On Being Yourself

in #spirituality6 years ago

"The task is to allow yourself to be you."
-Vadim Zeland

“Be — don't try to become”

"Don't go on discussing what a good person should be. Just be one."
-Marcus Aurelius

Being yourself sounds simple enough, I mean, how could you not be yourself? Really, you can't, but you can pretend. It seems like all of us pretend, at one time or another, to be fake, either to deceive or appease someone. We pretend to ourselves too, labeling ourselves, defining ourselves, but do we really know what we are? I know I'm still trying to figure it out.

In spirituality there is a lot of talk about Being, but rarely any talk about what that is. It's a challenging, if not impossible, thing to describe. What is our being? What does it mean to Be? Lately I've been thinking about being in terms of vibration.

“How you vibrate is what the universe echoes back to you in every moment.”

The world we see is a reflection of how we are being, our vibration attracts similar "life" to what we are sending out through our vibration.

In the Book of Truth the guides talk about aligning to Truth, which would be our Being in this line of thought. So the only reason we are not seeing reality clearly, is because we aren't aligned to our natural vibration. The true reality is always there for us to see, but we are distorting our view of it by overlaying other disruptive vibrations, like thought vibrations and other vibrations from what you take in throughout the day(artificial light, food, bacteria, etc.)

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In our culture we learn to think and to do, rarely do we learn what it means to be, to relax all that effort to keep things in place so we can see what's underneath it all. We are boxed in, told how to be, what to do, how to do it. There is a certain way of things, and if we don't fall in line we are punished in some form or another, so we do what we need to in order to survive in the environment, which usually means trying to be a certain way, which takes us out of our spontaneous Being.

If there's a path at all — it's emptying yourself of what you're not."

So the challenge is to find out how we are distorting our vibration, how we are fooling ourselves. It's noticing when our thoughts are owning our attention, when we are giving too much importance to things, when we are worried or anxious about things in the future, and when we are regretting and ashamed of the past. If we can drop our ideas and labels and definitions about what we are and what the rest of the world is, it seems to me that we would open ourselves up to the possibility of stumbling onto the natural vibration and rediscovering Truth.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
-Nikola Tesla

I think the more we start viewing the world as these three things, which have infinite potential variations and also require us to observe and see rather than immediately labeling something as known, the faster we can start shifting our perception towards truth and clarity.

I find a lot of value in opening to the feeling of vibration, letting the information inherent in the vibration inform me rather than my idea of what something is. Your heart is always beating its vibration, sound is a vibration, touch is two things vibrating against one another, light is vibrating at certain wavelengths, etc, etc, etc. Why do we keep relying on our intellect and definitions instead of our feelings? What if thoughts could be perceived as feelings too?

I feel like before you can really be yourself, you need to figure out who and what you are, beyond words and labels.

Another late night write, hopefully this helped you try looking at life in a different way. I've been pondering some books lately and this is some of what I took away from it. I feel like it's worthwhile to pay attention to how things are working, how habits, thoughts, and moods can affect the way we see the world.

Let me know what you think, and thanks for reading,



You had me until "figure out who you are...." My main takeaway from your post is that we don't need to figure out who we are, but rather drop our ideas about who we are. In that space the truth emerges. It is knowing as a state of being rather than an act of understanding. And yes, this is the work. To stop leading ourselves away from ourselves with "stories" about ourselves and simply rest in a knowingness of our intrinsic quality of pure being.

Ahhh good catch, I mis-typed, youn are right, we shouldn't be worrying and trying to figure out who we are but rather allow ourselves to Be. Like you said, truth emerges.

Sometimes I need to get out of my head still, writing can be a challenge sometimes because words don't really work to describe truth, plus it's an intellectual process to some degree.

Nice comment :)

It's actually perfect that you slipped back into that within a post about not doing that, because it really elucidates just how powerful that ego dynamic is. We strive. We strive for knowing, for definitions, for a sense of safety within illusions of control. So hard to let go of the ground outside ourselves that we relate to from duality, in favor of the ground within ourselves that has only itself as proof.

Haha good point! Funny how things work out sometimes.

So hard to let go of the ground outside ourselves that we relate to from duality, in favor of the ground within ourselves that has only itself as proof.

It definitely is a bit of a leap, kind of like you have to have faith that something will catch you when you let go. It's been really challenging for me, but well worth the effort every step of the way towards allowing myself to drop the fear that comes with it.

There is no doubt Tesla was able to tap into exactly what you are saying. Consciousness exists all around us, every ready to provide with the answers. Where do we find consciousness. To me it is summed up in this "the kingdom of heaven is within".

It is only by going within that we find the entire universe. "As within, so without".

We get glimpses of what is really going on with the "coincidences" we see around us. Of course, another term for that is synchronicity. For those who are truly tapped in, every moment of everyday is a synchronistic event....

And that is what being is....being the receiver of what the universe is transmitting.

being the receiver of what the universe is transmitting.

It's kind of funny how simple it is, yet how challenging it is for most of us to let go and receive...

I keep seeing the number 222, the last few years it just keeps popping up

Yes. "I am not my thoughts", is the epiphany we need, shifting from identifying ourselves with our thoughts to the position of neutrally observing them. This way, toxic thought patterns lose their stickiness, and we simply let them flow through us. Thinking itself is an excercise of Separation and Doing, and the more we do so the more we lose touch with the feeling state of Being.

Thinking itself is an excercise of Separation and Doing, and the more we do so the more we lose touch with the feeling state of Being.

I recently read something about how there is knowing or thinking, you can't be in the state of being which brings knowing if you are thinking

Good stuff man. I would upvote but my influence isn't quite there yet, lol. Just wanted to tell you myself, I appreciate these posts.

Thanks man, I appreciate the kind words and you reading

We are nothing more that dust coming from ancient stars that no longer exists. We are one way the universe has to experience itself.

In the post, you mentioned this:

rediscovering Truth

What do you mean by that? Perhaps there is some knowledge we might have forgotten ?

The Truth of what we are, the reality. Most of us walk around deluding ourselves about what is going on because we have thoughts that we lay overtop of reality. For example, a tree is a label that comes with a definition for a whole slew of different individual life forms that we don't truly know the inner workings of. Our definitions and labels are placed overtop of what is really there and then we don't really pay much attention to it because we have decided what it is in our minds. The truth only reveals itself once we stop telling the world what is what, once we stop thinking we know and surrender to unknowing.

The tree was a simple example, but another could be what happens after death. We don't know, so it scares most of us. We can try and try to think up what will happen and many of us have an idea we keep that comforts us, but a huge part of life is mystery and accepting that seems to be difficult, but necessary.

Hopefully that made some sense haha

All right man I see what you mean.

Well, I saw you mentioning "surrender to unknowing" and there are certainly a lot of information we still don't yet understand, about a lot of things, but man I would love to really be able to understand all sort of crazy things about our reality.

I hope one day, one way or another we are able to keep doing big discoveries that improve our understanding of reality. The death subject is a little bit delicate because I don't see a way in which people could research or learn from it, although I have seen some crazy movies where people killed themselves (or close to) and to then return them back to life (they were doctors) and report everything they saw.

And there is another french movie, really cruel called martyrs that is about this same subject, people doing extreme things to see whats beyond death.

Who knows man, perhaps there is nothing after this, but I think we would all prefer for there to be something.

I would love to really be able to understand all sort of crazy things about our reality.

I think a lot more understanding can come from this type of surrender. Things are revealed to us rather than us accumulating information and piecing the puzzle together. When I have had a very clear mind everything makes sense, everything. It's crazy, but the thinking mind can't comprehend, there is another level of intelligence available to us.

I agree on death, I honestly don't know what comes after, but I bet there is something. I guess I was trying to reference the mystery of it. So much of life is more mysterious than we make it out to be. We think we understand things, but I don't know that we truly do yet. It's interesting how science with quantum mechanics is coming to a more spiritual understanding though. I think surrendering to not knowing actually opens us up to true knowing and understanding, which sounds very counterintuitive.

Pretty deep after all that driving.

Had a long time to ponder, words probably didn't capture it well

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