Second Creative Writing Challenge Task #7 - Eva's Betrayal

in #spanishchallenge7 years ago (edited)

In the darkness of his closed eyes and with pain, Adam remembers Lara. He has been hospitalized for a day but that morning the doctors had discharged him, apparently his fainting was only due to a lowering of the levels of glucose in his blood, it was a sudden occurence and the doctor weren't sure about what had caused that since his health had always been very good and the tests were excellent in everything else.

When he opened his eyes, the butler was there as always by his side, "Good morning, Adam. How do you feel? The doctor just signed you up." "How do you think I feel? I feel so bad." he said to his faithful servant, he was feeling terrible due to having heard the news of what had happened to his neighbors, and how his beloved Lara had been murdered.

After leaving the hospital, Adam and his butler talk about what happened in the vehicle on the way home, the sad young man keeps asking about the details of what happened and hears the answers from his butler: the police had deemed the murder as a closed case, as a passion crime, Lara and her husband had been victims and perpetrators. Adam could hardly believe it, after listening to his butler he asked no questions and looked out the window of the car with a blank stare.

Arriving home Adam demanded his usual hot bath in his tub, which was prepared almost immediately. After the bath hetried to sleep, but he could not, so he decided to go down to the kitchen and there he sat at the table with his arms bent over and hands on his forehead holding his head. Soon after, his lethargy was interrupted by the butler, who without much noise sat down in front of the inconsolable young man.

"I think I know what you feel Adam, but what happened is not your fault," says the butler trying to comfort his friend and patron, "Do you remember Eva?" The afflicted young man asks, breaking a silence that seemed eternal, "Of course, how could I not remember her?" the butler answers almost immediately. Eva had been Adam's girlfriend, they were engaged, and planned to marry, but the relationship ended abruptly, Eva suddenly confessed to Adam that she did not love him, that marrying him would be a mistake, that both would suffer greatly if they continued their relationship, Adam tried by all means to make Eva change her decision but this was not possible. He fell into a strong depression, and knowing that she had gone to another city away from him he had decided to go look for her, but this only made things worse, Adam saw Eva with another man and it broke her heart.

In spite of what he witnessed, Adam managed to make an appointment with Eva and to talk to her, in the conversation he almost for begged them to go back to their city together, that he loved her with all his soul and forgave her deceit; he had planned to buy a house in that place that she liked so much, there in front of the sea, the sea that witnessed the love they had when the wind wrapped them in the wet sand at night as they laid underneath the stars. Eva listened to what he said, but his rejection was total, "Adam, you have to understand that there is no love. The fire we had has gone out, please understand", after saying these words, Eva ran away, Adam only watched as she left.

He was either a madman or a fool, he felt in his soul a feeling of almost agonized pain. He was sobbing hard as if trying to take all the air around him, his red eyes gleamed like a glass that is tempered to the point of break.

Adam returned to his house, alone there in total distress he was greeted by his faithful servant and friend who comforted his grief as much as he could, then after a few days he tried to cheer his life and returned to the club, to play tennis with his friends and to treat to have fun, then met his neighbor Lara.

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