Cocinando un plato en 20 minutos. 3era parte/@rvag5

in #spanish6 years ago

Hola mis amigos de steemit, siguiendo con ustedes como preparar un plato rapido, en 20 minutos.

Salteado de Calabacin


01 Racion de sofritos de vegetales (Aqui el link de mi receta)

01 Calabacin Mediano

Especias: Tomillo, Jengibre, Comino, Salsa Inglesa y Sal.



pelar el calabacin, sacar las semillas, y picarlo en juliana

3. Precalentar en un sarte con aceite, el sofrito, y ir agregando el calabacin.

4. Agregar las especias, colocar un poco de agua si consideras que esta muy seco el sofrito, Tapar y dejar cocinar de quince a 20 minutos.

5. Listo servir, lo puede acompañar con arroz, hacer un wrap, o comer con pan.


En mi caso le coloque un poco de queso para acompañar, que te parece una receta rapida que sirve para un almuerzo o cena.

Nos vemos en la proxima vuelta.

Soy Raquel del V.


Hi @ravg5, couldn’t understand the method but your dish looks delicious and colourful.😊 keep it up!
PS: will copy this comment to HHG8

Nice to meet you again in HHG..

Any type of new dish especially from a new place must feel good and from the photographs it looks like it can prepared easily...

Ofcourse it feels like a good one and regret to let you know that the language might be not familiar with most of us but Appreciate ur cooking details mentioned.

Hi @rvag5, Greetings from #HHG8! Hope you can edit and add a little translation for us especially on the title... I think this is vegetable salsa but not sure :)) Happy cooking my dear. I know you love cooking... and all healthy dishes. Keep it up!

Nice very delicious food . I like fresh and tasty food . Thanks @rvag5 for sharing with colorful food .
Stay blessed steem on

Hi @rvag5 - Of all the ingredients you have added to you meal, the following makes it a definite winner.

Quick, Easy, Delicious and Healthy.

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