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RE: "El monólogo del Mal" de Augusto Monterroso, concepto de puesta en escena. (Bitácora_MDE # 009)

in #spanish6 years ago

By the way… :) Do you know the "Stop a douchebag" team, in fact there are two teams in Russia, one in Moscow and the other one in St. Petersburg. I knew them on YouTube some months ago, maybe it was for them that I found the Hard Bass. I would like to know if you knew them and what do you think of their work!! In some times I think they go little radical. At least I listen a lot of Russian language there!! :)
I send you more Hugs and good Vibes, my dear Friend!!


Oh! Yes! Of course I know this movement "Stop a douchebag", here in Russia their name sounds like "StopHam" . This is a social movement, which is a Federal project. These guys are fighting against rude people, boors and violators who are drivers of vehicles. They try to resist such violations as improper Parking, stop on the pedestrian sidewalk, rudeness of drivers in relation to pedestrians. Participants of the action look for such violators and address to him with a request to Park the car correctly and according to traffic rules. All these actions they record on video to be seen violation. But of course many drivers are trying to resist their actions and sometimes it comes to a fight. These stickers on the glass of the car they put the most avid violators to surrounding people knew that this person is a violator and rude. This movement has both supporters and opponents. I treat them with great understanding. Because some people allow themselves to do this, but it can be a big problem for other people. For example: the driver parked his car incorrectly in the yard and thus blocked the road for other cars or blocked the passage to the yard. But, at this point, the ambulance can rush to the call to the patient . In this case, doctors will lose time and may not have time to save someone's life.
It is possible that their actions seem a little harsh, but sometimes you really have to deal with very gross violations. Not always police and traffic police are nearby, and these guys are partially doing their job. What about Your country? Do you have such problems with drivers? Are they polite ?
I'm happy to talk to you again if you have time, my friend! I wish You many good days and a pleasant stay :)

I've seen a lot of the chapters in the YouTube channel!! And of course I admire the courage of the guys that really confront hard situations. I've seen some drivers carry them for several meters or even show them weapons and they don't fear of nothing. Here in México City, the capital, there's a similar Project called "Supercívicos", maybe "Supercitizens" is a good translation, but they are people from TV and they don't confront situtions like in StopHam. The most frequent is people parked in doublé line, or in the padestrian cross line. People here are used to be rude but mainly with words, but if you know the right codes you can win any discussion, maybe you know what I mean!! :) Here in Mérida it's a much more relaxed traffic.
I'm happy you know the StopHam movement, I watch them with great emotion because of the discurse of the importance to stop violence as a way for relations, but must of all for the opportunity to know the beautiful cities of Russia, even with the traffic, and crazy drivers that cause problems, like in all over the world!!! :)
I send more Hugs @MadlenFox, and yes, now I'm more relaxed because the semester in my school is finaly over. I'm on vacation now!! :D
I send you hugs and the best vibes. Love and Light!! <3

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