head is my heart and my heart is my head. knowing that any subatomic particle of me can be entangled with any other particle makes me feel connected to far away places and far away times. Then looking in the sky, is like in the picture above. Never thought that it could be telepathic. Unfortunatly I am most of the time extrospective because of so "important" human things like semesterbeitrags-rückerstattungs-erklärung. *But I must admit, introspection feels wired as well, maybe there is something like universal-spection? :D ** oh well I gues this is kind of telepatic


Again and again I love your comments! This article is indeed a product of some major spiritual insights, and if we haven't experienced it for ourselves I admit it is quite difficult to wrap around our mind, because it is exactly the opposite of what people have been conditioned to think. The fact that you love science and physics so much is merely a sign of your inherent Soul interest, and you surely had and will have lifetimes where you extensively have to do with these themes, which is stored in your Soul memory. So in every moment we are channeling our Soul's future and past memory in shape of interests, thoughts or ideas, short: our entire imagination is result of our Soul's past and future history in the Time-Space continuum.

Selbst deine "semesterbeitrags-rückerstattungs-erklärung" :)

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