[Hae-Joo] Numerology, Divination, Pseudoscience and the Information Age - What in God's Earth are Angel Numbers?

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)


I sometimes have a hard time reconciling my deep sense of spirituality with my thirst for objective, balanced, expansive knowledge.

I have to admit that one of my shadow traits is that of the perfectionist. Its difficult to cope with uncertainty and at times I feel very compelled to know "beyond the shadow of a doubt"; going as far as substituting my faith in the success I will achieve through my incremental steps in the right direction for sweeping binary all-or-nothing ego absolutes that lead me astray towards a fatalist state of mind.

And despite my egocentric and self-reliant propensity towards doing everything my own way and not asking for help even when I'm struggling, there is a form of Divination that I use that brings me in closer communion with my Higher Self and Spirit, and strengthens my connection with the Universe. In fact, it is the only form of Divination that I use, everyday, multiple times.

For I am no palm-reader, I do not own a deck of Tarot cards, I've never conducted a seance, I'm still quite ignorant about Taoist mysticism and the 12 animals of the Chinese calendar, and am deeply skeptical of the credentials, intentions and expertise of most horoscope authors, who seem more interested in appealing to a wide audience of people and having a big readership than providing valuable information regarding the zodiacs...

Yet I am a most prolific and passionate interpreter of Angel Numbers

What are Angel Numbers?


Those of you who share in the sense of Spirituality that drives my own life, and feel part of a New Age Consciousness Renaissance as I do, are probably already familiar with the concept of Angel Numbers.

What are they? Angel Numbers are a kind of Synchronicity based on Repeating Number Sequences that convey personal intuitive information in the form of Numerological Meaning to the attuned perceiver of the phenomena.

Yet do many of us actually receive these incredibly complex messages let alone understand their rich meaning? Is there any reason to attribute meaning to repeating number sequences and can we at least try to understand why one would do this?

To be able to understand the importance and real-world relevance of Angel Numbers in this day-and-age, it's of the utmost importance that we can reconcile seemingly unconnected phenomena of the natural world around us with our own internal state of consciousness and knowledge.

So in this post I will ask a few questions and attempt to offer my own thoughts on the topic.

Is Everything that is Not Science therefore Pseudoscience?

To answer this question, we should have an understanding of these two words.

Pseudo from the Greek pseudo-, combining form of pseudes "false, lying; falsely; deceived," or pseudos "falsehood, untruth, a lie"

And Science from the Latin scientia "knowledge, a knowing; expertness," from sciens "intelligent, skilled"

So from the word Pseudoscience we get the meaning of "false knowledge". Many of a skeptical nature consider that things which claim to come from a supernatural source are inherently unreliable forms of knowledge. This is where the term "pseudoscience" came from, an outright rejection of superstitious beliefs that came about with the scientific revolution and rationalism. (The earliest known reference of which was made in relation to alchemy in 1796)


Yes, but why Carl Sagan? Did you ever ask yourself the question: why?

And though there were incredibly important reasons to reject the superstitions of Middle Age Europe (specifically those promulgated by the Catholic Church that were used to control people through fear of "Eternal Damnation"), and many important reasons to evolve our rational capabilities beyond innocent naiveté and the childlike fear of a boogieman-like-God and paternalistic clergy (you will burn in Hell for all eternity for having certain thoughts, or pursuing your "carnal" desires, or rejecting church dogma, etc...)

An important question that we must ask ourselves in this day-and-age is: does the existence of Numerology, Magic, Angel Numbers, and indeed the "Spiritual Realm" all stem from the mistaken creation of the superstitious mind's propensity for irrational thinking and malarkey?

Or is there more to all this than what society would allow and encourage us to believe?

To answer this question, let us ask ourselves the following:

What is Divination?

To this question, we find the following answer: divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.

The word comes to us from 14c Old French divination, from the latin divinationem "the power of foreseeing, prediction", from the past participle stem of divinare, literally "to be inspired by a god" - source

In other words, all forms of divination are trying to seek knowledge of the future or the unknown by asking a god-like supernatural entity to show us a glimpse of what is to come, to be able to better prepare for it in the present.

Well, the point of this article is not to convince people of the validity of divination one way or the other. Rather, it is to show you that in this day and age, these ancient practices that are as old as human being themselves, which have ties to shamanism, mystery traditions and occult esoteric knowledge, still follow us around, connecting the world of the visible to the hidden world of the invisible.

Divination practices are as old as the hills and certainly nothing new. Wherever Man has been, he has sought to find meaning in the world of natural phenomena that surround him by appealing for signs that might suggest the best course of action or the safest route, pleading would be Guardian Entities to keep us company in our most lonesome perils, and help us find clues as to what the future may hold through the recognition of repeating patterns...

Omens, signs, and messages from the Spirits that are guiding us on our journey, leading us to the place of realization that hold the answers to our questions, and the secrets of the mysteries that we seeks to unravel.


Underlying the belief that "Sequences of Numbers do not just occur by Chance alone" is Man's fundamental desire to recognize the patterns of reality that surround him... It is the desire to extract meaning from our environment; the prayer or wish for something, a sign of some sort, that could help us to see past the veil of uncertainty, a key to understanding more about our condition, the wisdom to recognize the eternal recurrence of the same, the Being of all Becoming...

For the Man who cannot see what lies ahead of him is the Man who is walking forward blindly into the future, unaware of the objects, the challenges, the achievements that lie ahead of him... The Man with no knowledge of the future is the Man with no knowledge of the past... He is One who does not know where he comes from, knows not where he is going, and therefore, has no way of understanding where he currently stands.

A Man who does not heed the omens is a Man who is lost in time and space, appearing like in a strange and unfamiliar dream; oblivious to the penmanship of the great Dramaturge, unaware of the Cosmic Play that he figures in and the role he is to play in it.

So why Angel Numbers, and why today?


So far as I can tell; Angel Numbers are an incredibly recent phenomena. Yet the roots of this modern form of divination find their roots in the much more ancient art of Numerology.

Numerology was a system of knowledge that was quite prevalent in the Ancient World. In Antiquity, Man believed that meaning such as words or sounds could be attributed to numbers. Several different sciences evolved, including Chaldean, Pythagorean, Hebraic, Helyn Hitchcock's method, Phonetic, Japanese, Arabic and Indian, to name the most extensive ones in the world.

Elements of Numerology are present in all Sacred Texts: in the Abrahamic books of the Torah, the Bible, and Quran; and beyond to the Eastern mysticism of the Hindu and Daoist Sacred Texts of Asia. And in South American and African Wisdom Traditions as well.


So why would a new form of modern numerology like Angel Numbers emerge in this day and age? And to what extent does it have anything to do with past meanings?

Well ,for starters: in this day and age, we are not only surrounded, but are constantly bombarded with Number Sequences everywhere we look. As the vast majority of humanity spends its time dwelling in artificial man-made dwellings such as megalopolises, metropolises, cities, towns and the like, our exposure to Nature has drastically been reduced.

Instead of sitting outside and gazing the horizon, where we may see 7 birds flying in the sky, we are now always being exposed to the precise time of the day, price tags, multiple digit pins and codes, figures pertaining to statistics of our immediate surrounding, and a vast host of other locations where number sequences are on display.

We are virtually guaranteed to spend a certain amount of our day exposed to repeating sequences of numbers

So naturally, it would seem like a new opportunity for Divination has made itself manifest. By plunging deeply into the ancient knowledge of numerology, extracting all the rules and knowledge we could from humans who in many instances spent their entirely lives studying the phenomenology of numbers and interpreting their meaning, we can now apply this ancient knowledge to a whole new socially constructed environment.

And it is my belief that we are using archaic and magic tools to aid and assist us in navigating these complex and unfamiliar times.

What am I experiencing when I see an Angel Number?

I'm experiencing the sensation of receiving a special message that was made for me to help me realize something about my experience that I was unaware of. And where does this message come from?

From my Guardian Angel


Now I know this may be a hard pill to swallow for some, but to what may I attribute the fact that throughout the last 4 years, I have everyday seen the exact same repeating sequence of numbers over an extended period of time while I was trying to realize some kind of spiritual insight?

I very distinctly remember when everyday, for months and months at a time; I would both in the morning, and at night, be witness to a digital representation of the number 11:11.

Eleven eleven AM. Eleven Eleven PM. Everyday. No exception. I would seemingly be drawn to a clock in a street, or my phone, or my computer screen, and see this exact number, every time. So much so that it was weird.

How many of you have went through a phase in your life where this was happening. Your gaze was just drawn to any machine or display capable of showing you this number sequence. So much so that it really began to stand out. Thinking to yourself: "That's strange. What are the chances that I would look at the time and everyday would see this particular number."

I tried to calculate the probability of it. Let's say I looked at the time maybe 10-20 times a day. If I just think of how many minutes there are in a day, minus 8 hours of sleep time, that's 960 minutes of waking consciousness. That meant that there was approximately 1 out of 48-96 chances that I would actually look at the time at 11:11.

It wasn't long before I intuitively decided to look this up. "Why am I seeing 11:11 every day?"; and discovering that this was actually a hot-topic of debate and speculation on the internet, and certainly not a common occurrence that people were quite content to dismiss as pure coincidence, every single time it happened.

And strange as it may be; I only very rarely see 11:11 anymore. Over the years, I've come to be as inexorably drawn to other repeating Number Sequences as I was to 11:11 some two or three years ago.

I only seem to see 11:11 when I'm about to enter a new great cycle or stage of growth and life.

So what is the bottom line? Firstly, I've come to realize that interpreting numbers is quite a tricky art, and requires a fair amount of skill to get a specific meaning. Many rely on what are called "Sacred Scribes" to perform a reading of the Angel Number and tell you what it might mean. Scribes can sometimes be less inspired than others. Sometimes, we can also be making a big deal out of a specific number for no reason. Sometimes, people can get a little neurotic, looking for signs everywhere they look, and seeing hidden meanings everywhere they glance... This truly goes against the point of Angel Numbers.

Angel Numbers are not something we must scour the landscape for... They are something that will manifest naturally as we go through the day. And even though we may be tempted to simply take somebody else's take on that specific meaning and apply it to our own life, in reality, the real Magic comes from intuiting the meaning of the Angel Number ourselves, based on our own understanding of Numerology, and our own State of Consciousness in the moment we receive the Angel Number...

I have to admit that whoever Joanne Sacred Scribe's is, she's been doing the work of a great Magician. Her readings have time and time again conveyed such deep and transcendental meanings that have uplifted my spirit out of the ruts that I find myself periodically getting stuck in, and setting me back on a path to do great work and achieve great things for months and months. Her blog or website you can reach here, and I truly invite you from the bottom of my heart to look up one of her Angel Number readings the next time you feel you are receiving an Angel Number and could use a hand trying to figure out what it means.

As I continue on my path of Spiritual Ascension, I hope to rely less on other Scribe's readings and to do my own more and more. I've built a pretty basic understanding of Numerology, but it's definitely something I intend to deepen my understanding of as I move forward.

Receiving a message from my Guardian on The Other Side is the most beautiful feeling I experience on a daily basis. There is nothing that makes me feel more loved, and more cared for, than realizing a deep insight right at a moment of perfect synchronicity all around me. When the message is clear, and the time, the date, and everything else in my environment is showing me the Way, and pointing to the absolute perfection and Oneness of the Cosmos...

I experience bliss

It may not always be easy to live and sustain this kind of perceptual level of consciousness, but it's certainly magical.


Banner Unity Guild.png

Peace and Love

Pictures courtesy of Pixabay: Hooded-Angel / Angel-Numbers / Angel-Time / Buddha-Omen / Angel-Guiding-Us
Other source: Carl-Sagan / Numerology-Book / Chakra-Numerology-FlowerOfLife


I got pretty into "angel numbers" while living in Bali. after a while, they became so frequent, it was almost getting tiring/boring. lol.

still see frequently and half into it - though also party just attribute alot of it to coincidence and cognitive bias, that may be more likely to subconsciously notice once the seed is planted.

who knows. some good fun, nonetheless... :-)


Whoah this piece must have taken you a pretty while to compile and write!

Good on yer!

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I receive messages from the Angels including numbers and they blow my mind.

Of course sceptics will always doubt the validiity of such things but since my spiritual epiphany in 2016 I have witnessed mini miracles.

All is not as it seems.

Magic is real.

Great post ~ thanks.


Hey linda!
Great to hear from you again!
I see you dug in and have been making some good inroads on here!
Certainly a most prolific poster! I just realized I wasn't following you even though I was sure I hit that button!
But I've remedied the situation! Haha, I had a feeling this post my attract a couple light-workers ^^
I'm hoping it would cross the path of a few people who are familiar with the repeating number sequences phenomena, but have not heard of angel numbers and what they can mean or represent!

Magic is Real

Much love Xx

Thanks for the follow and encouragement.

As you say I have Dug In, but boy it takes a lot of hours!

Need all the love you can spare ~ haha.

This awakening malarkey can be a lonely road and what I post doesn't touch the sides of most folks.


Be well.


Btw ~ I have just posted the Prologue for the book I am writing at the mo. If you have time I would surely welcome your thoughts: https://steemit.com/writing/@ldacey-laforge/prologue-from-my-book-mama-mama-are-you-there-thoughts-guidance-welcome

Photo on 2016-12-10 at 9.31 AM.jpg

333 is one of my numbers! My 2 best friends and I would see it everywhere it became our "thing"...and awesomely enough, I moved to Highway 333...that's where I live now lolol!!

I do use numerology and tarot. They have given me invaluable information and hints in life!! It's refreshing to meet a thinker who also delves in the 'unknowable'... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Big Love & Respect @imp.unity! We are well met!

Hey @lyndsay!
That's so frickin' awesome!!! Omg I love your tatoo so much! And your story with 333 is so mind blowing yet exactly what I'm talkin' about!

I'd be curious in knowing what number 3 means to you?

In my own experience, number 333 has often signified change and evolution. A feeling that what has just been going on is soon coming to an end, and something new is coming. But that's probably still a pretty basic understanding, something that @perceptualflaws actually expanded on a lot in one of his comments!

I love this topic so much though, so definitely share anything you've learned about this number! Thanks for reading and the MVP comment on this post hahaha! :)

Well, the number 33 is actually my favourite number, but my ultimate is the number 6. I like any numbers that add up to 6. 6 vibrates LOVE <3 It's the number of my ruling planet, Venus.

333 came into being, just as pure synchronicity with my 2 best friends. I'm not the hugest fan of the number 9, but 333 was just everywhere for us, for years and years.

What's your favourite number?

I love these "pseudosciences" quite frankly so I've looked into several of the topics you've mentioned in the post, including numerology, divination and tarot readings.

You've got a new follower because I find this content interesting and fun to know!

Hi @imp.unity!

What an interesting exploration of your journey with Angel Numbers and these adjacent subjects.

I'm definitely someone who explores divination and esoteric subjects on a regular basis, as it's a center of my life.

Really cool about the 11:11's! I see them often, as well. My life path is 11 and you know this is also an 11 year, so there will be more and more of this showing up in our lives.

I like to be aware of the symbols around in order to best utilize energies that are present.

Thanks for the excellent post!

This is great idea

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Great post @imp-unity and the funny thing is with pseudo science many historical scientific dogmas have later been revealed as pseudo and equally many aspects of previous "pseudo " ancient wisdoms are now being adopted by science. It's a strange old world eh? lol "what goes around come around".

I believe there was an awareness of the validity of many ancient wisdoms and so they knew they would rise again throughout the course of human history. Hence their denigration was built into many belief systems as a way of scaring people off looking too deeply.

All aspects (and possibly dimensions) of reality and matter can be broken down into numbers "god is a mathematician" and indeed I've often mused on the prospect of some kind of supercomputer number crunching the universe's numerical codes and patterns. I wonder what it would come up with ;)

Equally thats the other side of my duality and I know the understanding comes from within. The learning & exploration leading to intuition and inner wisdom that leads to inherantly understanding/knowing/feeling your message. Great work as always @imp-unity

Hey PF! Shit, how did I miss this comment til just now!! :O :(

Awww gash, how much do I agree with this.
What an interesting thought that tried and proven sciences will keep rising no matter the times.
That's super interesting! I know the Roman Catholic Church came out and said that Numerology was a heresy or black magic, even though the Holy Book they supposedly wield and preach from has so many examples of it.

"God is a mathematician"! These little quotes are brilliant... But that's exactly right, that's why someone who's at the right place at the right time should be able to witness these "glitches in the matrix" hahaha

Who was it that had a book about God being a supercomputer number crunching machine always keeping the balance between numerical values / patterns?

Philip K Dick? I swear I came across something like that before!

But forreal though, all understanding comes from within...

insight literally seeing from within, innerstanding, it's all the same! :3

Thank you for commenting! Sorry again that I missed it til now! I gotta be more careful not to squander our precious interactions on here! <3

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