What is Karma?

Recently I heard the comment - Karma is when bad things happen to good people. It caught my attention and so I not only reflected on what I have learned, I also looked up by books to get my information right. I find it a very interesting concept, both simple and complex at the same time. So here we go!

Karma simply is What Goes Around Comes Around or What You Sow Is What You Reap. Every individual is the generator or the creator that happens in his/her life. I found a general definition written by Dolores Cannon in her book Conversations With A Spirit - Between Death and Life

Karma is the universal law of balance, of cause and effect, where everything both good and bad must be repaid or balanced out.

I hear many people say when someone does something bad to someone else like- hurt them, says nasty things, steal from them, does not fulfil a promise, does not pay them what they are owed etc, that they will have to face karma. This is true. But, karma occurs at the right time for each and every person. A person may face their karma in this lifetime, but it might also occur in the next lifetime. So in other words, we do not necessarily witness a person who has transgressed. This is what is tricky for humans to grasp. We may not always be able to identify the many, often complex, chains of specific effects says Dr Norma Milanovich and Dr Shirley McCune in their book The Light Shall Set You Free. Nothing is by chance or outside the Universal Laws.

Be careful about your thoughts as well because Norma and Shirley further state, Every thought that we think, every act that we perform (individually or collectively), has its direct and indirect impact on the events which are part of the chain of cause and effect.

What I take away from learning about karma is that my thinking, feelings, words or my actions comes back to me. I best make sure that I make everything as positive and nice as I can.

I clearly remember my wise parents saying, only do to others what you would like them to do to you makes a lot of sense to me. They obviously knew about the meaning of karma.


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howdy from Texas @angiemitchell! That was a good study you did about Karma. It also lines up with what the Bible says which in Galations 6:7
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap." Actually this is not just a principal but a Spiritual Law so it does absolutely work for anyone.
Also your parents were indeed wise because they were quoting Jesus who stated in Matthew 7:12 "so in everything, do unto others as you would have them do unto you..." This is also known as The Golden Rule.
Lot of wisdom flyin around on this blog! God bless you!

Thank you for your wise words on Karma.

Yes Ma'am glad to be here, thanks for a fine blog!

I had a charismatic prof in University when I took a religious studies elective course. He used to say,

"There's a western misconception about Karma coming around full circle. Traditionally Karma is part of a spiritually balanced equation. Karma is like Visa. Dharma is akin to your good deeds, Karma is akin to your bad deeds. You will face karma for the negatives, and dharma bliss for the positives. If we're keeping with the spiritual currency theme Dharma could pay off Karma. So do good and be good and avoid that Karma debt."

I don't remember much else from that course. Thanks for the great post helping clear up some of the muddy details! Double thanks for inspiring me to look back in my quotes book :)

Same here @Hayles, I really enjoyed looking through my books too. One of the Universal Laws is the Law of Cause and Effect.

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