The Importance of Spirit Animals: Dragon Fly : Shifting our Perspectives

in #spirituality6 years ago

picture taken with my old nixon j2 in majorca

How can the ancient religions and traditions of animism help us in our everyday life?

Animism is a spiritual perspective that animals and insects are guardian spirits, the animal symbol is sacred and symbolic and often used as crests for tribes, clans, families and chiefs throughout different cultures around the world, the animal spirit may even represent ancestors.

In our modern world where we are taught to live separated from the nature from which we come from, we need to more than ever to reconnect with the animal spirits around us and understand their powerful symbolism.

By watching and understanding other life forms, through dreams, walks in nature, books and other media we begin to see the god spirit in every being and the amazingness of the world around us that has the ability to help heal our negative thought patterns and depressive tenancies. The power of the creature begins to reside in us, as we learn new skills and ways of responding to our reality through the spirit guide.

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Dragon Fly Totem

When I traveled around India I met an interesting character who asked me; Have you ever looked into the eye of a dragon fly? He said that; You would see a thousand eyes.

Having lived a fast past life in London up until then I never stopped to wonder about the eye of an insect but for some reason that stayed with me.

It's incredible to think of a creature like the dragon fly having multifaceted eyes, which are potentially lots of tiny independent eyes, with each unit consisting of separate cornea, lens, and photo-receptor cells. Certainly this creature has more than one visual perception but thousands!

Symbolically this teaches that we should be looking through multiple perspectives than just focus on one thing alone!

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But this creature rarely stays still long enough to capture it's thousand eyes, if you get to close it will fly away and the way it flies is extremely dexterous that it can stop in mid air and change in any direction abruptly.

This represents agility, flexibility and lightness of being that we also need to bring into our own lives.

Dragon flies are born of the water and undergo an incomplete metamorphosis, the water represents the emotions, which is an invitation to dive deeper into feelings and with that comes transformation.

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A dragon fly also changes color as it ages so symbolically this creature may be telling us it is time for change and shifting of our perspectives. Because this creature is easily adaptable there is an ease and joyfulness that comes with transforming.

The ancient dragon fly ancestor was giant compare to today with a 30inch /75 cm wing span, now these much smaller and condensed versions are threatened due to the loss of our wetland areas.

Like most creatures they tell us that we need to protect our natural areas to preserve the diversity of life on this planet.

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All images are created by @celestialcow

Thanks for reading


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Oh, dear @celestialcow, it so interesting to read someone writing of importance of living in the natural flow and see the signs around.

I have never thought that simple dragonfly can be really interpreted from many angles in terms of its symbolism so thank you for changing my perspective on that.

Like most creatures they tell us that we need to protect our natural areas to preserve the diversity of life on this planet.

For me, this one is the most important of all! Unfortunately, we do tend to forget not only the importance of symbolism but also the fact that we are just tiny part of the diversity that exists on this Planet and we are responsible for keeping it the way it is. Thank you for a beautiful reminder!
Collage by @sashagenji. Original images are from Pixabay under CCO Creative Commons

This is beautiful, thank you for sharing this!

i love these creatures also.. in india they swarm around my house in their hundreds.. and i always have one or two stuck in the house flapping around the skylights.. beautiful animals.

Wow what an incredible sight. You clearly have a connection with these a creatures as where u choose to live was right on their patch, was that in the himalaya?

That is in south india in kodaikanal.. it has a pretty amazing array of animals and plants!

great message, we really do need to reconnect. Dragonflies are very beautiful and yes very hard to get to see them up close they do like to move xxx

Incredible! Thousands of eyes, wow that is hard to imagine how the world would look like! xxx Beautiful written my dear friend!

So perfectly timed. In my last post, the one answering the ecotrain qotw, you can see my oldest in the last pic with the dragonfly necklace. On his right arm you can see the edge of the wing of his first tattoo, a dragonfly. All this because, when i was 8.5 months pregnant with him, a dragonfly landed on my belly and sat there for several minutes, so we always called him dragonfly. As for me, my spirit animals have been a tremendous help to me over the years, and i am incredibly grateful for them. What i thought were nightmares as a child were actually my guides showing up to guide and protect me. THey have carried me through many trials, including a vision quest, many sweat lodges, and a fire walk. Also four births and lord only knows how many relationships. Thanks for sharing. I miss my dragonfly boy, and this touched my heart.

How wonderful for sharing this what an amazing story. I saw the picture of your son he looks so happy, I bit didn't notice the tattoo I check again, it's not the only dragon fly I've seen appear in some posts recently must be a feeling of the time right now. U are clearly very connected with your animal spirit guides, what am inspiration thank you!

He has always been so happy. I've noticed dragonfly energy showing up a lot lately too.

I am so grateful for my animal guides. They have been such good teachers and protectors.

@celestialcow, Beautiful photo, I like the composition you achieved!

My Cat :)

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