Human values: Right conduct (Love in action), (ecotrain)

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)


Human values: Right conduct ( Love in action) 

"Laws control the lesser man, right conduct controls the greater one."

Mark Twain

Dear ones,

We have arrived at the third of five basic Human values. For previous posts on human values:

This is a really tricky one for me. Right conduct, also called Dharma in sanskrit, what is that? 

Is it even possible to give rules for it? Is right conduct not depending on the person, the situation and the culture?

In one culture it is rude to belch after diner and in another it is seen as a sign that you are satisfied.

When I look at the sub values below, I see pointers in the right direction, guidelines.

Who is willing to follow a few of these pointers this week and see if they take you towards right conduct, towards behaviour that feels good?

In other words: What would you like to do from your loving heart?

Right conduct (Love in action)









good behaviour,

healthy living,





time management,








I think I'll start with simplicity because that usually prioritises things and makes everything more clear. I'll tell you all about it in a few days. Which one speaks to you most to polish  your actions up with? Maybe we can come closer to our essence through our actions, while being reminded of these sub values. And that's what it's all about right, coming closer to our essence? 

I hope you will be with me on this journey again this week and, like always, I 'm excited to hear from you in the comments when we'll be looking back.  I wish you 'resourcefulness' and 'perseverance' in your explorations. Talk to you soon.

"Knowledge that is not put in to practice is like food that is not digested."

Sathya Sai Baba


I think right conduct is more an absolute than a relative term, not depending on social, cultural or Zeitgeist norms.
In the Buddhist sense right conduct is that action which reduces suffering and leads to enlightenment.
When the Nazis came to take away the Jews in her area, my grandmother was out in the street, loudly protesting against it, saying "This is not right!"
Now for the Nazis this was not right conduct and they wanted to arrest her also. Luckily for her, one of the SA knew her and told the others to let her go.
Wow, so many war stories I´m telling today. Wonder why.
Maybe because of those Nazis in Charlotteville.
Crazy! It´s 2017 and those guys go full 1933!
But of course we have them in Germany too.
They just don´t seem to die out, which would be right conduct, because it would reduce suffering.

Indeed right conduct is the conduct that leads to more love and less suffering, well put. Thanks

I think I remember associating right conduct with propriety and balance and refraining from causing harm. I like how @eco-Alex wrote about "being in tune with the one truth and light". On such a path, othing is wasted or overconsumed.
The sub values that caught my attention were time management and persistence. We shall see how I fair this week. Thank you for this thought provoking post @clara-andriessen
Sorry it has taken me so long to join this valuable conversation.

Everyday when I'm out in the fields or the forest, I always express my gratitude towards ???? I say something like: Thank you for giving us health, happiness and fortune. I also try to keep my life simple, appreciating the simple things in live. I should really work on cleanliness. Darn you Steemit, I don't get anything done nowadays. Thanks @clara-andriessen for sharing.

Lol, recognition. But it really feels good when things are organised and clean, doesn't it? I'm happy you feel gratitude! I love nature too.

The word 'right' arises when judging, i am not into that. Do you think 'right conduct' is a good translation for dharma? Not that i have a better one :-). Buddhism was never my thing i guess, no religions that tell me what is right and what is wrong so obviously, duty will be the last subvalue in my list this week. I do like the post though :-), love

interesting! I think one of the tenants of Bhuddism is that although there re rules, you have to know when to break them..

TO me right conducts isnt about right and wrong.. although it can easily be seen that way.> ITs more about being in tune with the one truth and light.. If we are in harmony with the cosmos, our body, our planet, and our selves, then right conduct is a natural occurrence.. Whilst i wouldn't judge someone for, say, kicking my dog for no good reason, i would say it is wrong.. from my perspective of honoring all life with love and respect.

Right conduct is just one part of the Noble Eightfold Path and Dharma is all of it, plus some.

Hi Bub, It's meant really more the way that Mark Twain has expressed it: Laws control the lesser man, while right conduct controls the greater one. Meaning that by following our inner compass we can decide what's right behaviour for us. No one can decide that for us, so no judgement is involved. The judgement is involved with the law. Dalai Lama says he promotes human values NOT buddhism, as human values are universal as they are inherently present in all of us. That's why it is not one religion/spiritual way that promotes them but they are at the base of all of them. I hope that clarified the intention of this post a bit.

Ok, got a better idea of right conduct now, thank you @clara-andriessen or @eco-alex or both :-)

It's also about freedom again isn't it? I just realised. I think This could also be an inspiration for my freedom post...

Oh shoot, I, Clara, am writing from Alex laptop, but it was my answer...oops

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Humans have the tendency to value that which brings them comfort really. Other than that currently on the mainstream related towards valuing others one only values his loved ones, yet others can bring happiness in one's life too :)

Great post and much love from me :)

Ehm I 'm not sure what you mean? Do you mean people would only be willing to behave in a loving way towards their loved ones and not so much towards others?

Hi @clara-andriessen. The first thing that came to mind was gratitude. There really were many choices that resonated with me but I think gratitude should be one of the first things we do as conduct. I will try to drop in when I can. I hope you are doing well. Please take care and continue on your path to spirituality!!! :D

Beautiful one you picked! I also think gratitude opens many doors for us. Thanks.

I will work on simplicity as it is something I am always striving to get better at and has improved my life this far. I am headed to the Land of Medicine Buddha tomorrow. While I do not consider myself to be a buddhist I have found much truth and wisdom in it's teachings. To do no harm. That is one I wish I was seeing more of in my country right now. And that is what I think of first when I think of conduct in the way it is being conveyed here. Great post and timely for me. Peace

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