Shiva and Shakti, The masculine and the feminine

in #spirituality8 years ago (edited)

The story of shiva and shakti is the story of the feminine vs. the masculine, Yin vs. Yang, Zero vs. One, possibility vs. actuality. All conscious beings embody both these aspects. Some have a dominant Shiva energy (mostly men). While other have a dominant Shakti energy (mostly women). Others might be perfect a balance between these two energies and they are often less driven by sexuality and do not care so much about finding a wife/husband.


She represent the vast, endless field of possibility. She is pure power, uncontrollable and unpredictable. She is unfolding and ever unfolding her deep levels of possibility. She is embracing everything in the soft arms of nothingness, allowing all beauty, madness, pain and chaos. She can feel and connect with nature. She is the eternal scream, the simmering, ungraspable void.


He represents the single pointed arrow of manifest reality. He goes straight through to truth. He is the determined focus, reliable and relentless with the power to provide. If shakti is the creative source, he is the artist, the tool that manifest, and chooses the one precise expression from the ocean of opportunity. He is driven by the need for existence. In the last 2000 years we have been under Shiva rule. He have provided us with prosperity, technology, great creativity and intelligence. His focus is on consciousness, clarity and knowledge.

The reinstatement of Mother

The relentless Shiva arrow which we all depend on, within ourselves, in the love relationship and in society at large have overstretched itself, creating suffering and a deep need for love. We have a hate against great mother, the god who left us alone. So we feel like the abandoned child, separated from great mother and angry at her unwillingness to give us protection and love. The problem is that we have silenced her voice, suppressed her power and made her insignificant within ourself. In fact she was always there, lingering in the shadows, surrounding us in her undying, unconditional love. We can not step one inch outside of her love, because we are love, she is our essence and our true self. We are nothingness dancing in her warm embrace.

The divine union

In the Shiva/Shakti union within, they become each other, he the creator, becomes the still, focused holder of her uncontrollable energy flow of possibility. So they work together in divine union.

The information is gathered from these videos: I invite you to check them out for further healing and guidance


Very good. We must transcend duality and unite the Shiva and shakti.
This will take us to the oneness of the universe :)

However, I'm not sure if I believe you theory that men are more masculine and women more feminine. I do not necessarily believe that this is always the case.

no absolutely not, Im sorry if you got this impression from my texts. I see soo many women rely on their shiva within, and turning away from their femininity and some women have a dominant shiva from birth, and many men have a dominant shakti. In the world today being a shakti dominated man is just as dangerous as being a shakti dominated female, homofobia and violence agains gay men around the world is a big problem. Shakti energy is hated and repressed everywhere, but still we long for it, like a lost child longin for mother

I also added this to the top texts: "Others might be perfect a balance between these two energies and they are often less driven by sexuality and do not care so much about finding a wife/husband"

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