Earth is not a prison planet

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

"Earth is a prison planet" is a sentence I read quite often within spiritual circles.

I don't agree with that statement all, rather see it as the epitome of Humans' self-victimization.

As such, there is no doubt that certain actions have certain consequences, and our Soul surely urges us to heal and balance past wounds (Karma), but that isn't something that only applies to Earth but to virtually anywhere in the vast Universe.

Earth surely isn't a prison planet that we can only leave once enlightened. Being "unawake" doesn't bind one to Earth. An "unawake" Human in this life might very well have the next life on another planet in the Universe, if the Soul chooses this for the learning.

The Soul chooses where to learn which lessons when and in which way, not the Human's limited thinking mind. Only when our thoughts are in full alignment with our Heart and Soul we will get to know how our Soul's exact choice looks like and where this will lead us to after this life. So long as our thoughts are out of alignment with our Heart and Soul to some extend, our thoughts are based on fear to some extend. Yet since fear is an illusion, these thoughts hold no truth, hence, if we believe these fear-based thoughts, we won't get to know our Soul's exact choice and where this will lead us to after this life.

Each Soul decides very individually how many lives it wants to have on Earth, and all these Earth lives don't need to be taking place consecutively. There might be certain tendencies as to how Souls choose, but no rules.

The way to enlightenment isn't a Human path but a Universal path.

Much Love,



earth is a loving beeing and as interconnected with the whole as every other planet. Im happy here and would be happy every where else. I must admit to fall now and than for a pessimistic thinking. I could blame the hate-media. But its all me, focussing my energy on political discourses. It feels a bit like these are trap holes. There is something shiny in the middle and if you come close you fall in. With reasoning you never come to a positive outlook.

And in the subway there are even moments, when I just want to stop those passive agressive people physicaly from annoying and stressing me. (Of course not hurting but you know, remind them to stop :D). And of course its not them "sending" stress. Its just me reacting stressed.

All those ppl waiting for paradise and the messias: paradise is now and here, if you want to. Just enjoy it, its free :) I feel that many ppl use the word "planet" as a sononym for "world" or their own life or society. They would probably feel as imprisoned on other plantes, like they would feel on earth. In the subway of Planet Proxima-B (not that far away), I would be as stressed as on earth... IF i dont change myself.

Wonderful comment!

The good thing is that no matter what we choose to think and believe in our Human mind, none of it holds Truth if these thoughts carry fear energy because fear is an Illusion.So should you ever catch yourself having some fearful belief as to what might happen with you after this life, then you can know with a 100% probability that this belief won't become true.

So these "trap holes" are just freaking out our little Human mind, which can be very uncomfortable at times, but all of these are only stemming from a fear of the unknown. And as we know, in their fear of the unknown Humans come up with the most fear-mongering theories, beliefs and fears. This just indicates the Human mind's inclination toward fearfulness, because actually there is no reason to not come up with the most wonderful theories, beliefs and wishes. But here on Earth history preferred promoting the fear over the beauty.

How good that our Soul always is in the driving seat, not our thoughts!

And a big YES, these people would surely not feel better elsewhere in the Universe, because as I said, enlightenment is not an Earth Human path but a Universal path. ;)

This world is like a bigger version of North Korea, where only power elites know about the outside world and few have ever managed to escape from.

Haha, if that is what you believe. But don't be surprised when your Soul has other plans ;)

Interesting subject, may i ask from which teachings you got your statement/opinion/hypothesis from?

And i agree, Earth is not a prison. You can be enlighten how you want but a prison guard will never open the door for you!!

That is different with rising your coinscious to a level, what will make sure that the laws of Karma don't work anymore.

These are two different concepts, what people who don't understand it much combine into one concept! What they see is a illusion, or else they would see Earth as paradise, what get mis treated badly by others who don't understand much of life yet.

So some see it as a prison yes, but others see it as training or experience ground, that's how i look at life, i don't live life, i experience life! But hey that's just my point of view!

Thanks for the very valuable comment!

Many of these "teachings" have naturally arisen within myself over the years involving lots of near-death experiences, Theta/Delta/Gamma Messages at night ( which cost me LOT of energy when these happened) and through stronlgy connecting to my next life on another planet (I touched upon that in my previous post).

Then there are some people (or teachers if you like) I resonate with from my Heart and who share my perspective through their own insights.

Based on my writings one might surely say I am spiritual, but in fact my spiritual expression has nothing to do with the mainstream spirituality that zeroes in on conspiracies, fear-mongering , or "make you rich schemes by using the Law of Attraction". So from my perspective I say that I don't really resonate with these topics but sadly many people think exactly of these topics when they hear the term "spirituality" or "esoterics" due to mainstream outlets constantly promoting these particular aspects.

As to my stuff, it is my insights gained through all these experiences I have had so far, and according to the "As within so without" I gradually float toward "things and people" who resonate with my experiences. It is not my goal to convince anyone over my experiences. Much more, I am just noting down my own insights so that I can alleviate my mind from stacking all my thoughts :)

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I think the earth is not a prison planet because there is peace, freedom and love.

Of course it is not. It is just Human's fear-mongering when they have no trust. :)

Without having faith someone is in fear, because they do not have the direction and the handle of life.

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