Hear Your Calling.

in #spirituality6 years ago


Someone said: “It takes courage to be yourself in a World that is constantly trying to turn You into someone else.”
Do You hear the message? How many of us live our lives as ourselves?

You see, it is very simple, we have to follow what calls for us.
It is our contract, it is our responsibility to receive the call from the Higher Self (or whatever you want to call it) and act upon it. No judgment, no filtering, no mind bs. Every one of us has a unique calling.

20 years ago while living in the UK as a seemingly happy glamour girl, I heard the calling to go to India study yoga and decided to accept it. I put my flat on the market and started packing.
My London friends thought I totally lost it. Who would be leaving a life of a “movie star – men, flowers and money” to go to “unclean, less developed parts of the world” to do some weird stuff called Yoga? Why would we leave safety and certainty for something unknown and unexplored.
It is kind if scary, isn’t it? Yes, it is, a little.


What seemed more scary to me though is to stay unhappy and dissatisfied.
What seemed successful and happy on the outside in reality was deeply unhappy, empty and broken on the inside. Health issues, depressions, feelings of being trapped and hopeless is something we are all familiar with.
What do we do about it?


First, we have to stop and get a grip on ourselves.
We must learn to listen. Listen to that noise in our head, see those mind movies that have been playing in there……. for what seems like forever.
Do you like what you hear? If yes, wonderful, have fun with it.
No? Then change the record.
How? Switch the focus.
We can change the program!
Try this:
Sit down with yourself!
Listen to the sound of your breath, just for a few moments.
Feel your Spirit guiding you.
You have no idea what this simple trick does to us, and I am not going to tell you. I want you to feel it for yourself.
Then, have a real conversation with Yourself.
I mean, seriously, drop the weather talk and “I am fine” crap.
Become honest! Make yourself a cup of tea, get a pen and paper and write down everything that makes you unhappy right now and how you wish to feel. Let all those hidden desires reveal themselves. Let them out. Once you got clarity on where in life you actually are right now, make a decision to hear your calling!


Very simple:

Get quiet! Gain clarity! Let Yourself happen!

When I did that 20 years ago for the first time, my life changed forever. No high street-shopping, no champagne-drinking, no city boys dating could stop me from taking that step. It felt like a strong urge, it felt like the only thing that I was supposed to do. I didn’t care about what anyone thought or said. I just knew I had to follow the calling.

Fuck Yoga if it is not your calling. All the shanti-shmanti, om singing and body pretzel-ing is not everybody’s cup of tea. No time to waste here. Hear Your Calling, the one that Universe has for you. If you feel that there is a part of you that is unhappy, empty and broken inside, start acting before it gets worse.


I truly feel in the depth of my heart that if we fight for our own happiness and stop fearingthe unknown, we will get our power back… and we will create much better lives for ourselves.
You know where that leads, right? A world full of happy and fulfilled people, doing their thing, smiling at each other. Well, I am a dreamer, I like that about me.

What is calling You?
How loud is it today?
From the bottom of my Heart I wish for you to hear it, to honor it and to follow it.
It is never too late to get your power back and start rocking... I have learned.

Later on in life You will know why you had to face all those fears and get a grip on your self…… and you will never look back. I promise.

Thank you for spending time with me here. We are connected, we are parts of One!




I absolutely relate this, having gone through a similar process about 4 years ago. I was going no where fast, had all the bad habits you could name under the sun, and a social circle that didn't exactly make the shedding of my old skin very easy.

It's long haul story, but it essentially involved a massive rock bottom, leading to complete overhaul of all my negative habit patterns and behaviours and removing all those people from my life that no longer served my highest good.

I cleaned up my diet, quit smoking, drinking, all drugs and alcohol, even mild stimulants - the caffeine went as well. And that's when life really started opening up for me, when I was no longer suppressing and sabotaging my potential.

Fast forwards to the present, and I'm now in a similar position. I live in Thailand, working as a holistic health practitioner. I'm my own boss, and have everything I could want for. I'm not rich, but I definitely AM abundant!

I like referencing the above meme every now and again to keep me inspired.

Good read



What a beautiful heart felt share. Thank you @samboomer. I am thrilled we connected!

Thanks! 🙂I look forward to reading more.

At the beginning of this year, I made a choice to step into my power and it is amazing the changes that decision has made. Another inspiring read. Thanks!

Cierto somos uno ese es el verdadero camino del ser humano,hacer crecer el espíritu. Saludos con cariño.

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