
Why you're not answering questions isn't "why are you not hearing my answers?"

If you answered a question it's not up for dispute, you can simply repeat your answer and take the opportunity to clarify it, instead of pretending to have answered the questions only for them to fall onto my deaf ears.

That's the point though, I'm not claiming that you are any more deaf than I am. Perhaps I can't hear your questions any more than you can hear my answers?

That is the point, if you didn't hear my questions there's no question you would answer if you didn't hear it, and asking if maybe we are both equally deaf doesn't equate to any insight, if a question isn't answered the fact remains that the question isn't answered, once I ask it again, and again, and it's not answered still, it's not answered still, that's the fact, that's the point.

What is stopping you from answering your own question? What I am hearing is you did that already and are looking for me to validate the answer you believe to be correct, but I can't do that, I can only share my perspective and appreciate that your perspective is different than my own.

Bullshit, You, right here, answered the question with an evasive non sequitur, which I'll entertain as it won't make my initial point/argument NOT opinion, not "what you're hearing" bullshit.

What is stopping me from answering my own question?
Because I am not you, because I didn't write the post, or bring up the whole paragraph of lying and deceiving, because I asked for clarification.

All you are stuck on is seeing and validating that truth is subjective, in others, in the world, in yourself, and from your comments and the numerous Namaste it's all too evident. Truth, Fact not opinion.

What you are seeing, what you are hearing, what you perceive, because you're too much of a coward to speak plainly on your opinion, without a "caution this is my perspective"

What I feel, what I believe are your other words, and nothing means more than "I can appreciate that your perspective is different than your own", without a bunch of "fuck this" "I don't give a fuck" and "Do you realize who you are fucking with".

But that's the best part of all. I don't give a fuck and I won't validate your need for answers from me. I'm too busy with my own bullshit to deal with yours. :)

I need answers from you?
I get it, must have made that clear somewhere, or at least implied it, not that you deal with other's bullshit over your own.

After 50+ posts from you asking me to answer questions in which you refuse to even consider that I already did, I would say you are looking for some sort of validation from me. I don't know what it's for or what you feel is lacking in your own existence that you need me to fill it for you, but I can't. I'm too wrapped up in my own denial over here as you've told me numerous times.

I don't buy into "don't focus on the negatives because faith that the positives will win in the end", I don't buy into being a sucker for happiness, I don't buy into existential questions of joined deafness.

I'm okay with that.

interesting :)

The pursuit of personal happiness is important as you strive to be good and honest with yourself. I pray we can all find personal happiness and hopefully be able to spread happiness to others in a very genuine and authentic way.
Thanks for posting!


Thanks, authenticity and faith is what I strive for.

You're welcome, @clayboyn
That's the way it should be, too!

Another great post my friend.

To me, that's the essence of libertarianism! Well said. Have your beliefs, hold them dear, but let others do the same to theirs! ☺

I only hear what I want to hear, that's my reality. Everything else I'll basically just ignore.

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