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RE: Getting Rid of the Negative!

Hey Michelle this was a great read especially for me today as I was a bit down for some reason. I think I am feeling a but burned out as I was rather lethargic.
You mention audio - as an artist I am particularly interested in the light aspect. I am exploring the idea of colour used in certain forms could create positive cleansing and getting rid of negative energies etc.


Hi Arthur, so pleased you enjoyed my post and it helped you. I've been a bit burned out recently too so I get that, and I do think many are feeling this right now, so much global change going in, it's hard work!
Images have huge power, and colour too. I unfused Pure Light and Love into some of the images I use and people say they can feel the energies. I've also noticed if I love an image then it seems to shine after a few minutes of gazing at it, like it's reflecting back how much I love it!
I love the purple, pinks and white in the last image, and here is another one that I love and seems to glow Pure Light!

You do seem to be onto something with these images they have a hypnotic affect to them - I am going to see if I can create this affect in a painting - the problem is that on a painting there is not light source behind it like on a computer screen - perhaps this is also why stained glass windows in a church have a hypnotic affect too.
Hope you get some positive energy soon - thanks for sending me the purple light : )

Great to hear this Arthur!
I hear what you're saying about the light from behind the computer screen, but the idea of 'infusing images' is to shine your own Light into them so they radiate from your Light. Try it and see what happens!
You're welcome re the purple light, thanks for your good wishes. Hope you have a great weekend. :)

I understand what you mean now putting my own "shining light" in - I love that : ) - same to you Michelle, have a positive energy Sunday : )

PS: I hope you are happy about the news on IOTA - up 31% congratulations : )

Great to hear this Arthur!
Shine Your Light into all you do, images really do show this up well!

I hope you had a great weekend. I wasn't on line much, needed time out!

Wow yes great news re IOTA, so pleased I read your article and bought some, I'm sure this is just the started and buying now will still be a bargain to where it's going! :)

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