
in #spanish5 years ago (edited)

Los chamanes siempre han sido muy estimulantes para mi pensamiento, pues me inspiran comprensión acerca de las posibilidades más elevadas e intensas para mi vida interior. La habilidad de vivir sobre la línea que separa los dos mundos de la experiencia psíquica, de explorar libremente entre el mundo onírico y el mundo material, es fundamental para sanar nuestros peores desórdenes como sociedades e individuos.

Pero el rasgo que más me atrae de la práctica chamánica es que ella implica una espiritualidad firmemente basada en la experiencia directa de cada individuo, que disfruta la oportunidad de sostener una espiritualidad personalizada, adaptada a sus necesidades y cualidades como practicante, según el flujo natural de su propia consciencia, de su independencia y su creatividad, completamente libre de dogmas.

Eso parece mucho más importante cuando observo a nuestro mundo repleto de charlatanes y manipuladores, que utilizan religiones instituidas para explotar a los pueblos. En oposición, mi reacción es incitar a la reconquista de nuestras propias vidas espirituales por medio de las herramientas que existen naturalmente en nuestras propias psiquis. Hablo de un autonomismo espiritual (o autodeterminación espiritual), que juega un papel central en mi propuesta filosófica.

Estaré explicando mis perspectivas y prácticas sobre el chamanismo en próximas publicaciones, como parte de mi serie acerca de las columnas filosóficas de mi obra.

Realicé a este personaje desde un borrador rápido que había dibujado hace algunos años, a partir de una ilustración sobre un alienígena que encontré en un libro cuyo nombre ahora no recuerdo. Luego comencé a desarrollar mi propia versión del personaje, pero mi psique me arrastró a la creación de un místico antiguo en estado de trance.

Utilicé lápiz y marcador rapidograft para dibujarlo, y luego hice algunas rápidas pruebas de color con acuarela, en varias copias del borrador. Posteriormente lo digitalicé y le di color a la obra final por medio de Gimp.

Él se encuentra en una atmósfera de luces tenues, para producir una sensación de calma y relajación... y sus ojos son puertas que conducen a los otros mundos donde está viviendo su trance místico, cosechando conocimientos por el bien de la Tierra y la sanación de la humanidad.

GIF ŝamano

Realizaré otras publicaciones sobre chamanismo y podrías seguirme si deseas mantenerte informado fácilmente; pero mientras tanto, si estás interesado, podrías disfrutar este vídeo de una charla de T. Mckenna sobre la cosmovisión de los chamanes, y cómo ella los libera de las limitaciones de la cultura.

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Greetings appreciated @spirajn.

Is the shaman really powerful without anyone who believes in him? Without a crowd that is convinced of its ability to interact with deities from different sensory planes? Or does the shaman need his followers so he can be considered a shaman?

There are tribes that live far from the scientific and technological advances of modern civilization, for whom their only spiritual advisor, guide and family doctor is the shaman.

Usually in their sessions they use natural stimulants of ancestral preparation, accompanied by aboriginal rhythms, which facilitates them to enter a trance and thus "vibrate" at the frequency of their beliefs.
Shamanic practices are extremely interesting and complex at the same time.

Ps: Your illustration is a total evocation.

All best, Piotr.

Thank you!

Right. You know well about the practices. They are very flexible and involve the use of psychedelic substances or some specific techniques like drumming and dancing (or both, at the same time). In any way, the goal is to alter perception aiming to the inner realms of the human experience.

Your question is a very deep matter. It involves several issues but maybe I could resume them in this way:

In the individual sense, the only thing that matters in shamanism is the ability to alter consciousness and really have extraordinary (non-ordinary) experiences. That's the power of the shaman.

Every shaman must seek a "vision". He has to effectively experience something that comes from outside his ordinary experience, from outside his ego or his conscious mind.

However, at a social level, the thing is not so clear. How could you know that the so called "shaman" is really having a vision about your cure?

In Siberia shamans must be officially recognized by the government after a series of tests (rationally "testing" invisible things... that's weird), and for their community along their traditions.

In Latin America the real shamans come up in a traditional way, frequently after being taught by older shamans that followed the same process before, in an everlasting line of traditional teaching.

The effectiveness of their actions is also a very complex issue. It seems like sometimes the healing process necessarily requires the active subjective acceptance of the person to be treated (placebo effect?). But in other moments the shaman may find ways that don't depend so much on the openness of the person.

In every case, I think the shamanic path is also a limited one (as every other in the human experience). A shaman is not a saint; some of them have very questionable attitudes, and they also commit mistakes. Even if they have the ability to find knowledge in other worlds, they don't know "everything". And finally, there are many others who don't really get the vision... so they're not shamans, they're just actors and scammers.

But as I said, the valuable thing in shamanism is, for me, only that individual sense: the possibility to explore our inner lives in a very practical way, and even create a strong bond with our deepest layers, without the chain of religious dogmas. We, the masters of our own inner live. It's a path full of beauty, freedom and deep feelings.


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