Cultivating our Heart Herbarium


Choosing to be alone or shutting down external noise is not corresponding with recoursing through an escape hatch in the attempt to not face reality but it is a very important step to kickstart the duality detox process of our Heart Herbarium by meeting nobody but ourselves.

Pushing ourselves out of comfort zone isn't necessarily a good thing, because doing so implies that we act upon external command without being ready internally. We cannot possibly take responsibility for a step we aren't ready to go yet. What happens instead specifically on an energetic level is that we place ourselves into a state a of re-activeness, allowing our very own energetic signature to be superseded by the energetic signature of somebody else by emulating the external command. We decide to take over others' deep-rooted behavior and replicate accordingly. If we want to take serious responsibility, which is the ability to respond, then we have to prioritize our own energetic signature by recognizing the meaninglessness of the moment free from any drag to the past or the future, hence widely opening up the floodgates into our Heart Herbarium's splendid treasure trove of unseen and undreamt Truth seeds.


Especially when we go through a Spiritual Awakening we have a heightened sensitivity. When we don't feel good in crowds it is the only right thing to say: "stop it now, you don't need to mingle with people if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Accept it as it is now, YOU know best what is good for you".

Energetically speaking, it is the crumbling and collapsing old belief systems at that time which causes us so much sensitivity to the external while we simultaneously recognize the steadfast old beliefs of others.

When we go through an overhaul of our belief system from the inside out in particular, sensitivity to deeply-entrenched external beliefs is a very healthy state, because we are being indicated that we don't any longer want to follow external instructions but only follow our own leader within.


Detachment is imperative, and the more we give ourselves the time and self-empathy to let insights integrate in our own pace, the more healthy our new yet inherent beliefs become.

In our Heart Herbarium we decide which seeds we sow. The more we cultivate our Heart Herbarium with self-empathy the lusher a luxuriant leafage will the seeds sown sprout, serenly scintillating with an alluring aroma the bewitching beauty of which infuses everyone in our vicinity with illuminating insights clandestinely collapsing their cataclysmic chains of belief focused upon the decomposition of any sense of Self-Love.

Cultivating our He-Art Herbarium is Art.

Unleash it.

Much Love and Light,



I can't agree more. :)This is profoundly true. Getting out of comfort zone is not always the right choice. I have been thinking about writing on how getting out of our comfort zones is not essential for success.

serenly scintillating with an alluring aroma the bewitching beauty of which infuses everyone in our vicinity with illuminating insights clandestinely collapsing their cataclysmic chains of belief focused upon the decomposition of any sense of Self-Love.

This exactly how every enlightening person conveys his insights to others.

Yes! It becomes ever more truly clear how drastically we can shift our perspective on a matter, and the topics around comfort zone, or so-called 'laziness' are surely ones which many people have a hard time wrapping their mind around, because these belief systems are too deply embedded in their mind due to past conditioning. The good thing about this is that we don't need to convince anyone over our insights since we know that we are all having all tools we need within to shift perspectives and make changes, knowing that they are choosing their experience just as we do and can make changes anytime if they wish.

And I am very pleased that you highlighted this particular section in the text, because I very much like having a part in my writings where I unleash my penchant for creative and overly embellished word expression. Even though my entire texts are written from the Heart, these particular sections are the ones which are getting to the core of my Heart expression, but I like to keep them within a bearable frame to not overwhelm the reader :)

Was feeling the same some time ago. I found out that they call the "desease" hypersensitivity. But its just the feeling of beeing forced out of comfort.

Comfort is a good thing, why should I feel uncomfortable. But whats with the mood the others call "lazyness"? When there is low mental energy. Is this realy comfort?

Hm, I am not sure whether you read my previous article "Duality's illiteracy", because here I specifically focus on the topic of laziness. You may read it if you like, but the gist was that so-called laziness is either a necessary break as a consequence of hard work or that we don't resonate with a general frame of system in the first place. So in a sense, 'laziness' is a product of the unequality system, 'laziness' is a something like in an inner rebellion against how things are. The 'low mental energy' you refer to is a product of creative and expressive imprisonment enabled through a general frame based on unequality and overly restrictive hirarchical orders. So the laziness is actually a very good sign, because we are being indicated from our Heart, whether unconsciously or consciously, that something is off and that something simply doesn't fit, otherwise there wouldn't be so much resistance to that thing. Low mental energy as in laziness is a result of external focus instead of Heart focus. That said, laziness is probably not a comfortable state but a very important one created by our Heart and Soul to constantly remind us that it is time to recalibrate our focus from outward to inward. Yet if we don't act on our Heart's hints, our mental energy becomes lower and lower the further down we are in that hierachical structure.

Hope that clarifies my perspective :)

No I was on holiday, I indeed missed that one. Perfect, now its clear. No further questions :)

You just released a full reverberating sound that i totally resonate with, I totally agree!

These days it’s like you are writing directly from my mind lol.

Might be! Your profile name has been floating around in my mind quite a lot recently! ;)

Beautiful vibrations ;)

It's nice to read a more lengthy post from you @alexaventuria . :)

Haha, If you look at my profile feed, you see that I have been having them again ever since a few weeks. But only once or twice a week to not overwhelm anyone! :)

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