There is a Soul inside each of us~

A friend of mine talked about someone stealing her soul and this intrigued me because I firmly believe that your soul belongs to you and cannot be taken from you. All my reading on the soul tells me this; it is immortal and contains one's life force energy and is a record of everything we do. The soul travels with one in each incarnated life; I have heard some say that your personality, manner and who you are is in your soul. Your soul is your history.

Have you ever heard someone else - You have a beautiful soul? After some contemplation I have come to conclusion that your true self shines through from your soul. What is inside shows through on the outside. I have also heard comments like, *that person is soulless; * which indicates to me that there is a lack of kindness, caring and love.

According to Norma Milanovich and Shirley McCune in The Light Shall Set You Free the soul is:

An entity regarded as being immortal or spiritual part of a person. The moral or emotional nature of humans. Though it has neither physical nor material reality, the soul is credited with the functions of thinking, willing, and hence of deterring all behaviour. The vehicle that transports the memories, lessons and accomplishments of the individual. The soul holds together the Light of our nine bodies; the physical body, mind, emotions and actions of an individual reflect the soul's evolutional progress.

Further they say the soul and the human body's nervous system and brain works cooperatively - together they manage the energy currents that keep the body living. So, therefore one cannot live without the other; when the physical body dies the soul leave the body to cross over to other side.

There is an amazing energy system inside every human being that you may or may to be aware of. The soul's vital life energy force is distributed to the whole energy system by the seven chakras situated along and inside the spinal column.
All the energy systems work together.


Enjoy reading and please comment.


very thought-provoking information @angiemitchell. I like to look at it this way: we are a spirit, we live in a body and we have a soul which is our mind, will and emotions..and of course memory.
very interesting post!

Well @janton you are right there is an essential part of us that is spirit and soul. Thank you for your comment.

I agree, Angie. I don't believe you can have your soul stolen by another person. I DO believe though, that you can will your soul over to the devil, or keep it safely in the plam of the Lord's hand.

I've been fascinated by recent studies that claim they have measured the weight of the soul leaving the body at death. I don't know if that is true or not, but it's kind of cool to ponder....

It all about choice isn't @mepartriot, we can walk the dark side or walk in the Light. I have not heard of the study about the soul. Interesting.

Indeed. We all must choose. If you don't consciously choose the light though, my personal theory is that the dark side is sort of the default.

Let me see if I can find a link on that for ya:

Thank you. My information says that the soul is a sub-atomic ectoplasm and is weightless. idea what an ectoplasm is...but who knows? Fascinating topic though...for sure...

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