La pesca, me llevo a conseguir los mejores atardeceres..! Fishing, I take to get the best sunsets ..!

in #spanish4 years ago (edited)

Desde unos dos años para acá llegue a esta plataforma gracias a mi esposa @elianisa09,
Realmente ah sido una experiencia única, jamás pensé q publicando mis cualidades,mis virtudes,mis derrotas y mis conocimientos mi dia a dia, podía general algo de dinero..
Poco a poco y con mucha constancia fui conociendo personas maravillosas que me motivaron aun mas a continuar aquí.agradezco inmensamente a dios por haber cruzado a estas personas en mi camino.

muchas gracias por su apoyo amigos!!

Soy amante de la naturaleza..
De un tiempo para acá tuve q buscar a pescar,ya que todo se me fue poniendo apretado para conseguir dinero para comprar comida, decidí comprar anzuelos y naylon..
Dicha pesca no todo el tiempo es buena,como todo hay tiempos buenos y tiempos malos.pero doy gracias a Dios que siempre consigo algo para llevar a casa.
De igualmanera consegui con la pesca visualizar los mejores atardeceres que eh podido ver y compartir con todos aqui,atardecer que me llenan de energía cada vez que voy al mar y veo como el sol se oculta detrás del mar, Como los pájaros vuelan y solo se ve la silueta y el reflejo , el cielo se pinta de colores y nos brinda estos hermosos paisajes...

Since about two years ago I came to this platform thanks to my wife @ elianisa09.
It really has been a unique experience, I never thought that publishing my qualities, my virtues, my defeats and my knowledge day by day, I could generate some money. Little by little and with a lot of constancy I got to know wonderful people who motivated me even more to continue here. I thank God immensely for having crossed these people on my way. # Thank you very much for your support !! I am a nature lover .. From a time here I had to look for fishing, since everything was getting tight to get money to buy food, I decided to buy hooks and naylon .. Such fishing is not all the time good, as there are all good times and bad times. But I thank God that I always get something to take home. In the same way I managed with fishing to visualize the best sunsets that I have been able to see and share with everyone here, dusk that fill me with energy every time I go to the sea and see how the sun hides behind the sea, How the birds fly and only see the silhouette and the reflection, the sky is painted in colors and offers us these beautiful landscapes ...



Imagenes de un atardecer visto al nor este de la isla de margarita, Específicamente desde la playa cabo negro. Que se ubica detrás de los cerro q dividen playa Manzanillo..

Images of a sunset seen north east of the island of Margarita, specifically from the Cabo Negro beach. It is located behind the hills that divide Manzanillo beach.

Todas estas imágenes son tomadas con mi cámara fotográfica canon,son de mi autoría!


Edgar, I'm glad you are able to make $10 per snapshot off your phone, but you have to realize it is charity, and not a result of your skill at photography, writing, or any sort of contribution you are making to the community. @Canadian-coconut has decided to reward your daily posts this way, a sign of the state of curation on this platform, but real photographers and writers like me are unable to make even $1 on posts that take me hours to research, write, photograph, edit, and post.

Edgar, the economy is not frozen. Companies are open. Please purchase the pump with the money I gave you to do so.

Good afternoon @drutter I hope you are well. Regarding your comment, I am already obliged to respond to you with a lot of education and respect as you deserve. I know perfectly well that I am not a professional photographer, the publications I make are all mine and my reality day by day, the fact that the friend @canadian-coconut supports my work, which I know she does to help me, as well as me , supports other brothers, maybe I do it as a charity but I also have very good jobs and believe me I am very grateful to her because with that contribution she helped me a lot to buy food, food for my child, the salary in my country It is 4 $ monthly, I live giving thanks to God and this community that I got wonderful people who have helped me a lot and I without knowing them, I have also had to start fishing to eat fish since a kilo of fish costs $ 1 a Smaller and not of quality, with respect to what it says that my photos generate $ 10, well no, here that is not $ 10, that publication generates my least value, always remembering that one part is for the author and another for the healer .. Regarding the purchase of the pump, you will be able to put it in my purse and you will see that I have the money there, rather the HBD that I generate in hiveblog I buy in hive, because the pump has risen in price, and I must also Buy the current board to avoid burning me again. As you know, I live on an island and the pump is in another state of the country, shipping is expensive since they charge shipping per kilo / weight, so not only It is the bomb, it is the board and the freight to get me here to the island. I am the person most interested in having that pump in my hand and being able to sow and give water to all the houses that are supplied with my pump, thank God the rains have appeared and the state government has sent water a month ago to the neighborhood every 15 days. in what I can solve to buy the pump the community will know and show everything here count on it! Happy afternoon.

Que bellos atardeceres hermano venezuela es hermosa y usted estudie mas fotografia le felicito

Gracias amigo,quizas no soy un fotógrafo profesional,pero todo lo que hago lo hago con mucho amor y trato en lo posible de hacerlo bien...para compartirlo aquí... Saludos

¡Qué hermosa es la cabra!

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