
I said that before you ever started asking these questions, you just didn't hear the answers because you were too busy finding questions.

And, what if you did say that? Does that have anything to do with my questions directly? It's not an answer to the questions is it, you are promulgating the same bullshit again and again ad naseum, that you've answer the questions but I didn't hear them because I was blocked by the ego, or too busy finding questions, whatever that is supposed to mean.

It's of no consequence that you said "don't judge people for stealing, or lying because you are no better" because I didn't not once question that directly, I asked specific questions and you derailed by talking about ego, or what if, and resorted to denying and asserting without proof the same basis "I answered already, before you even started asking". You couldn't be more confused in my opinion, you have no clue what it means to be exact, correct, and imperative, you have show repeatedly your colors when you derailed, denied, lied, and convoluted the subject of discussion.

You already said you weren't asking the questions and expecting me to answer them. Quit talking yourself in circles. I am secure in what I know, find your own validation for the 20th time or so now. I can't validate your broken logic and toxic reasoning any more than you can.

No, I said that I wasn't asking you to answer the questions, like "can you answer the questions? why don't you answer the questions? will you answer the questions?", you have just read too much into it because it makes no sense to ask questions directly to you and not expect you to answer them.

Quit talking yourself in circles.

Yeah I get it, first you need to tell me that I can feel whichever way I want, now you need to stop me from my foolishness of talking myself in circles..

I am secure in what I know, find your own validation for the 20th time or so now.

Where did I ask for validation, whatever the fuck that means?

I can't validate your broken logic and toxic reasoning any more than you can.

You and your "logic" has invalidated my toxic reasoning?

You are deluded if you think that you can make assertion after assertion and not offer one example, one fact, one reasoning that would be called coherent, you who has trouble with basic reading comprehension, and attributes no importance to truth and least of all no relation to truth, you who has reasoned that we are no better than a murderer, is calling my reasoning and logic broken and toxic?

I get it, for the utmost time, you don't give a fuck, you have faith, you don't need to validate me, you are ok with being delusional dimwit and namaste. Good day, lol.

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