How Can I Clear a Room of Low, Negative or Dark Energies?

in #spiritual7 years ago (edited)

This is a question that I get asked a lot, so I thought I should do a post about it, it's obviously information that people want to know!

Firstly we need some understanding of how energy works. Everything in your room, home, yourself, the whole world is energy, visible and invisible and there is a lot more invisible energy than there is visible! All this energy has a vibration or frequency ranging from totally evil to completely Pure. If we imagine that evil is black and that Pure is white then most energy is in the middle somewhere kind of in a mushy grey! What we want is raise it into a light grey or cream colour.

All feelings, beliefs and energies that feel bad and cause bad come from an evil source and all feelings, beliefs and energies that feel good come from a Pure source!

Now the Law of Attraction does exist and it does work! It works on attracting more of the most dominant energy in a person, room, space to that person, room or space. 

If the most dominant energy is evil based then more evil and dark is being attracted. 
If the most dominant energy is Pure then more Pure and good is being attracted.

With that understanding we can deduce that to clear a room or person from entities, dark, evil or just low and negative feeling energy, we need to change the most dominant energy in that space to a higher energy. 

So how do we change a dominant low / negative / evil / dark energy into a much nicer higher, loving, purer more appealing one? 

How to Clear a Room

To do this we need to raise the vibration or frequency in the room, space or person to a higher vibration. Also we need to get rid of the unwanted dark and evil energies!

Clearing Low & Negative Energies from a Room

To raise the energy of a room that feels low or negative we need to use something that has a higher energy than the negative energies. The higher the energy we use then the quicker and easier it will be to clear the room. 

Things that we can use include:

  • High Frequency Sound
  • Crystals
  • Essential Oils
  • Candles / Lighting
  • Images & Photos
  • Energy Work

High Frequency Sound

It is a well known fact that music affects our mood. All music has a frequency, so what we are looking for is some sound or music that has a high frequency or Pure frequency. 

I would recommend using natural sounds from nature such as gentle waves, a waterfall, birds tweeting or something similar, because nature is Pure and these sounds will be of Pure intention, (unless someone has recorded them and messed with it, so do feel and discern before playing any sounds, especially from You Tube, as there is a whole heap of 'dark grey' there pretending to be good!)

Many people might feel hymns or chanting is good to play, personally I don't feel this energy is good so I'm not going recommend it! There are also a lot of meditations on You Tube and again many of them are actually programming dark energies / mind programming into you so if you can't discern and feel this then please don't take the risk and listen to them! (Oops . . . here I am again going against the trend!)

Many of my clients come to me because they have picked up so much dark energy from other 'healers' or tools, so Discern, Discern, Discern!! This article with a tutorial video will show you 'How to Discern'.

You might also be tempted to check out music or frequency on You Tube that is claiming to be 528 Hz or another frequency. Again, DISCERN!! I used to do this before I could discern and now when I click on some of these videos, out of interest or when someone is raving how great they are, I get a headache and means the energy is not of Pure intention. We need to look at the motives of many people on You Tube and that is to make money from clicks and adverts, and they're looking for some trending or popular subject to do this with, so who knows what the content really contains!

Back to high frequency sounds and you may be wondering, well what is definitely Pure? Great question and many people purchase Singing Bowls, Bells or Chimes to create a Pure sound wave that can vibrate out into your room. You know this sound is Pure because you are the one creating the sound from the bowl, bells or chime.


There are many crystals to choose from and they are all so pretty! Each crystal has different properties that it can help with for physical and emotional well being and also for enlightenment and protection.

I'm going to chat about two crystals, selenite and black tourmaline.


Now selenite is my favourite crystal, it just feels so good to me! My girls will say that I am selenite crazy, as I will act like a child in a sweet shop when I see selenite! There are selenite caves in Mexico and wow would I like to go and visit them!

Selenite is white in colour. It is quite brittle and breaks easily so it is not as easy to cut and shape as other crystals so you're not likely to find much selenite jewellery, (and I have done some searching!) which is a shame as wearing crystals is a great form of protection and to keep your energy high. I used to always have a piece of selenite in my pocket, especially when going into crowded places.

Here is a photo of my selenite crystals, with a clear quartz pyramid in the middle

Properties of selenite include being a high frequency crystal that connects to the Angelic Realms and is good for raising your frequency, which will lift your mood. I have gone through phases, when I was being so attacked by dark energies,  of wanting to sleep on a massive selenite crystal to totally recharge and cleanse overnight! (Yep I'm weird, I know that!) Now having said that, it is a powerful crystal so some people can't cope with the high freqencies for too long in one go. Someone I knew was actually physically sick after holding selenite, so do start off slowly with it! Also the lady in a crystal shop, when I was buying my first selenite crystal, was very wary of it and looked quite dumb founded when I just held it and was enjoying it and not feeling dizzy or anything!

Having such a high frequency makes it great for cleansing other crystals. If you place a piece of selenite next to other crystals then it will cleanse them for you, how cool! 

Selenite is water soluble so do NOT wash or wet it, it will dissolve and disappear! Washing crystals is a common way to cleanse them, but don't wash your selenite!

Black Tourmaline

The name gives the colour away! This crystal is good for protection and will absorb negative energies that are close to it, so wearing black tourmaline is a great way to protect yourself or use in your home and you can buy it as jewellery to wear which is really handy to feel protected when you are out, and I will still put on my black tourmaline bracelet or necklace on now if I'm going to spend a lot of time in large crowds, with a piece of selenite in my pocket to keep them cleansed. This is actually really needed because the crystals, especially a small pendent, will quickly absorb negative energy around town or in crowds and then when 'it's full' it won't be working for you, so having the selenite close to it will help to keep it clear as it collects the lower energies.

A photo of some of my black tourmaline, including a bracelet and necklace

Placing a crystal of Selenite & Black Tourmaline in each corner of the room will help to clear the room. The selenite will amplify the clearing properties of the black tourmaline and will also keep the crystals clear and working, so you can just do this and then kind of forget about it!

Essential Oils

Essential oils come from nature and so they are Pure. They all have different fragrances, properties and frequencies. 

Rose is one of the highest frequency oils and to me it's 'My Heaven' along with selenite and dark chocolate! The smell of fresh roses smell so heavenly and some perfumes and products do too. Getting rose oil to fill a room and smell good is not so easy to do though. The oil is quite expensive and just doesn't seem to give out it's fragrance as well as other oils in a burner. Some good quality rose scented candles will smell of roses, but do be aware of cheap candles as they will have toxins in them.

Jasmine has a beautiful uplifting fragrance and I like this oil as it does fill a room and make it smell good, so this is probably a better oil to use in a burner to raise the vibration or frequency of a room.

Candles / Lighting

If you are spending time in a room then having some appealing lighting will really make the room feel better. Having two girls who love art and being creative, we have fairy lights in our lounge that they have put up and they really do give the room a cosy feel at night. 

Salt lamps are great to use, not only for their soft, warming light, but because they do actually give out negative ions, which will work to reduce the positive ions from computers and technology, so using salt lamps do make a room feel better which means that the frequency has changed for it to feel better!

Candles have a lovely natural light that makes you just want to look at them and loose your worries, a bit like a log fire, almost hypnotic! Anything that makes you feel good is raising your vibration and will be doing the same to the room, the more nature you can bring into a room, the purer it will feel and candle light or log fires is nature indoors!

Images & Photos

What photos or image inspire and uplift you? Again look to nature to for some good relaxing or uplifting pictures. Some people will love beaches, waterfalls and water images, others will like woods, mountains or wildlife.

The colour of the decor will also have an impact on the energy of a room. A dark colour will make the room feel dark, not just as in not very bright but also as in a bit depressing! White can be very clinical, so a soft pastel is probably best for an uplifting feel.

Photos in our lounge that uplift and inspire me!

Clearing dark energies or entites from a room

Burning sage in a room is a common way to clear away dark energies and has been used by Native Americans for years.  It's not a pleasing fragrance, at least I don't like it, but it's purpose is cleansing and not smelling good!

Using essential oils afterwards will keep the vibration of the room higher so dark cannot exist in the higher energy, but let the sage smell go first of you'll have a not too good cocktail of fragrances!

Energy Work

If a room is feeling really creepy and dark, or you're getting attacked in a room or property, then it is going to take a high power and some determined work to shift out the creepy dark and raise the vibration into a dominant Pure energy.

The most powerful way I know of doing this is to use my audios:

Placing a music player in the room and playing these audios on loop will really clear the dark energies out as more and more Pure energy is added to the room. It may take hours or in some cases days for the room to feel Light and Pure, but if you keep the audios playing then the shift to Pure will happen. These audios will work on silent so you can just leave the audios playing 24/7 until the room feels better.

Sometimes there may be a spell or curse on a room, home or person and this will need releasing before the room will be clear of dark energy, so using this audio will be most needed if this is the case. If you have already tried to clear a room and not had any success then I do recommend that you try this audio, it is incredible how and where spells and curses can affect us!

You can also place my Pure Light Protection Image in each corner of a room for protection and to keep the room clear of dark attacking. I include infuse this image three times a week to ensure that all those who have purchased it from me have a powerful protection image to use.

Tips and Advice

Clear a the room completely if there has been an argument in the room, or anyone with a low or bad energy has been there and do this as soon as you can. Just opening windows will help but do some of the above too. 

Transformation does take time and effort! Whether we are working on our own energy or the energy around us, we are in a time of huge global shift and there are many energies affecting us, so we do need to do the work every day to stay in the Purest energy possible!

I work on my energy every day to keep my vibration as high as possible so I feel good, and so that when I connect to other people requiring my help, especially with clearing dark energies, that I am not dragged down into lower energies. It is so easy to have our energy and mood lowered by people and energies around us, so do make it a daily habit to cleanse your energy and any rooms that don't feel good.

"Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish". 
- John Quincy Adams

© Copyright Michelle Carter -  @OriginalWorks

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Thank you for this because I have so wanted to clear some negative energies from my space. Will be trying these soon and will inform you of my experience and results.

You're welcome!
Yes please do share how you get along with it.

thank you this article was so informative

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