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RE: Cultivating our Heart Herbarium

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

Hm, I am not sure whether you read my previous article "Duality's illiteracy", because here I specifically focus on the topic of laziness. You may read it if you like, but the gist was that so-called laziness is either a necessary break as a consequence of hard work or that we don't resonate with a general frame of system in the first place. So in a sense, 'laziness' is a product of the unequality system, 'laziness' is a something like in an inner rebellion against how things are. The 'low mental energy' you refer to is a product of creative and expressive imprisonment enabled through a general frame based on unequality and overly restrictive hirarchical orders. So the laziness is actually a very good sign, because we are being indicated from our Heart, whether unconsciously or consciously, that something is off and that something simply doesn't fit, otherwise there wouldn't be so much resistance to that thing. Low mental energy as in laziness is a result of external focus instead of Heart focus. That said, laziness is probably not a comfortable state but a very important one created by our Heart and Soul to constantly remind us that it is time to recalibrate our focus from outward to inward. Yet if we don't act on our Heart's hints, our mental energy becomes lower and lower the further down we are in that hierachical structure.

Hope that clarifies my perspective :)


No I was on holiday, I indeed missed that one. Perfect, now its clear. No further questions :)

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