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RE: Steemit Dredge Report SE- How can I spam my own blog?

in #spaminator7 years ago

No, you are not wrong to flag them and I will happy to help you do so. In addition, like @fitinfun said. What we need is a script to follow them around and do the work for you.


Yeah. I need a script that will vote 6.5 days after @mack-bot flags the post. This would fully automate all known accounts that get flagged first by @mack-bot immediately after posting. Then I only have to check and flag newly found accounts.

And I still haven't looked at the report I pulled after we chatted that finds those jibberish accounts. 🤦

There are plenty of guys on utopian who can write something like that in half an hour.

This spam situation is all too weird to me. @public-eye tried to explain it to me. Seems he is also trying to stop it.

Anyway, I am saying hi because your name came up when he was telling me who all I should meet on the platform. Thank you for the support you have given him. I am going to be an encourager for the ladies on here. Not sure exactly, but you can look up "Opti-mrs" for the Optimism club and maybe that will give you a small idea. My aunt was in it, and I thought maybe I could do an online version here!

Okay, have a nice weekend. (I will try to get my intro post done in next few days.)

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