My Neo-Gnostic Worldview.

in #spirituality5 years ago (edited)

Hey, there Steemit truth seekers. Along with creating new context this winter, I will also be updating older content. The fact is all my work done in 2017 was done under the duress of a nerve injury which brought on a short-term addiction to painkillers. Fortunately, I had many experiences in my 20’s overcoming addiction so I was able to beat that aspect fairly easily. Three years later has me much more than less recovered so I’m going to redo much of my work which will hopefully have better text editing, and will definitely be better in audio quality, and renewed video editing. 

                                              "TIME IS MONEY"

For any of those who've followed my blog, you'll probably be aware that I've come to hold certain idiosyncratic gnostic views. I'll give an overview of them here. This will be a 3-part series with the second called, Eco-theism, and lastly, Professional Liars? I'll touch on supernaturalism in Professional Liars and suggest that what humanity is dealing with when it comes to the archons is technological prowess and not mythological ghost stories. Whether my Gnosticism is really about Alien/E.T. overlords is still something I'm not sure of and am open to.

Our origins are obscured. 
Even if we concede the latest in modern cosmological theory we reach a point in our knowledge where we simply don't know what happened and how we've come to exist. Over careful consideration spanning forty years, I've come to suspect that the Gnostic version of spirituality gets us closer to the truth of our existence than any other narrative. Yes, this will need some unpacking.

There isn't one concise gnostic creation myth and I don't take any of the literature therein at face value. So I'm musing here. I believe Sophia is responsible for life or the bio principle. But she brought into existence also a replicator type being; one that cannot create life, but can mimic and replicate life via simulation and various other means--perhaps memory storage and such. It's not a coincidence that computer technology exists within 100-years of most of humanity traveling via horseback. This is the primary line of delineation for this series. This demarcation will explain why humanity (and the archons) are destroying the biosphere at an unprecedented rate as we navigate the Anthropocene. I believe the destruction of the biosphere is inextricably linked to a worldwide culture of lies and deceit and we are now seeing the inevitable result of such machinations: a worldwide civilization founded on mistrust. I'll just note here that my New Earth Commons ideas are trying to bring civilization back from the brink of deception and ecological devastation. * I'm no fool and I know these ideas will never be implemented but I put them out there for the public record.

I've come to believe that Kristo's, when on earth, taught a Golden Rule ethos; that is he taught that no human should unnecessarily exploit or coerce other humans, life forms, or resources for more than one needs to sketch out a comfortable life for oneself and their families. Kristo's taught this so humanity could know how to live sustainably and in harmony with the earth's life systems. Please note this ethos as opposed to the ethics (or lack thereof) of the current worldwide billionaire plutocracy.

I believe Kristo's would have taught that a worldwide financial system predicated on usury would be the antithesis of The Golden Rule ethic. I believe Christians occasionally understood this principle at times throughout history but various corrupt ideologies crept in and poisoned the well--we see this no more than in today's rise of Christian fascism. This is necessary here: Christendom's war against the Jews was always a grave error and wrong tactic, and this error, in part, has led us to where we are at today. For the most part, and I suspect for vengeful motivations, the Jews have co-opted most of the Christian congregations in the west who are serving Zionist agendas at this time. Please consider again, that the Demiurge and archons control all religion.

From the Gnostic perspective, the main method of control of civilization was via false religion and false religious claims. The Demiurge and the archons control most religion and use it as a weapon of enslavement for humanity. This is a primary reason for the resurgence of religion in late post-modernity although civilization is also fully immersed in a worldwide religion called KA$H. No, atheists are not free! And the Demiurge has no intention of giving up on control mechanisms it has used for millennia.

The Demiurge and the archons control time on this earth and it's how they can bring about their prophecies. And we have the mother of all time control yet to come: The worldwide messiah who will enact worldwide Noahide Laws--the is the order of the ages! The only way this could be achieved was through an alliance of four primary actors or spheres of influence: the Jews aligned with Freemasonry (esoteric Judaism); aligned with the Jesuit orders, aligned with certain houses within Islam. Of course, not every person who belongs to any of these groups is aware of the greater agenda--not everyone is culpable. And I am in no way saying that there are not antagonisms within these groups--psychopaths will argue among themselves; although, of course, not everyone in these societies is a psychopath.

If this were true it begs the question of how Christians might act? Firstly, they should be in an anarchist relationship with the ruling powers. They don't necessarily need to be confrontational but they shouldn't be supporting the plutocracy. Christians should be striving to live in a right relationship with the biosphere (Sophia) and it's here one should look into the work of Michael Dowd. Christians should be striving to live under Voluntarianism wherein all associations are premised on mutual respect and fair exchange of goods and services; and no, THIS CANNOT BE ACHIEVED IN MODERNITY WITHOUT A BASIC INCOME OR LIVING DIVIDEND. Yes, a return to intelligent living with the land also solves this issue but is simply not scalable at this time--the population of NYC and such can't all move to the country--it's not possible, ergo--solution number one.

Perhaps one can understand now why a worldwide religion of KA$H was implemented: TO CONTROL TIME!

NOTE: I'm aware of non-dual Gnosticism and Tikkun Olum but I can't for the life of me see how you perfect civilization by destroying the earth and waging war on perceived enemies...We'll see, won't we?

NOTE*: cynical misanthropy is the modus operandi of the ruling archons and although my gnostic view sees this place as irredeemable everything I say leans towards the efforts of not believing that too strongly--we should act as if this place is redeemable!


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