Only fix yourself

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


So long as we engage in the victim-perpetrator-rescuer circle, we will burden ourselves with guilt.

Many people might think that it is just the victim and perpetrator who engage in this guilt game, but also the rescuer is partaking in it to some degree, for he still draws a categorizing judgement:

The Universal order is not perfect.

We don't need to rescue anything and anyone, we only need to fix ourselves, and by fixing ourselves everything that is part of our Heartfelt dreams will flow with us most beautifully.

The hermetic wisdom "As within so without" teaches us that the external is always a reflection of the internal. Especially in this dense Earth realm it takes a while though until the sluggish external adjusts to our rediscovered sense of Self, a fact which might urge even more spiritually mature people to meddle into the Universal flow. Yet as always, the Universal flow's splendid Perfection thrives in "Letting be and trusting" instead of our thoughts' deceptive ratio of premature Doing.

The inherent, authentic and doubt-free Awareness that ultimately nothing can possibly happen to anything is what will magic marvellous miracles in myriad multifariousness into our unique dream undreamt of, with the enchanting epiphany guiding everything that is dear to our Heart and Soul most effortlessly just in the nick of time.

The sighs of relief will be palpable: How good that we are not dependent on anyone but ourselves to conjure up the most wonderful dream for us and all those closest to our Heart!

Cultivating the tilt to guilt will make us wilt.

Much Love and Light,



Working on ourselves is the best way to help others, in a roundabout way. By improving our state, we inevitably become better able to assist those who need it.

Perfectly stated! For every single feeling, thought, movement and action we decide to choose in every single moment inevitably evokes a unique external response. The more we opt for Love, the more we roundaboutedly push others in the same direction. :)

You’re right in so many perceptions. I believe it’s not really about fixing ourselves because there really is nothing to “fix”, the only thing we are to do is “Do What Thou Wilt”.
When that becomes our only point of focus, everything fixes itself as it were but now we become fully aware

Same as with @atmosblack, I totally agree with you. "Fixing" sounds a bit like "fixing a mistake", yet all is in perfect order already. However, the insight that all is perfect with nothing to fix is something that we only recognize when we turn inward. Of course, our Soul knows best about the why and when, and we don't need to do anything, for we flow inward naturally and effortlessly when we are ready.

So by "fixing" I rather hint towards doing the inner work (which we deliberatly loaded ourseves with) necessary to see the Perfection again, which has never been absent. :)

I dig that!
In the end Everything’s too connected man :)

The energy in this cycle doesn't flow inside yhe cycle, all the energy flows to the victim and from there to nowhere. When I ascended drom that cycle I needed to clear a lot of blockages especially in the rescuer role. Thank you for sharing this valuble tool

Yeah I relate strongly. Over and over again I experienced that meddling in is not the way to go, to the extend that I finally almost immediately received the evidence as to why I shouldn't have done that, because potentially our action triggers an even more drastic avalanche of issues.

The rescuer even if at the right side inflicts the highest level of judgment. He sticks to a single interpretation of reality through which he draws the sense of righteousness and allows himself to be the guardian of the sole truth. I believe that most of human suffering is inflicted by those who wrongfully believe that they are defending good against evil.

😃 Welcome to Earth School! I agree, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Heartful help, yet most "help" on Earth is ego-driven.

It is even admirable to help others with the sole desire of removing suffering without bragging about it. But to help someone or a (cause) by inflicting suffering on another is masked ego. Wars are led by those who believe they are defending good causes or helping weak people. That is why rescuers are most harmful to the waking of masses.

Agree again. Couldn't have said it better! :)

My recommendation is:
Try to fix the outside, until you realize, that there is no outside.
Then try to fix yourself, until you realize, that there is nothing to fix.
It's the ultimate solution for a non-existent problem. 😀

😃 even if your words seem to go against my article's outline, I completely agree with you. All IS perfect, and no matter how much we think(!) it's not, it is still just perfect, because as One we cannot help leveraging full freedom in every single moment. No matter what we do, we are irreversibly "whole". We WANTED to conjure up this illusory Separation. Why? Because we have never left Oneness, nothing could possibly happen and we just wanted to experiment a bit. ;)

But you know, I cannot post an empty article! 😃

Ha! I would also upvote a perfectly crafted empty post by you. 😀
...and yes, even fixing non-existent problems is fine with me.

Deepest Truth is being yielded in the absence of words ;)

Yes! This resonates deeply with me. The thought that "I need to heal someone" not only overlooks their free will, but also means judgment is happening. And judgment inherently creates duality.

I had an experience last night - after an amazing class that consisted of yoga, sound therapy, chanting, dancing, meditation - where I dropped into a state of inconceivably deep peace. Nothing needed to be added and nothing needed to be taken away. It was utter bliss in the moment, free of any "wanting" or projection into the past/future. I've been in states like this before, but never to that extent in "normal waking life." It lasted for the rest of the night too, and I'm still coasting off of that momentum.

I totally know what you are talking about. When somebody heartfully asks for our help, nothing wrong.

For so many years now I won't fall asleep if I don't have ~15 minutes complete mental Silence. So in a sense I have this naturally integrated into my daily life. In the event of an incoming thought breaking this Silence, I literally feel the thoughts misplacedness, annoyance and uselessness. Some years ago when I was purging some intense fears and thought patterns, I would feel the physical release of energetic density when I woke up in the middle of the night, and my body felt much lighter instantly. As to my head, it felt as if a cooling liquid was flowing through my brain, healing the corresponding passages from the toxic thoughts' left residue.

Feels great! :)

I sleep better when I dip into silence beforehand too. And wow. We carry so much. It's really interesting to hear your energetic cleansing story.

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