Meditation is its own reward

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

buddha snow sculpture.jpg

Here's an idea that I've found practical lately. Once you sit to meditate, it doesn't really matter what happens after that. Your mind might be busy, quiet or silent. You might visualise, or have visions, or see emptiness, or not see. You might analyse things, or become emotional. You might feel hope, faith or love, or gratitude. You might pray.

Seated meditation is something that is so simple and pure that once you do it, as long as you do it, it doesn't matter how you do it. You don't ever have to worry if you're doing it right or wrong. Doing it is always enough.

Similarly, when you write, it can be fiction or fact, poetry or prose, dialogue or monologue, rhymed, metred, scrawled, scribbled or calligraphed, a fresh start or a redraft of an old draft, occult or obvious. It literally (literally) doesn't matter.

Good karma means right action.

Title image - Marisa04

About me

My name is Kurt Robinson. I grew up in Australia, and for now, the world is my home. I write interesting things about voluntaryism, futurism, science fiction, travelling the world, and psychedelics. Remember to press follow so you can stay up to date with all the cool shit I post, and follow our podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people, here: @paradise-paradox, like The Paradise Paradox on Facebook here, and subscribe to The Paradise Paradox on YouTube, and on iTunes.

In the next few months I'll be launching a new project focused on cryptocurrency and personal finance. Follow Cryptonomics on Steemit here @cryptonomics1, and check out the website Cryptonomics - principles of cryptocurrency and investing.


It's the process that matters! If we enjoy it we become light as a feather. Despite the external things like the weather.

Peace, love and gratitude!

Baba used to say, if you don't think you can meditate, or your meditation isn't working, just sit for meditation anyway :)

I would be a very different person without my meditation. This is a good reminder that just doing it is more important than how you do, or what happens.

Let whatever happens be okay.

I've found consistent meditation to always build on itself, my mind doesn't grab at me and run me around anymore, I can settle into myself. I personally like to start off with some kind of movement or standing meditation, preferably barefeet on the bare earth, then move into some sitting meditation before bed.

Nice little post! :>)

As NIKE pointed it out:

Just Do It!

The worst you can do is not do(ing what you feel like doing)
It's the process and going through it that it's all about it.
It's all about doing what you feel like doing
The results will come later

We're always doing things right by just doing them. It's others or our perception who turn those actions into wrong actions. Not that I'm saying it's right to bomb a town but you get what I mean.

I am also very interested in doing less ( and I'm not talking about being lazy) but that's a whole different story

Thanks for sharing this. I hope many people read it :>)

All the best and greetings from Portugal,



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