Making Sense - emotion as a programming language - part 2

in #spirit7 years ago


Man I am waking up with a caffeine withdrawal headache, it never quite fades, may have to give it rest and allow this to come more slowly. What’s the rush? Ha ha discovery is the rush, or perhaps that is just an excuse to stay and play in the mind field.

So yesterday we toyed with the idea of memory as a kind of tension or density.
“Past and future tense” - relax to return to now?
Ok lets do some funky biology (full credit and zero blame must go to Antonio Damasio - damn, Italian is sexy language)

A cell could be seen as the life support system for its membrane
The membrane is what interacts with its surroundings
It allows and it exudes
It can open or close
It can even set conditions for when it does both
Is it self programmable or merely adapting to its environment?
Where is the drive,
the ROM memory, that keeps it alive
the desire to feed, procreate and survive?

The original genome, or perhaps it is innate
The energy of the cosmos is doing something
That thing it would appear is biodiversity
Massive exponential increase in relationship

More and more layers, more and more players
More steps for the electrons to jump
Before the balance of stillness can be reached.

Isn’t it odd that density is how differentiation is achieved?
All the beautiful contrast, vibrating to unique frequencies
Each fresh manifestation creates a new kind of turbulence
With that a fresh opportunity for a new kind of relationship.
Fractal division, the path that negative is compelled to take
To find its positive partner expands as entropy demands.

Ok we’re are in really in DEEP SPACE now ha ha
We were supposed to examine trust, but I wanted to set the stage,
before we rattle that particular cage

Membrane is a skin, the expression from within.
It’s circumstances can alter its circumference (hee hee, see what I did there?)
Where it frequents, its frequency (oh thats really bad)
All determined by its memory (better)

So memory is creation (I am not a creationist even when I have had too much spirit)
Creation it would seem is either moving in the direction of expansive diversification - the flow
Or the removal of layers of complexity, the short circuiting of relationship.
The massive release of all that trapped energy,
As it rushes back to entropy (sorry If I just murdered the science here, I dont know anything about this at all) -** the ebb**

"The memories we choose to hold within in our tissues, will determine which of these possibilities become our issues".
We can either embody flow or ebb

More likely both
We either short
Or we go long
But truly to even have a choice we would have to first understand that there is one.
For if we are not even aware that we can play a role in this universal game
Then we are doomed to be but pieces
In the Pawn industry (ok so that was really bad)

Assuming I still have a skerick of yours, let’s have another crack at trust, next time - I totally lost the plot today (again).
Hope your enjoying the ride of your life, I am =8-P

reckon another coffee will help?


For most,
Information = power
For some,
Information = wisdom

Resteemed! (check out my last post: #11 Gender, Sex, Sexuality..) might interest you :)

Keep up the good work!

You were right, it did interest me greatly
I think I resteemed, have to check

Its a nice continuation of your previous post. Thanks.

"But truly to even have a choice we would have to first understand that there is one."
If a person has a choice - he uses it. If there is no choice, the person starts to include his memory, which contains all his knowledge of life. Memory often helps to make the right decisions.
" memory is creation" - you said

It is transformation.

"Nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything transforms"

form is indeed what it is all about
in form ation
trans form action
form late
life is action, life is movement

Everything is energy under different forms

Agree. A person can be compared to a unique biological machine that passes through itself all the knowledge and perceptions and transforms them through its memory.

Hi Olga, hopefully today's post address this.
This comment from you helped me to direct attention back to the area of choice and what it is we are choosing from.
Next post will be where those choosing came from and why we might adopt or trust them.
It will probably be the last in this series.
thanks as always for your input and challenging comments

Hi. Thank you for rating my comments :))

nice work as always.

You're truly said, first of all we need to understand the situatiOn and listen to the voice of heart and mind which he try to say. When we need to make decisiOn of about your life.
Oh! How you lost the plot today?

The plot is another word for story, no?
definitely I try to lose the story and return to the reality
hopefully part 3 will bring together my earlier ramblings
Thank you reading and commenting

@goroshkodo on this "ball" there is a shortage of truth ...

"The memories we choose to hold within in our tissues, will determine which of these possibilities become our issues".
Do we choose, or does our brain makes a choice for us? For whatever reason I think it out of our hands.
I did enjoy you article!
BTW: I’m almost ready to enjoy my first cup of fresh coffee, I looove morning coffee!


Our brain is always going to ask this 1st: If I do this, what will i get in return?

We always consult our feelings 1st before doing anything; How would I feel if I'd do this, if I'd go there, if I'd help my friend, How would I feel if I'd buy this car, how woud I feel if I'd read this book...?
... we always consult with our feelings 1st before taking any type of action... that's why we often say that actions are often acted from emotions because we often consult with them inside our minds... Sometimes sub-consciously, most of the time unconsciously, and rarely consciously.

Next time, when you are about to make a decision, ask yourself:

Am I thinking with my left brain or my right?

Left brain: calculating and asking questions: How much do I need it? Why do I need it? is it a tool? is it just for pure entertainment? is it going to be a good investment? will i use it often?

Right brain: How would I "feel" having "it"?

That’s interesting!
Always learn new things, even tough we are using them every day.
I will definitely remember this

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